
Book Description

The JMP 12 JSL Syntax Reference focuses on functions and their arguments, and messages that you send to objects and display boxes. Notes and examples are included.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Learn about JMP
    1. Documentation and Additional Resources
    2. Formatting Conventions
    3. JMP Documentation
      1. JMP Documentation Library
      2. Discovering JMP
      3. Using JMP
      4. Basic Analysis
      5. Essential Graphing
      6. Profilers
      7. Design of Experiments Guide
      8. Fitting Linear Models
      9. Specialized Models
      10. Multivariate Methods
      11. Quality and Process Methods
      12. Reliability and Survival Methods
      13. Consumer Research
      14. Scripting Guide
      15. JSL Syntax Reference
      16. JMP Help
    4. Additional Resources for Learning JMP
      1. Tutorials
      2. Sample Data Tables
      3. Learn about Statistical and JSL Terms
      4. Learn JMP Tips and Tricks
      5. Tooltips
      6. JMP User Community
      7. JMPer Cable
      8. JMP Books by Users
      9. The JMP Starter Window
  3. JSL Functions
    1. Summary of Functions, Operators, and Messages
    2. Assignment Functions
    3. Character Functions
    4. Character Pattern Functions
    5. Comment Functions
    6. Comparison Functions
    7. Conditional and Logical Functions
    8. Constant
    9. Date and Time Functions
    10. Discrete Probability Functions
    11. Display
    12. Expression Functions
    13. File Functions
    14. Financial Functions
    15. Graphic Functions
    16. MATLAB Integration Functions
      1. MATLAB JSL Function Interfaces
      2. MATLAB JSL Scriptable Object Interfaces
    17. Matrix Functions
    18. Numeric Functions
    19. Optimization Functions
    20. Probability Functions
    21. Programming Functions
    22. R Integration Functions
    23. Random Functions
    24. Row Functions
    25. Row State Functions
    26. SAS Integration Functions
    27. SQL Functions
    28. Statistical Functions
    29. Transcendental Functions
    30. Trigonometric Functions
    31. Utility Functions
    32. Platform Scripting Notes
      1. Fit Model
      2. Scripting Options for All Platforms
      3. Individual Platform Options
        1. Distribution
        2. Bivariate
        3. Fit Model
        4. Fit Model: Standard Least Squares
        5. Fit Model: MANOVA
        6. Fit Model: Generalized Linear Models
        7. Fit Model: Nominal Logistic
        8. Fit Model: Ordinal Logistic
        9. Neural
        10. Partition
        11. Time Series
        12. Choice
        13. Multivariate
        14. Hierarchical Clustering
        15. KMeans Clustering
        16. Life Distribution
        17. Fit Life by X
        18. Fit Parametric Survival
        19. Control Chart
        20. Variability Chart
        21. Pareto Plot
        22. Partial Least Squares
        23. Profiler
        24. Surface Plot
  4. JSL Messages
    1. Summary of Messages for Objects and Display Boxes
    2. Alpha Shape
    3. Associative Arrays
    4. Data Tables
      1. Columns
      2. Rows
      3. Data Filter
    5. Databases
    6. Datafeed
    7. Display Boxes
      1. All Display Boxes
      2. Axis Boxes
      3. Border Boxes
      4. Data Grid Boxes
      5. Frame Boxes
      6. Matrix Boxes
      7. Nom Axis Boxes
      8. Number Col Boxes
      9. Outline Boxes
      10. Panel Boxes
      11. Plot Col Boxes
      12. Slider Boxes and Range Slider Boxes
      13. String Col Boxes
      14. Tab Boxes
      15. Table Boxes
      16. Text Boxes
      17. Windows
    8. Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)
    9. Images
    10. Platforms
      1. Response Screening
      2. Tabulate
    11. R Integration Messages
    12. SAS Integration Messages
      1. Metadata Server Objects
      2. SAS Server Objects
      3. Stored Processes
      4. SAS Results
    13. Schedule
    14. Sockets
    15. SQL
    16. Tree Node and Tree Box
    17. Triangulation
    18. Other Objects
      1. Zip Archives
      2. Journals
  5. Index
    1. JSL Syntax Reference
    2. Symbols
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. D
    7. E
    8. F
    9. G
    10. H
    11. I
    12. J
    13. K
    14. L
    15. M
    16. N
    17. O
    18. P
    19. Q
    20. R
    21. S
    22. T
    23. U
    24. V
    25. W
    26. X
    27. Y
    28. Z