
Book Description

JMX begins by presenting the JMX specification and its architecture. The book quickly moves through the specification, offering examples of JMX integration with J2EE applications. The final section of the book presents JMX management and administration practices for a variety of J2EE platforms and scenarios.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. About the Authors
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Tell Us What You Think!
  5. Introduction
    1. What is JMX?
    2. Why JMX for J2EE?
    3. Part I: Java Management Extensions Specification
    4. Part II: JMX in the J2EE Platform
  6. I. Java Management Extensions Specification
    1. 1. Getting Started
      1. MBean Component Types
      2. Writing Your First MBean
        1. Management Interface Declaration
        2. Implementing the MBean
      3. Deploying the HelloMBean
        1. Deployment with Sun JMX Reference Implementation
        2. Deployment with Tivoli JMX Implementation
      4. Summary
    2. 2. Architecture
      1. History
      2. Overview
      3. Instrumentation Level
      4. Agent Level
      5. Invocation Mechanism
      6. Distributed Services Level
      7. Summary
    3. 3. Standard MBeans
      1. MBean Definition
      2. Implementing Standard MBeans
        1. Standard MBean Attributes
        2. Management Operations
        3. Exceptions in the Management Interface
        4. Standard MBean Example
          1. User Client
      3. Inheritance Patterns
      4. MBean Notification Mechanism
        1. Notification
        2. NotificationBroadcaster and NotificationFilter
          1. Broadcaster MBean Example
        3. NotificationListener
          1. Notification Listener Example
        4. Attribute Change Notifications
          1. Attribute Change Notification Example
      5. Summary
    4. 4. Dynamic MBeans
      1. DynamicMBean Interface
        1. GetAttribute and GetAttributes
        2. SetAttribute and SetAttributes
      2. MBean Metadata Classes
        1. MBeanInfo
        2. MBeanFeatureInfo
        3. MBeanAttributeInfo
        4. MBeanParameterInfo
        5. MBeanOperationInfo
        6. MBeanConstructorInfo
        7. MBeanNotificationInfo
        8. Attribute and AttributeList
      3. Inheritance Patterns
      4. DynamicUser Example
      5. Hot Deploying Resources
      6. Summary
    5. 5. Model MBeans
      1. ModelMBean Interface
      2. Descriptors
        1. Notification Logging Policy
        2. Persistence Policy
        3. Value Caching Policy
        4. Export Policy
      3. Model MBean Metadata
        1. ModelMBeanInfo
          1. getMBeanDescriptor and setMBeanDescriptor
          2. Predefined MBean Descriptor Fields
        2. ModelMBeanAttributeInfo
          1. Predefined Management Attribute Descriptor Fields
        3. ModelMBeanOperationInfo
          1. Predefined Management Operation Descriptor Fields
        4. ModelMBeanNotificationInfo
        5. ModelMBeanConstructorInfo
      4. Attribute Caching
      5. Model MBean Example
      6. Summary
    6. 6. MBean Server
      1. Invocation Mechanism
      2. ObjectName class
      3. MBeanServerFactory Class
      4. MBeanServer Interface
        1. invoke()
        2. createMBean
        3. addNotificationListener and removeNotificationListener
        4. getAttribute and setAttribute
        5. registerMBean and unregisterMBean
        6. queryMBeans and queryNames
        7. Other MBeanServer Methods
      5. MBeanRegistration Interface
        1. preRegister and postRegister
        2. preDeregister and postDeregister
      6. MBeanServerDelegate
      7. Queries
        1. Scope of Queries
        2. Building Queries
      8. Summary
    7. 7. Standard Agent Services
      1. M-Let Service
        1. MLetMBean
        2. MLET Tag
        3. Hot Deployment Revisited
      2. Timer Service
        1. Timer MBean
      3. Monitoring Service
        1. Monitor
        2. MonitorNotification
        3. Counter Monitor
        4. Gauge Monitor
          1. Gauge Monitor Example
        5. StringMonitor
      4. Relation Service
        1. Relation Service Metadata
          1. RoleInfo
          2. RelationType
        2. Relation Service MBean
        3. RelationNotification
        4. Role and RoleList
        5. Relation Example
      5. Summary
  7. II. JMX in the J2EE Platform
    1. 8. XMBean: Model MBean Implementation
      1. ModelMBean Interface Implementation
      2. MBeanRegistration Interface
      3. DynamicMBean Interface
        1. invoke
        2. getAttribute and getAttributes
        3. setAttribute and setAttributes
      4. Persistence
      5. ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster Implementation
      6. Metadata Generation
        1. XML Document Instances and DTD
        2. Parsing the XML Document
      7. Summary
    2. 9. Connectors and Protocol Adaptors
      1. RMI Connector
        1. RMI Connector Client
          1. RMIInvocationHandler
          2. ConnectorFactory
        2. RMI Connector Server
          1. RMI Connector MBean
        3. MethodInvocation
        4. Connector Example
      2. SNMP Adaptor
        1. A Comparison Between SNMP and JMX
        2. Overview of Sun and AdventNet Adaptors
        3. Creating an SNMP Adaptor
          1. MIB Example
          2. SNMP Class Generation
          3. Completing the Example
          4. Testing the Example
      3. Summary
    3. 10. JMX Distribution Layer with J2EE Services
      1. Location Transparency
        1. MBean Handle
        2. Export Manager
      2. SOAP Connector
        1. SOAP Example
      3. Asynchronous JMS Connector
        1. Design of the JMS Connector
        2. Asynchronous MBean Server Interface
        3. Callback Interface
        4. ConnectorFactory
        5. JMSConnector
        6. JMS Connector Example
      4. Summary
    4. 11. JMX for the Administrator
      1. Management of Server Farms
        1. Federation of Servers
        2. Logical Views
      2. JSR-77—J2EE Management
        1. Management Model
        2. Event Model
        3. State Management Model
        4. Performance Monitoring Model
        5. Management EJB Component (MEJB)
        6. J2EE Management SNMP
      3. Summary
    5. 12. JMX Use Case: The JBoss Server
      1. Microkernel Architecture
        1. Adapt to Changing System Requirements
        2. Minimal Core
        3. Extended Functionality and Customer-Specific Parts
        4. Collaboration Between Components
      2. The Server Spine
      3. Configuration Service
      4. Remote Management
      5. Extending the JBoss Server
      6. Integration and Development Process
      7. Summary
  8. III. Appendixes
    1. A. Environment Setup
      1. Java SDK Installation
      2. Sun JMX Reference Implementation Installation
      3. IBM Tivoli JMX Implementation
      4. Example Source Code
      5. JBoss Setup
      6. SOAP Configuration
      7. JDOM Configuration
      8. SNMP Configuration
    2. B. Open MBeans
      1. Overview of Open MBeans
      2. Predefined Data Types
      3. Summary
    3. C. References and Resources
    4. D. JBossMX
      1. Project Goals
        1. Agent Level
        2. Instrumentation Level
        3. Distributed Services Level
      2. Summary