
Book Description

ECMAScript 6 includes an extensive list of new features, so many that it may feel overwhelming. In this concise book, author Aaron Frost offers you a look at the latest JS specification and explains why your organization cannot afford to ignore it.

Speaking primarily to development managers, Frost describes several ES6 features and suggests some best practices to make your organization’s transition to ES6 easier. Specifically, this book explains:

  • New features, such as arrow functions, default values, modules, rest parameters, sets, maps, and many others
  • The rapid evolution of ECMAScript in the past decade and how ES6 came to be
  • Several reasons why you need to consider integrating ES6 into your present and future projects sooner rather later
  • How potential features for ES7, such as multi-threading and Traits, have already begun to appear

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. 1. You Can’t Afford to Avoid ES6
    1. Innovation Debt
    2. Direction of the Industry
      1. Microsoft
      2. Google
      3. Kogan.com
      4. Conclusion
    3. Recruit and Retain Top Talent
    4. Efficiency
    5. The World Is Changing
  3. 2. ES6 Goals
    1. History in the Making
    2. The Meeting
    3. Harmony
      1. Complex Applications
      2. Libraries
      3. Adopt De Facto Standards
      4. ES6: Subsetting Harmony
  4. 3. Features Explained
    1. Arrow Functions
    2. Let, Const, and Block Functions
    3. Destructuring
    4. Default Values
    5. Modules
    6. Classes
    7. Rest Parameters
    8. Spreading
    9. Proper Tail Calls
    10. Sets
    11. Maps
    12. Weak Maps
    13. Generators
    14. Iterators
    15. Direct Proxies (and Supporting Features)
    16. String Literals
    17. Binary Data
    18. API Improvements
    19. Unicode
  5. 4. Where to Start
    1. Incidental Functionality First
    2. Graceful Degradation
    3. Train Your Teams
    4. Using a Transpiler
    5. Microsoft’s Enterprise Mode
    6. Summary
  6. 5. Watching for ES7
    1. Object.observe
    2. Multithreading
    3. Traits
    4. Additional Potential Proposals