
Book Description

Quickly gain the insight necessary to address a multitude of Java coding challenges using this succinct reference guide. Short, focused code examples will help you master Java elements such as modules, boxing/unboxing and more.

You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a language reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any Java programmer.

What You Will Learn

  • Code with Java modules
  • Box/unbox 
  • Utilize exception handling
Who This Book Is For

Those with prior experience with Java who want a quick and handy reference. 

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Front Matter
  3. 1. Hello World
  4. 2. Compile and Run
  5. 3. Variables
  6. 4. Operators
  7. 5. String
  8. 6. Arrays
  9. 7. Conditionals
  10. 8. Loops
  11. 9. Methods
  12. 10. Class
  13. 11. Static
  14. 12. Inheritance
  15. 13. Overriding
  16. 14. Packages and Import
  17. 15. Access Levels
  18. 16. Constants
  19. 17. Interface
  20. 18. Abstract
  21. 19. Enum
  22. 20. Exception Handling
  23. 21. Boxing and Unboxing
  24. 22. Generics
  25. 23. Lambda Expressions
  26. Back Matter