
Book Description

HTML and CSS can be a little daunting at first but fear not. This book, based on Shay Howe's popular workshop covers the basics and breaks down the barrier to entry, showing readers how they can start using HTML and CSS through practical techniques today. They'll find accompanying code examples online, while they explore topics such as the different structures of HTML and CSS, and common terms. After establishing a basic understanding of HTML and CSS a deeper dive is taken into the box model and how to work with floats. The book includes an exercise focused on cleaning up a web page by improving the user interface and design, solely using HTML and CSS. With a few quick changes the web page changes shape and comes to life. Interactive, technically up-to-the-minute and easy-to-understand, this book will advance a student's skills to a professional level.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication Page
  4. About the Author
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Contents
  7. Introduction
  8. Lesson 1. Building Your First Web Page
    1. What Are HTML & CSS?
    2. Understanding Common HTML Terms
    3. Setting Up the HTML Document Structure
    4. In Practice
    5. Understanding Common CSS Terms
    6. Working with Selectors
    7. Referencing CSS
    8. Using CSS Resets
    9. In Practice
    10. Summary
  9. Lesson 2. Getting to Know HTML
    1. Semantics Overview
    2. Identifying Divisions & Spans
    3. Using Text-Based Elements
    4. Building Structure
    5. In Practice
    6. Creating Hyperlinks
    7. In Practice
    8. Summary
  10. Lesson 3. Getting to Know CSS
    1. The Cascade
    2. Calculating Specificity
    3. Combining Selectors
    4. Layering Styles with Multiple Classes
    5. Common CSS Property Values
    6. Summary
  11. Lesson 4. Opening the Box Model
    1. How Are Elements Displayed?
    2. What Is the Box Model?
    3. Working with the Box Model
    4. Developer Tools
    5. In Practice
    6. Summary
  12. Lesson 5. Positioning Content
    1. Positioning with Floats
    2. In Practice
    3. Positioning with Inline-Block
    4. Creating Reusable Layouts
    5. In Practice
    6. Uniquely Positioning Elements
    7. Summary
  13. Lesson 6. Working with Typography
    1. Adding Color to Text
    2. Changing Font Properties
    3. In Practice
    4. Applying Text Properties
    5. In Practice
    6. Using Web-Safe Fonts
    7. Embedding Web Fonts
    8. In Practice
    9. Including Citations & Quotes
    10. Summary
  14. Lesson 7. Setting Backgrounds & Gradients
    1. Adding a Background Color
    2. Adding a Background Image
    3. In Practice
    4. Designing Gradient Backgrounds
    5. In Practice
    6. Using Multiple Background Images
    7. Exploring New Background Properties
    8. Summary
  15. Lesson 8. Creating Lists
    1. Unordered Lists
    2. Ordered Lists
    3. Description Lists
    4. Nesting Lists
    5. List Item Styling
    6. Horizontally Displaying List
    7. In Practice
    8. Summary
  16. Lesson 9. Adding Media
    1. Adding Images
    2. In Practice
    3. Adding Audio
    4. Adding Video
    5. Adding Inline Frames
    6. In Practice
    7. Semantically Identifying Figures & Captions
    8. Summary
  17. Lesson 10. Building Forms
    1. Initializing a Form
    2. Text Fields & Textareas
    3. Multiple Choice Inputs & Menus
    4. Form Buttons
    5. Other Inputs
    6. Organizing Form Elements
    7. Form & Input Attributes
    8. Login Form Example
    9. In Practice
    10. Summary
  18. Lesson 11. Organizing Data with Tables
    1. Creating a Table
    2. Table Structure
    3. Table Borders
    4. Table Striping
    5. Aligning Text
    6. Completely Styled Table
    7. In Practice
    8. Summary
  19. Lesson 12. Writing Your Best Code
    1. HTML Coding Practices
    2. CSS Coding Practices
    3. Summary
  20. Index