
Book Description

This book introduces Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes. It explains how Helm fits in with the rest of the Kubernetes ecosystem, and details how the Helm client can be used to add, manage, and monitor applications running inside of Kubernetes. There are thousands of Helm charts (packages) available today, but chart development is easy. This guide walks through the process of creating charts to package simple applications, and then works through more advanced use cases. Written by creators of Helm, not only does this prove a valuable reference, but also a glimpse into the design and best practices of the most beloved package management system for Kubernetes.

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Introducing Helm
    1. The Cloud Native Ecosystem
      1. What Is Cloud Native Computing?
      2. Containers and Microservices
      3. Schedules and Kubernetes
    2. The Problems Helm Solves
      1. From Zero to Kubernetes
      2. Package Management
      3. Security, Configurability, and Reusability
      4. Reusability
      5. Configurability
    3. Helm’s Architecture
      1. Kubernetes Resources
      2. Charts
      3. Resources, Installations, and Releases
      4. A Brief Note about Helm 2
      5. Conclusion
  2. 2. Using Helm
    1. Installing and Configuring the Helm Client
      1. Installing a Pre-built Binary
      2. Guidance on Building from Source
      3. Moving Along
    2. Adding a chart repository
    3. Searching a chart repository
    4. Installing a package
      1. Configuration at Installation Time
    5. Listing your installations
    6. Upgrading an Installation
      1. Configuration Values and Upgrades
    7. Uninstalling an installation
      1. How Helm Stores Release Information
    8. Conclusion