
This sixth edition of the number one bestselling employee retention book in the world (over 800,000 copies sold) puts a new emphasis on diversity and inclusion but keeps the same appealing format: twenty-six simple strategies from A to Z.

Despite booms and busts, technology advances, talent wars, layoffs, and even a global pandemic, people want what they've always wanted. Employees want—and now expect—meaningful work, supportive bosses, regular recognition, and a chance to learn and grow. And managers want their amazing people to stay—for at least a little while longer. For two decades, this Wall Street Journal bestseller—over 800,000 sold—has offered twenty-six simple strategies, from A to Z, that managers can use to address their employees' real concerns and keep them engaged.

The authors have gone over every word of the previous edition, revising, updating, and streamlining. This edition includes a timely focus on diversity and inclusion in every chapter. For example, chapter 6 focuses on family. Different cultures view family responsibilities differently, so the authors address how to take that into consideration when a treasured employee asks for extended leave to care for a grandparent. And a new section called “Conversations That Count” offers discussion questions for sparking deeper conversation around the topics in the book.

This new edition will ensure that Love 'Em or Lose 'Em will continue to help managers all over the world create a supportive workplace culture so they can fight burnout and keep the people they can least afford to lose.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction: A Proven Approach to Managing and Leading
  7. Get What You Need from This Book
  8. 1. Ask * Why Do You Stay
  9. 2. Buck * It Stops Here
  10. 3. Careers * Support Growth
  11. 4. Dignity * Show Respect
  12. 5. Enrich * Energize The Job
  13. 6. Family * Get Friendly
  14. 7. Goals * Expand Options
  15. 8. Hire * Fit Is It
  16. 9. Information * Share It
  17. 10. Jerk * Don’t Be One
  18. 11. Kicks * Get Some
  19. 12. Link * Create Connections
  20. 13. Mentor * Be One
  21. 14. Numbers * Run Them
  22. 15. Opportunities * Mine Them
  23. 16. Passion * Encourage It
  24. 17. Question * Reconsider The Rules
  25. 18. Reward * Provide Recognition
  26. 19. Space * Give It
  27. 20. Truth * Tell It
  28. 21. Understand * Listen Deeper
  29. 22. Values * Define and Mine
  30. 23. Wellness * Sustain It
  31. 24. X-plore Generations * Beware and Be Aware
  32. 25. Yield * Power Down
  33. 26. Zenith * Go For It
  34. Conversations That Count
  35. Notes
  36. Acknowledgments
  37. Index
  38. About the Authors
  39. Beyond the Book