
Becoming a good project manager is often largely about self-development. This ebook gives a huge range of ideas and tips on issues such as time management, career progression, managing a personal brand, and navigating office politics. This is one section of the book "Shortcuts to Success".

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Contents
  4. List of Figure and Tables
  5. Author
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. Foreword
  8. Glossary
  9. Preface
  10. 1. Get organised
  11. 2. Don’t do zombie project management
  12. 3. Keep your records tidy
  13. 4. Manage your personal brand
  14. 5. Navigate office politics
  15. 6. Know what’s a showstopper
  16. 7. Learn how to facilitate
  17. 8. Get a mentor
  18. 9. Do documentation
  19. 10. Don’t be afraid to suggest they pull the plug
  20. 11. Archive effectively
  21. Further reading for this section
  22. Join the conversation
  23. Share these ideas
  24. Appendix 1: Risk log
  25. Appendix 2: Issue log
  26. Appendix 3: Change log