
Book Description

For more than half a century, Peter F. Drucker's landmark essays have inspired and educated managers—and influenced the nature of business. Now, the learning continues with the Harvard Business Press release of the new Drucker Library Series.

In Managing in a Time of Great Change, the first book in the series, Drucker offers advice to executives for thriving in the global business environment of the future, covering such topics as team building, cutting costs in retail, changes in the U.S. economy, and doing business in Japan.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Table of Contents
  7. PART I - Management
    1. CHAPTER ONE - The Theory of the Business
    2. CHAPTER TWO - Planning for Uncertainty
    3. CHAPTER THREE - The Five Deadly Business Sins
    4. CHAPTER FOUR - Managing the Family Business
    5. CHAPTER FIVE - Six Rules for Presidents
    6. CHAPTER SIX - Managing in the Network Society
  8. PART II - The Information-Based Organization
    1. CHAPTER SEVEN - The New Society of Organizations
    2. CHAPTER EIGHT - There Are Three Kinds of Teams
    3. CHAPTER NINE - The Information Revolution in Retail
    4. CHAPTER TEN - Be Data Literate; Know What to Know
    5. CHAPTER ELEVEN - We Need to Measure, Not Count
    6. CHAPTER TWELVE - The Information Executives Need Today
      1. From Cost Accounting to Yield Control
      2. From Legal Fiction to Economic Reality
      3. Information for Wealth Creation
      4. Where the Results Are
  9. PART III - The Economy
    1. CHAPTER THIRTEEN - Trade Lessons from the World Economy
      1. I
      2. II
      3. III
      4. IV
      5. Conclusion
    2. CHAPTER FOURTEEN - The U.S. Economy’s Power Shift
    3. CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Where the New Markets Are
    4. CHAPTER SIXTEEN - The Pacific Rim and the World Economy
    5. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - China’s Growth Markets
    6. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - The End of Japan, Inc.?
    7. CHAPTER NINETEEN - A Weak Dollar Strengthens Japan
    8. CHAPTER TWENTY - The New Superpower: The Overseas Chinese
  10. PART IV - The Society
    1. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE - A Century of Social Transformation
      1. Introduction
      2. I. The Social Structure and Its Transformations
      3. II. The Emerging Knowledge Society
      4. III. Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Polity
      5. Conclusion: The Priority Tasks—The Need for Social and Political Innovations
    2. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - It Profits Us to Strengthen Nonprofits
    3. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE - Knowledge Work and Gender Roles
    4. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR - Reinventing Government
      1. Restructuring
      2. Rethinking
      3. Abandoning
      4. An Exception for Crusades
      5. Government That’s Effective
      6. Postscript, May 1995
    5. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE - Can the Democracies Win the Peace?
      1. The Bankruptcy of the Keynesian Welfare State
      2. The Return of the Panic
      3. The Entitlement Crisis
      4. Turning Poverty into Degradation
      5. The Failure of Foreign Aid
      6. What Welfare Has to Be
      7. The Free Market’s Power and Its Limitations
      8. Can Civil Society Be Exported?
  12. INDEX