
Book Description

Maya 8 Character Modeling takes a unique approach to modeling as it breaks down character creation using an easy-to-follow formula that makes the learning process less daunting. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.

Table of Contents

  1. Book Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Introduction
  4. Chapter 1 — What Am I Getting Myself Into?
    1. Who Is This Book For?
    2. Looking Forward
    3. The Art of Programming
    4. To Draw or Not to Draw, That Is the Question…
    5. Research and Reference
  5. Chapter 2 — Words of Wisdom
    1. The Secret Formula
    2. Save, Save, Save, Save, Save!
    3. Keep It Clean
    4. Working with Quads
    5. Edge Loops
    6. Modeling Reference Guides
    7. Before We Get Started…
    8. Important Note about This Book
  6. Chapter 3 — A Modeling Primer
    1. Subdivisions
    2. That Quad Thing Again…
    3. Extruding Pitfalls
    4. Can’t Get a Hard Edge!
    5. Normals
    6. UV Layout (1/2)
    7. UV Layout (2/2)
    8. The Sculpt Geometry Tool
    9. Object and World Coordinates
    10. Go Tools
    11. Wrap-Up
  7. Chapter 4 — Beginning the Modeling Process
    1. Reference
    2. Blocking out the Body (1/6)
    3. Blocking out the Body (2/6)
    4. Blocking out the Body (3/6)
    5. Blocking out the Body (4/6)
    6. Blocking out the Body (5/6)
    7. Blocking out the Body (6/6)
    8. Important Note
    9. Wrap-Up
  8. Chapter 5 — Building the Head
    1. Applying What We’ve Learned
    2. Heads Up (1/6)
    3. Heads Up (2/6)
    4. Heads Up (3/6)
    5. Heads Up (4/6)
    6. Heads Up (5/6)
    7. Heads Up (6/6)
    8. Shaping the Nose (1/2)
    9. Shaping the Nose (2/2)
    10. The Mouth (1/2)
    11. The Mouth (2/2)
    12. The Eye Socket (1/3)
    13. The Eye Socket (2/3)
    14. The Eye Socket (3/3)
    15. Wrap-Up
  9. Chapter 6 — Creating the Ear
    1. Getting to Know the Ear
    2. Let’s Start Building (1/4)
    3. Let’s Start Building (2/4)
    4. Let’s Start Building (3/4)
    5. Let’s Start Building (4/4)
    6. Wrap-Up
  10. Chapter 7 — What Beautiful Eyes You Have
    1. The Details
    2. Wrap-Up
  11. Chapter 8 — Open Wide
    1. Getting Your Chops
    2. The Teeth
    3. The Gums (1/2)
    4. The Gums (2/2)
    5. The Tongue
    6. Placing the Teeth and Tongue
    7. Wrap-Up
  12. Chapter 9 — Fleshing Out the Body
    1. Crafting the Figure
    2. The Arm (1/2)
    3. The Arm (2/2)
    4. The Back
    5. The Butt
    6. The Hips and Abdomen
    7. The Legs
    8. The Breasts (1/3)
    9. The Breasts (2/3)
    10. The Breasts (3/3)
    11. The Clavicles and Neck (1/2)
    12. The Clavicles and Neck (2/2)
    13. The Touch-Up
    14. Wrap-Up
  13. Chapter 10 — Hands and Feet
    1. The Hand
      1. Hand Details (1/4)
      2. Hand Details (2/4)
      3. Hand Details (3/4)
      4. Hand Details (4/4)
    2. The Foot (1/4)
    3. The Foot (2/4)
    4. The Foot (3/4)
    5. The Foot (4/4)
      1. Foot Details (1/2)
      2. Foot Details (2/2)
    6. Wrap-Up
  14. Chapter 11 — Fine-Tuning the Model
    1. That Perspective Thing
    2. Combine
    3. Finishing Touches
    4. Wrap-Up
  15. Chapter 12 — UVs and Textures
    1. A Bit about Advanced Shaders
    2. Our Approach to UVs
    3. Preparing the Model (1/3)
    4. Preparing the Model (2/3)
    5. Preparing the Model (3/3)
    6. Assigning UV Coordinates to the Head (1/5)
    7. Assigning UV Coordinates to the Head (2/5)
    8. Assigning UV Coordinates to the Head (3/5)
    9. Assigning UV Coordinates to the Head (4/5)
    10. Assigning UV Coordinates to the Head (5/5)
    11. Texturing the Head (1/4)
    12. Texturing the Head (2/4)
    13. Texturing the Head (3/4)
    14. Texturing the Head (4/4)
    15. Finishing Touches
    16. Wrap-Up
  16. Chapter 13 — Character Rigging
    1. Understanding Joints
    2. Placing the Torso and Head Joints
    3. Placing the Leg and Foot Joints
    4. Placing the Arm and Hand Joints (1/3)
    5. Placing the Arm and Hand Joints (2/3)
    6. Placing the Arm and Hand Joints (3/3)
    7. Creating Controls for the Pelvis and Torso (1/2)
    8. Creating Controls for the Pelvis and Torso (2/2)
    9. Creating Head Controls
    10. Creating Arm and Hand Controls (1/4)
    11. Creating Arm and Hand Controls (2/4)
    12. Creating Arm and Hand Controls (3/4)
    13. Creating Arm and Hand Controls (4/4)
    14. Creating Leg and Foot Controls (1/2)
    15. Creating Leg and Foot Controls (2/2)
    16. Wrap-Up
  17. Chapter 14 — The Weighting Is the Hardest Part
    1. The Process of Weighting Our Character
    2. Normalized Weighting
    3. Skinning Basics
    4. Painting the Weights (1/5)
    5. Painting the Weights (2/5)
    6. Painting the Weights (3/5)
    7. Painting the Weights (4/5)
    8. Painting the Weights (5/5)
    9. A Bit about Blend Shapes
    10. Wrap-Up
  18. Final Thoughts
  19. Index (1/2)
  20. Index (2/2)
  21. About the CD