
Book Description

The ability to mix minute quantities of fluids is critical in a range of recent and emerging techniques in engineering, chemistry and life sciences, with applications as diverse as inkjet printing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, specialty and hazardous chemical manufacturing, DNA analysis and disease diagnosis.

The multidisciplinary nature of this field – intersecting engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, microtechnology and biotechnology – means that the community of engineers and scientists now engaged in developing microfluidic devices has entered the field from a variety of different backgrounds.

Micromixers is uniquely comprehensive, in that it deals not only with the problems that are directly related to fluidics as a discipline (aspects such as mass transport, molecular diffusion, electrokinetic phenomena, flow instabilities, etc.) but also with the practical issues of fabricating micomixers and building them into microsystems and lab-on-chip assemblies.With practical applications to the design of systems vital in modern communications, medicine and industry this book has already established itself as a key reference in an emerging and important field.

The 2e includes coverage of a broader range of fabrication techniques, additional examples of fully realized devices for each type of micromixer and a substantially extended section on industrial applications, including recent and emerging applications.

  • Introduces the design and applications of micromixers for a broad audience across chemical engineering, electronics and the life sciences, and applications as diverse as lab-on-a-chip, ink jet printing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and DNA analysis
  •  Helps engineers and scientists to unlock the potential of micromixers by explaining both the scientific (microfluidics) aspects and the engineering involved in building and using successful microscale systems and devices with micromixers
  • The author's applied approach combines experience-based discussion of the challenges and pitfalls of using micromixers, with proposals for how to overcome them

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Micro & Nano Technologies Series
  4. Front Matter
  5. Copyright
  6. Preface for the second edition
  7. Symbols
  8. Chapter 1. Introduction
  9. 1.1. Micromixers and Mixing in Microscale
  10. 1.2. Micromixers as Microreactors
  11. 1.3. Organization of the Book
  12. Chapter 2. Fundamentals of mass transport in the microscale
  13. 2.1. Transport Phenomena
  14. 2.2. Molecular Diffusion
  15. 2.3. Taylor Dispersion
  16. 2.4. Chaotic Advection
  17. 2.5. Viscoelastic effects
  18. 2.6. Electrokinetic Effects
  19. 2.7. Magnetic and Electromagnetic Effects
  20. 2.8. Scaling Law and Fluid Flow in Microscale
  21. Chapter 3. Computational transport processes for micromixers
  22. 3.1. Introduction
  23. 3.2. Problem Description
  24. 3.3. Mathematical Formulation
  25. 3.4. Solution Procedure
  26. 3.5. Verifications and Validations
  27. 3.6. Examples
  28. 3.7. Concluding Remarks
  29. Chapter 4. Fabrication technologies
  30. 4.1. Silicon-Based Microtechnologies
  31. 4.2. Polymeric Microtechnologies
  32. 4.3. Metallic Microtechnologies
  33. 4.4. Packaging
  34. 4.5. Conclusions
  35. Chapter 5. Micromixers based on molecular diffusion
  36. 5.1. Parallel Lamination
  37. 5.2. Sequential Lamination
  38. 5.3. Sequential Segmentation
  39. 5.4. Segmentation Based on Injection
  40. 5.5. Focusing of Mixing Streams
  41. 5.6. Gradient Generator Based on Diffusive Mixing
  42. Chapter 6. Micromixers based on chaotic advection
  43. 6.1. Chaotic Advection at High Reynolds Numbers
  44. 6.2. Chaotic Advection at Intermediate Reynolds Numbers
  45. 6.3. Chaotic Advection at Low Reynolds Numbers
  46. 6.4. Chaotic Advection in Multiphase Flow
  47. Chapter 7. Active micromixers
  48. 7.1. Flow Instability in Microchannels
  49. 7.2. Pressure-driven Disturbance
  50. 7.3. Electrohydrodynamic Disturbance
  51. 7.4. Dielectrophoretic Disturbance
  52. 7.5. Electrokinetic Disturbance
  53. 7.6. Magnetohydrodynamic Disturbance
  54. 7.7. Acoustic Disturbance
  55. 7.8. Thermal Disturbance
  56. Chapter 8. Characterization techniques
  57. 8.1. Imaging Techniques
  58. 8.2. Measurement Using Optical Microscopy
  59. 8.3. Quantification Methods for Micromixers
  60. Chapter 9. Application of micromixers
  61. 9.1. Chemical Industry
  62. 9.2. Applications in Chemical and Biochemical Analysis
  63. 9.3. Outlook
  64. Index