
Discover and apply the Azure platforms most powerful data solutions Cloud technologies are advancing at an accelerating pace, supplanting traditional relational and data warehouse storage solutions with novel, high-value alternatives. Now, three pioneering Azure Data consultants offer an expert introduction to the relational, non-relational, and data warehouse solutions offered by the Azure platform. Drawing on their extensive experience helping organizations get more value from the Microsoft Data Platform, the authors guide you through decision-making, implementation, operations, security, and more. Throughout, step-by-step tutorials and hands-on exercises prepare you to succeed, even if you have no cloud data experience.

Three leading experts in Microsoft Azure Data Solutions show how to:

  • Master essential concepts of data storage and processing in cloud environments

  • Handle the changing responsibilities of data engineers moving to the cloud

  • Get started with Azure data storage accounts and other data facilities

  • Walk through implementing relational and non-relational data stores in Azure

  • Secure data using the least-permissions principle, Azure Active Directory, role-based access control, and other methods

  • Develop efficient Azure batch processing and streaming solutions

  • Monitor Azure SQL databases, blob storage, data lakes, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Cosmos DB

  • Optimize Azure data solutions by solving problems with storage, management, and service interactions

About This Book

  • For data engineers, systems engineers, IT managers, developers, database administrators, cloud architects, and other IT professionals

  • Requires little or no knowledge about Azure tools and services for data analysis

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. About the Authors
  7. Introduction
    1. Who is this book for?
    2. How is this book organized?
    3. System requirements
    4. About the companion content
    5. Errata, updates, and book support
    6. Stay in touch
  8. Chapter 1. Understand Azure data solutions
    1. Data-storage concepts
    2. Data-processing concepts
    3. Use cases
    4. Summary
    5. Summary exercise
    6. Summary exercise answers
  9. Chapter 2. Implement data-storage solutions
    1. Implement non-relational data stores
    2. Implement relational data stores
    3. Manage data security
    4. Summary
    5. Summary exercise
    6. Summary exercise answers
  10. Chapter 3. Manage and develop data processing for Azure Data Solutions
    1. Batch data processing
    2. Streaming data
    3. Summary
    4. Summary exercise
    5. Summary exercise answers
  11. Chapter 4. Monitor and optimize data solutions
    1. Monitor data storage
    2. Monitor data processing
    3. Optimize Azure data solutions
    4. Summary
    5. Summary exercise
    6. Summary exercise answers
    7. Index
  12. Code Snippets