
Book Description

Get the hands-on guidance you need to understand the proven practices and foundational principles of working with the Microsoft Solutions Framework, Version 4. Written by an expert, this essential reference offers practical examples and case studies.

Table of Contents

  1. Microsoft® Solutions Framework Essentials: Building Successful Technology Solutions
    1. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
    2. Acknowledgments
    3. Introduction
      1. Who Should Read This Book
      2. How to Apply the Information in This Book
      3. What Essentials Have Changed with MSF v4?
        1. Changed
          1. Foundational Principles
          2. Key Concepts
          3. Team Model
          4. Process Model
          5. Miscellaneous Changes
        2. New
          1. Scheduling Process
          2. Risk Mitigation Trigger
          3. Empowerment Readiness
          4. Requirement Prioritization
          5. Governance Track
        3. Significant Clarifications and/or Enhancements
      4. Help Evolve MSF
      5. Training
      6. Support for This Book
        1. Questions and Comments
    4. I. Solution Delivery Fundamentals
      1. 1. What Is MSF and Is It Right for You?
        1. The History and Origins of Microsoft Solutions Framework
        2. Why a "Framework"?
        3. How Is MSF Different?
        4. Key Elements of MSF v4.0
        5. Summary
      2. 2. Understanding Solution Delivery Environments
        1. Assessing Environmental Challenges
          1. Business Environment
          2. Corporate Culture
            1. Frozen in the Past
            2. The Abyss
            3. Potential
            4. Leader
          3. Internal Governance: Process and Procedure Challenges
          4. People Challenges
            1. Skills
            2. Team Chemistry
            3. Organizational Structure
          5. Technology Challenges
        2. Optimizing Constraints
          1. Costs
          2. Process
          3. Tools
          4. Schedule
          5. Quality
          6. Scope
          7. Legacy Solutions
          8. Risk
          9. Technology
        3. Overcoming Environmental Challenges
        4. Identifying Opportunities Within a Challenging Business Environment
        5. Summary
      3. 3. Foundational Principles, Mindsets, and Proven Practices
        1. Foundational Principles
          1. Foster Open Communications
            1. Open Communications in MSF
          2. Work Toward a Shared Vision
            1. Shared Vision in MSF
          3. Empower Team Members
            1. Empowering Team Members in MSF
          4. Establish Clear Accountability and Shared Responsibility
            1. Accountability and Responsibility in MSF
          5. Deliver Incremental Value
            1. Delivering Incremental Value in MSF
          6. Stay Agile, Expect and Adapt to Change
            1. Agility in MSF
          7. Invest in Quality
            1. Investing in Quality in MSF
          8. Learn from All Experiences
            1. Learning from All Experiences in MSF
          9. Partner with Customers
            1. Partnering with Customers in MSF
        2. Mindsets
          1. Foster a Team of Peers
          2. Focus on Business Value
          3. Keep a Solution Perspective
          4. Take Pride in Workmanship
          5. Learn Continuously
          6. Internalize Qualities of Service
          7. Practice Good Citizenship
          8. Deliver on Your Commitments
        3. Proven Practices
          1. Use Small, Multidisciplinary Teams
          2. Enable Teams to Work Together at a Single Site
          3. Motivated Teams Are More Effective
          4. Get Specific Early
        4. Summary
      4. 4. Building an MSF Team
        1. MSF Team Model: Team of Advocates
          1. Team of Advocates
            1. Quality Goals: Team of Quality Champions
              1. Satisfied Stakeholders
              2. Coordinate Identification and Optimization of Project Constraints
              3. Define Solution Within Project Constraints
              4. Deliver Solution Within Project Constraints
              5. Design Solution Within Project Constraints
              6. Build Solution to Specification
              7. Confirm All Aspects of a Solution Meet or Exceed Their Respective, Defined Quality Levels
              8. Maximize Solution Usability
              9. Maximize User Readiness and Effectiveness
              10. Smooth Deployment and Transition to Operations
            2. Constituents: Team of Ambassadors
            3. Functional Areas: Team of Representatives
          2. Foundational Principles Applied to Teaming
            1. Foster Open Communications
            2. Work Toward a Shared Vision
            3. Empower Team Members
            4. Establish Clear Accountability, Shared Responsibility
            5. Deliver Incremental Value
            6. Stay Agile, Expect and Adapt to Change
            7. Invest in Quality
            8. Learn from All Experiences
            9. Partner with Customers
          3. MSF Team Model Fundamentals
            1. Relating Roles to Advocacy Groups and Functional Areas
            2. Define and Design a Solution with All Roles Represented
            3. The MSF Team Model Is Not an Organization Chart
            4. Use Small Teams, Working in Parallel with Frequent Synchronization Points
            5. Project Management Discipline
          4. Product Management Advocacy Group
            1. Advocates
            2. Constituency
            3. Quality Goals
            4. Focus
            5. Functional Areas
              1. Marketing/Corporate Communications
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              2. Business Analyst
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              3. Product Planning
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
          5. Program Management Advocacy Group
            1. Advocates
            2. Constituency
            3. Quality Goals
            4. Focus
            5. Functional Areas
              1. Project Management (PjM)
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              2. Program Management (PgM)
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              3. Resource Management
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              4. Process Assurance
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              5. Project Quality Management
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              6. Project Operations
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
          6. Architecture Advocacy Group
            1. Advocates
            2. Constituency
            3. Focus
            4. Quality Goal
            5. Functional Areas
              1. Solution Architecture
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              2. Technical Architecture
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
          7. Development Advocacy Group
            1. Advocates
            2. Constituency
            3. Focus
            4. Quality Goal
            5. Functional Areas
              1. Key Responsibilities
              2. Key Activities
          8. Test Advocacy Group
            1. Advocates
            2. Constituency
            3. Focus
            4. Quality Goal
            5. Functional Areas
              1. Functional Testing
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              2. System Testing
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
          9. User Experience Advocacy Group
            1. Advocates
            2. Constituency
            3. Focus
            4. Quality Goal
            5. Functional Areas
              1. Accessibility
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              2. Internationalization
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              3. Technical Support Communications
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              4. Training
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              5. Usability
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              6. User Interface Design
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
          10. Release/Operations Advocacy Group
            1. Advocates
            2. Constituency
            3. Focus
            4. Quality Goal
            5. Functional Areas
              1. Release Management
                1. Key Responsibilities
                2. Key Activities
              2. Delivery Infrastructure
                1. Key Responsibility
                2. Key Activities
              3. Operations
                1. Key Responsibility
                2. Key Activities
              4. Build Manager
                1. Key Responsibility
                2. Key Activities
              5. Tools Administrator
                1. Key Responsibility
                2. Key Activities
          11. Summary
        2. Adapting the Team Model
          1. Scaling Down: Combining Advocacy Groups for Smaller Teams
          2. Scaling Up: Expanding Advocacy Groups for Larger Teams
            1. Feature Teams
            2. Function Teams
        3. Summary
      5. 5. Managing Project Risks
        1. What Is Risk (and Why You Should Care)?
          1. Managing Risks Throughout a Project
            1. MSF Risk Management Discipline
            2. Risk Management Planning
            3. Integrating Risk Management in a Project Life Cycle
            4. Managing Risk Across a Portfolio of Projects
            5. Creating a Risk Management Culture
          2. Foundational Principles Applied to Risk Management
            1. Foster Open Communications
            2. Work Toward a Shared Vision
            3. Empower Team Members
            4. Establish Clear Accountability, Shared Responsibility
            5. Deliver Incremental Value
            6. Stay Agile, Expect and Adapt to Change
            7. Invest in Quality
            8. Learn from All Experiences
            9. Partner with Customers
          3. MSF Risk Management Fundamentals
            1. Risk Is Inherent in Any Project or Process
            2. Proactive Risk Management Is Most Effective
            3. Treat Risk Identification as Positive
            4. Continuous Assessment
            5. Maintain Open Communications
            6. Specify, Then Manage
            7. Don’t Judge a Situation Simply by the Number of Risks
        2. MSF Risk Management Process
          1. Step 1: Identify Risks
            1. Goals
            2. Inputs
            3. Risk Identification Activities
              1. Risk Classification
              2. Risk Statements
            4. Outputs
              1. Initial Master Risk List
              2. Extended Risk Statements
          2. Step 2: Analyze and Prioritize Risks
            1. Goal
            2. Inputs
            3. Risk Analysis Activities
              1. Risk Probability
              2. Risk Impact
                1. Single-Attribute Impact Scoring
                2. Multiattribute Impact Scoring
            4. Risk Prioritization Activities
              1. Risk Exposure: Simple Prioritization Approach
              2. Multiattribute Prioritization Approach
              3. Deactivating Risks
            5. Outputs
              1. Prioritized Master Risk List
              2. Top Risks List
            6. Additional Analysis Methods
          3. Step 3: Plan and Schedule to Manage Risks
            1. Goals
            2. Inputs
            3. Risk Planning Activities
              1. Exposure Reduction
              2. Risk Action Planning
                1. Research
                2. Accept
                3. Avoid
                4. Transfer
                5. Mitigation
                6. Contingency
            4. Risk Scheduling Activities
            5. Outputs
              1. Updated Master Risk List
              2. Risk Action Plan
              3. Updated Project Schedule and Project Plan
          4. Step 4: Track and Report Risk Status
            1. Goals
            2. Inputs
            3. Risk Tracking Activities
            4. Risk Reporting Activities
            5. Outputs
              1. Risk Status Report
          5. Step 5: Control Risk
            1. Goals
            2. Inputs
            3. Risk Control Activities
            4. Outputs
              1. Change Control Request
              2. Contingency Plan Outcome Report
          6. Step 6: Learn from Risks
            1. Goals
            2. Inputs
            3. Risk Learning Activities
              1. Capturing Learning About Risk
              2. Managing Learning from Risks
              3. Retaining Learning from Risks
            4. Outputs
              1. Risk Knowledge Base
              2. Context-Specific Risk Classifications
        3. Summary
      6. 6. Establishing a Solution Delivery Lifecycle
        1. Solution Delivery Environment
        2. The Microsoft Solution Delivery Lifecycle
          1. Foundational Principles Applied to Solution Delivery Lifecycle
            1. Foster Open Communications
            2. Work Toward a Shared Vision
            3. Empower Team Members
            4. Establish Clear Accountability, Shared Responsibility
            5. Deliver Incremental Value
            6. Stay Agile, Expect and Adapt to Change
            7. Invest in Quality
            8. Learn from All Experiences
            9. Partner with Customers
          2. Solution Delivery Lifecycle Fundamentals
            1. How Much Governance Is Needed? How Much Is Too Much?
            2. Start Working and Delivering as Soon as Possible
            3. Good Implementation Is Essential
        3. MSF Governance Model
          1. Tracks
            1. Enactment Tracks
            2. Governance Track
            3. Work Streams and Swim Lanes
          2. Checkpoints
            1. Major Checkpoints
            2. Interim Checkpoints
            3. Checkpoint Reviews
          3. Iterative Approach
            1. Iterative Approach Fundamentals
              1. Create Living Documents
              2. Baseline Early, Freeze Late
            2. Check-In
            3. Daily Builds
            4. Iteration
            5. Versioned Releases
              1. Create an Incremental Release Strategy
              2. Deliver Core Functionality First
              3. Prioritize Using Risk-Driven Scheduling
              4. Cycle Through Iterations Rapidly
              5. Establish Configuration Management
              6. Establish Change Control
        4. Adapting the Microsoft Solution Delivery Lifecycle
        5. Summary
    5. II. Inner Workings of Solution Delivery
      1. 7. MSF Envision Track: Defining a Solution
        1. Goals
        2. Team Focus
        3. Key Deliverables
        4. Key Checkpoints
          1. Major Checkpoint
            1. Vision/Scope Approved
          2. Interim Checkpoints
            1. Core Team Organized
            2. Vision/Scope Baselined
        5. Understanding Stakeholders
          1. Identifying Stakeholders
          2. Prioritizing Stakeholders
          3. Understanding Key Stakeholders
        6. Selecting and Preparing a Project Team
          1. MSF Readiness Management Discipline
            1. Foundational Principles Applied to Readiness
              1. Foster Open Communications
              2. Work Toward a Shared Vision
              3. Empower Team Members
              4. Establish Clear Accountability, Shared Responsibility
              5. Deliver Incremental Value
              6. Stay Agile, Expect and Adapt to Change
              7. Invest in Quality
              8. Learn from All Experiences
              9. Partner with Customers
            2. MSF Readiness Management Fundamentals
              1. Understand the Experience Within Each Team Member
              2. Readiness Must Be Continuously Managed
              3. Carry Out Readiness Planning
              4. Measure and Track Skills and Goals
              5. Treat Readiness Gaps as Risks
              6. Avoid Single Points of Failure in Skills Coverage
            3. Readiness and the MSF Team and Governance Models
          2. MSF Readiness Management Process
            1. Step 1: Define
              1. Scenarios
              2. Competencies
              3. Proficiencies
            2. Step 2: Assess
              1. Measure Individual Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
              2. Revisit Readiness Needs
              3. Identify and Analyze Readiness Gaps
              4. Create Learning Plans
            3. Step 3: Change
              1. Implement Learning Plans
              2. Track Progress
            4. Step 4: Evaluate
              1. Review Results
              2. Manage Knowledge
          3. Project Structure Document (Deliverable)
        7. Defining a Solution
          1. Defining the Problem or Opportunity
          2. Creating a Shared Vision
          3. Defining High-Level Requirements
            1. "Finding" Requirements
            2. Writing Requirements
          4. Creating User Profiles
          5. Forming Solution Design Strategies
            1. Architectural Design Strategy
            2. Technical Design Strategy
          6. Developing a Conceptual Understanding of a Solution
          7. Defining Acceptance Criteria
            1. User Acceptance Criteria
            2. Operations Acceptance Criteria
            3. Customer Acceptance Criteria
        8. Scoping a Solution
          1. Managing Project Trade-offs
            1. Project Trade-off Triangle
            2. Project Trade-off Matrix
          2. Assessing Risk (Deliverable)
        9. Establishing a Basis for Review and Change
          1. Establishing Traceability
          2. Drafting a Vision/Scope Document (Deliverable)
        10. Success Criteria for an Envision Track
      2. 8. MSF Plan Track: Planning a Solution
        1. Goal
        2. Team Focus
        3. Key Deliverables
        4. Key Checkpoints
          1. Major Checkpoint
            1. Project Plans Approved
          2. Interim Checkpoints
            1. Technology Validation Completed
            2. Functional Specification Baselined
            3. Master Project Plan Baselined
            4. Master Project Schedule Baselined
            5. Supporting Environments Set Up
        5. Planning What to Build
          1. Decomposing and Refining Requirements
            1. How Much Specificity Is Needed?
            2. Qualities of Service
            3. Prioritizing Requirements
          2. Documenting Requirements in a Functional Specification (Deliverable)
        6. Planning How to Build
          1. Evolving a Solution Design
            1. Conceptual Design
            2. Logical Design
            3. Physical Design
          2. Creating a Master Project Plan (Deliverable)
            1. Communications Plan
            2. Roles and Responsibilities
            3. Staffing Plan
            4. Readiness Plans
            5. Risk and Issue Management Plan
            6. Configuration Management Plan
            7. Change Management Plan
            8. Quality Management Plan
            9. Test Plan
            10. Pilot Plan
            11. Training Plan
            12. Deployment Plan
            13. Change Enablement Plan
            14. Knowledge Management Plan
            15. Disaster Recovery Plan
            16. Purchasing and Facilities Plan
            17. Security Plan
            18. Integration Management Plan
            19. Benefit Analysis Plan
            20. Capacity Plan
            21. Budget Plan
        7. Planning When to Build
          1. Step 1: Identify Tasks
          2. Step 2: Estimate Work to Complete Tasks
          3. Step 3: Identify Task Dependencies
          4. Step 4: Identify Who Will Perform the Task
          5. Step 5: Determine When Tasks Will Be Performed
          6. Creating a Master Project Schedule (Deliverable)
        8. Preparing Supporting Environments
          1. Development Environment
          2. Test Environment
          3. Staging Environment
          4. Training Environment
          5. Research Environment
        9. Success Criteria for a Plan Track
      3. 9. MSF Build Track: Building a Solution
        1. Goal
        2. Team Focus
        3. Key Deliverables
        4. Key Checkpoints
          1. Major Checkpoint
            1. Scope Complete
          2. Interim Checkpoints
            1. Prototyping Completed
            2. Internal Solution Release 1 Through n Completed
        5. Executing Project Plans
        6. Testing a Solution
          1. Types of Tests
          2. Issue Tracking and Remediation
            1. Step 1: Report
            2. Step 2: Prioritize and Assign
            3. Step 3: Resolve
            4. Step 4: Close
            5. Step 5: Retire
        7. Success Criteria for Build Track
      4. 10. MSF Stabilize Track: Stabilizing a Solution
        1. Goal
        2. Team Focus
        3. Key Deliverables
        4. Key Checkpoints
          1. Major Checkpoint
          2. Release Readiness Approved
          3. Interim Checkpoints
            1. 1st through nth Functional Testing Pass Completed
            2. Issue Convergence
            3. User Interfaces Stabilized
            4. Issue Log Cleared
            5. Preproduction Testing Completed
            6. Release Candidate 1 Through n Completed
            7. System Testing Completed
            8. User Acceptance Testing Completed
            9. Pilot Completed
        5. Getting to "Done"
          1. What Is Done?
          2. Predicting Done
        6. Assessing Solution Stability
          1. Regression Testing
          2. Functional Testing
          3. Usability Testing
          4. System Testing
            1. Deployment Testing
            2. Disaster Recovery Testing
            3. Integration Testing
            4. Performance Testing
            5. Capacity Testing
        7. Testing Under Live Conditions
          1. Goal
          2. Focus
          3. Preparing for a Pilot
          4. Conducting the Pilot
          5. Concluding the Pilot
        8. Success Criteria for a Stabilize Track
      5. 11. MSF Deploy Track: Deploying a Solution
        1. Goal
        2. Team Focus
        3. Key Deliverables
        4. Key Checkpoints
          1. Major Checkpoint
            1. Deployment Completed
          2. Interim Checkpoints
            1. Core Solution Components Deployed
            2. Site Deployments Completed
            3. Deployment Stabilized
        5. Deploying to a Production Environment
          1. Preparing for Deployment
          2. Performing Deployments
            1. Installation Approach
            2. Deployment Mechanisms
            3. Deployment Resources
          3. Training During Deployment
          4. Stabilizing a Deployment
        6. Transitioning to Operations and Support
        7. The Quiet Period
        8. Success Criteria for a Deploy Track
      6. 12. MSF Governance Track: Guiding the Solution Delivery
        1. Goal
        2. Team Focus
        3. Key Deliverables
        4. Key Checkpoints
          1. Major Checkpoint
            1. Customer Acceptance
          2. Interim Checkpoints
            1. User Acceptance
            2. Operations Acceptance
        5. Kicking Off a Project
          1. Defining a Project Charter (Deliverable)
          2. Handling Kickoff Logistics
          3. Establishing a Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
        6. Ongoing Solution Delivery Guidance
          1. Tracking and Reporting Status (Deliverable)
          2. Continuously Improving Processes and Procedures
        7. Completing a Project
          1. Ramping Down a Team
          2. Closing Down a Project
            1. Surveying Customer Satisfaction
            2. Conducting Project Reviews
            3. Preparing a Closeout Report (Deliverable)
            4. Administratively Closing a Project
        8. Success Criteria for a Governance Track
    6. MSFv3 Credits
      1. Chapter 3: Foundational Principles, Mindsets, and Proven Practices
        1. Contributors
        2. Reviewers
      2. Chapter 4: Building an MSF Team
        1. "MSF Team Model v3.1" White Paper
          1. Contributors
        2. "MSF Project Management Discipline v1.1" White Paper
          1. Contributors
          2. Reviewers
      3. Chapter 5: Managing Project Risks
        1. Contributors
        2. Reviewers
      4. Chapter 6: Establishing a Solution Delivery Life Cycle
        1. Contributors
        2. Reviewers
      5. Chapter 7: MSF Envision Track: Defining a Solution
        1. Contributors
        2. Reviewers
    7. About the Author
    8. Additional Resources for Developers
      1. Visual Basic 2005
      2. Visual C# 2005
      3. Web Development
      4. Database
      5. SQL Server 2005
      6. Other Visual Studio 2005 Topics
      7. Other Developer Topics
    9. More Great Developer Resources
      1. Developer Step by Step
      2. Developer Reference
      3. Advanced Topics
    10. Index
    11. About the Author
    12. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly