
Book Description

Adoption of cloud-native application architectures is helping many organizations transform their IT into a force for true agility in the marketplace. This O’Reilly report defines the unique characteristics of cloud-native application architectures such as microservices and twelve-factor applications.

Author Matt Stine also examines the cultural, organizational, and technical changes necessary to migrate traditional monolithic applications and service-oriented architectures to cloud-native architectures. You’ll also find a Migration Cookbook, with recipes for decomposing monolithic applications into microservices, implementing fault-tolerant patterns, and performing automated testing of cloud-native services.

This report discusses application architectures that include:

  • The Twelve-Factor App: a collection of cloud-native app architecture patterns
  • Microservices: independently deployable services that do one thing well
  • Self-Service Agile Infrastructure: platforms for rapid, repeatable, and consistent provisioning of app environments and backing services
  • API-based Collaboration: published and versioned APIs that allow interaction between services in a cloud-native app architecture
  • Anti-Fragility: systems that get stronger when subjected to stress

Table of Contents

  1. 1. The Rise of Cloud-Native
    1. Why Cloud-Native Application Architectures?
      1. Speed
      2. Safety
      3. Scale
      4. Mobile Applications and Client Diversity
    2. Defining Cloud-Native Architectures
      1. Twelve-Factor Applications
      2. Microservices
      3. Self-Service Agile Infrastructure
      4. API-Based Collaboration
      5. Antifragility
    3. Summary
  2. 2. Changes Needed
    1. Cultural Change
      1. From Silos to DevOps
      2. From Punctuated Equilibrium to Continuous Delivery
      3. Centralized Governance to Decentralized Autonomy
    2. Organizational Change
      1. Business Capability Teams
      2. The Platform Operations Team
    3. Technical Change
      1. Decomposing Monoliths
      2. Decomposing Data
      3. Containerization
      4. From Orchestration to Choreography
    4. Summary
  3. 3. Migration Cookbook
    1. Decomposition Recipes
      1. New Features as Microservices
      2. The Anti-Corruption Layer
      3. Strangling the Monolith
      4. Potential End States
    2. Distributed Systems Recipes
      1. Versioned and Distributed Configuration
      2. Service Registration/Discovery
      3. Routing and Load Balancing
      4. Fault-Tolerance
      5. API Gateways/Edge Services
    3. Summary