
Book Description

With its flexibility, readability, and mature code libraries, Python is a natural choice for developing agile and maintainable web applications. Several frameworks have emerged in the last few years that share ideas with Ruby on Rails and leverage the expressive nature of Python. This Short Cut will tell you what you need to know about the hottest fullstack frameworks: Django, Pylons, and TurboGears. Their philosophies, relative strengths, and development status are described in detail.

What you won't find out is, "Which one should I use?" The short answer is that all of them can be used to build web applications- the challenge for the reader is to find the one that fits his or her project or coding style best.

Table of Contents

  1. Next-Generation Web Frameworks in Python
    1. Welcome to the Next Generation
    2. What Is a Web Framework and Why Would I Want to Use One?
    3. Why Python Now?
    4. What Makes a Framework "Next-Generation"?
    5. Django
      1. Philosophy: A Unified Package to Develop Applications Quickly
      2. Data Modeling: An ORM of One's Own
      3. Never Build Another Admin Interface
      4. Fast Templating: HTML, CSV, or Anything
        1. Variables
        2. Filters
        3. Tags
      5. Tying It All Together in the View
        1. Documentation
        2. Testing
    6. TurboGears
      1. Philosophy: a Megaframework at 1.0
      2. Powered by CherryPy
      3. XML Is Not a Four-Letter Word: Kid Templates
      4. Simple ORM with SQLObject
      5. Don't Invent It Here: Identity, Widgets, and Easy Ajax
        1. Identity
        2. Widgets
        3. CatWalk
        4. MochiKit
      6. Documentation
      7. Testing
    7. Pylons
      1. Philosophy: Component Reuse and Native WSGI Support
      2. Startup and Deployment: It's Okay to Eat Paste
      3. Can't Get There from Here: Routes
      4. Magical Data Modeling with SQLAlchemy
        1. Elixir
      5. Templating: Myghty, Mako, and More
      6. Testing
      7. Debugging
      8. WSGI: The Framework Killer
    8. Future Directions
      1. Can Anything "Beat" Rails?
      2. But Does It Scale?
      3. What About Zope?
      4. Will There Ever Be a "One True Framework"?
      5. Why Won't You Tell Me Which One I Should Use?
        1. From a product-centric perspective
        2. From a developer-centric perspective
      6. Last Thoughts
    9. About the Author