
Book Description

Through a combination of practical guidance and case studies, the author provides insight into what makes not-for-profits different. Updated for revenue recognition, grants and contracts, and financial reporting, this book offers guidance on FASB's new financial statement standard and revenue recognition standard which will have a major impact on financial reporting for not for profits.  It helps answer the questions: Are you aware of how not-for-profit financial statements will change because of FASB's Financial Statement Standard? Do you know what makes not-for-profit accounting and financial reporting different?

Key topics include:

  • Grants and contracts
  • Expense reporting
  • NFP financial statement standard
  • Revenue recognition
  • Performance measures

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Chapter 1: Financial Reporting
    1. Net assets
    2. The basic financial statements
    3. Reporting formats
    4. Notes to the financial statements
    5. Investments and investment income
    6. Summary
    7. Practice questions
  3. Chapter 2: Exchange Transactions, Contributions, and Gains and Losses
    1. Resources for the mission
    2. Exchange (reciprocal) transactions
    3. Contributions
    4. Identifying gains and losses
    5. Agency transactions
    6. Summary
    7. Practice questions
  4. Chapter 3: Expenses
    1. Expenses versus losses
    2. Functional reporting of expenses
    3. Reclassifications
    4. Summary
    5. Practice questions
  5. Chapter 4: The Not-for-Profit Environment and Performance Measures
    1. The NFP environment
    2. Types of NFP organizations
    3. Fund accounting
    4. Measuring performance
    5. Reporting information in the statement of activities
    6. Ratios and other tools
    7. Input, output, and outcomes
    8. Summary
    9. Practice questions
  6. Appendix A: Excerpt of Appendix A of Chapter 5 of Aicpa Audit and Accounting Guide Not-for-Profit Entities
  7. Exempt Organizations Glossary
    1. Governmental terminology
    2. Not-for-Profit terminology
    3. Single audit and yellow book terminology
  8. Index
  9. Solutions
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2
    3. Chapter 3
    4. Chapter 4
  10. End User License Agreement