
Book Description

Selling your CTO on the merits of OpenShift and Kubernetes is only the beginning. When it comes to operating and scaling OpenShift, you need to understand how to manage and expose resources to application teams and how to continuously deliver changes to applications running in these environments. With this practical book, new and experienced developers and operators will learn specific techniques and examples for operationalizing OpenShift and Kubernetes in the enterprise.

Industry experts Michael Elder, Jake Kitchener, and Brad Topol show you how to run OpenShift and Kubernetes in production and deliver your applications to a highly available, secure, and scalable platform. You’ll learn how to build a strong foundation in advanced cluster operational topics, such as tenancy management, scheduling and capacity management, cost management, continuous delivery, and more.

This book shows you how to:

  • Manage multiple teams in their use of OpenShift and Kubernetes
  • Promote the efficient use of data center resources
  • Deliver highly available applications and services
  • Manage application tenancy throughout the enterprise
  • Provide multicluster management and high availability
  • Apply continuous updates to OpenShift and Kubernetes
  • Devise and deliver disaster recovery strategies

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Kubernetes and OpenShift Overview
    1. Kubernetes: Cloud Infrastructure for Orchestrating Containerized Applications
      1. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation Accelerates the Growth of the Kubernetes Ecosystem
    2. OpenShift: Red Hat’s Distribution of Kubernetes
      1. Benefits of OpenShift for Developers
      2. Benefits of OpenShift for IT Operations
    3. Summary
  2. 2. Getting Started with OpenShift and Kubernetes
    1. Kubernetes Architecture
    2. Deployment Options for Kubernetes and OpenShift
      1. Red Hat’s CodeReady Containers
      2. IBM Cloud
      3. OpenShift Deployment Options
    3. Kubernetes and OpenShift Command Line Tools
      1. Running the Samples Using the kubectl and oc Command Line Interfaces
    4. Kubernetes Fundamentals
      1. What’s a Pod?
      2. How Do I Describe What’s in My Pod?
      3. Deployments
      4. Service Accounts
    5. OpenShift Enhancements
      1. Authentication
      2. Projects
      3. Applications
      4. Security Context Constraints
      5. Image Streams
    6. Kubernetes and OpenShift Advanced Topics
      1. Webhooks
      2. Admission Controllers
      3. Role Based Access Control
      4. Operators
    7. Summary