
Book Description

Client side JavaScript for enterprise Oracle applications.

About This Book

  • Develop resilient and robust client-side applications
  • Explore the power of popular JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, RequireJS, and custom Oracle JavaScript libraries
  • Integrate JavaScript for Oracle developers
  • Easily debug and secure your cloud interfaces

Who This Book Is For

If you are a web components developer looking to create client-side apps that are resilient and robust using Oracle JET, then this book is the right choice for you.

What You Will Learn

  • Use Yeoman or npm to start a new Oracle JET-based project
  • Implement real-world use cases using Oracle JET components
  • Get to know the best practices for Oracle JET web applications
  • Explore Knockout.js, the framework behind Oracle JET
  • Implement a multi-platform app with OJ and Cordova

In Detail

This book will give you a complete practical understanding of the Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) and how you can use it to develop efficient client-side applications with ease. It will tell you how to get your own customized Oracle JET set up.

You'll start with individual libraries, such as jQuery, Cordova, and Require.js. You'll also get to work with the JavaScript libraries created by Oracle, especially for cloud developers. You'll use these tools to create a working backend application with these libraries. Using the latest Oracle Alta UI, you'll develop a state-of-the-art backend for your cloud applications. You'll learn how to develop and integrate the different cloud services required for your application and use other third-party libraries to get more features from your cloud applications.

Toward the end of the book, you'll learn how to manage and secure your cloud applications, and test them to ensure seamless deployment.

Style and approach

This book will have a practical step by step approach where every step of application development will be explained in detail with code samples.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
    1. What this book covers
    2. What you need for this book
    3. Who this book is for
    4. Conventions
    5. Reader feedback
    6. Customer support
      1. Downloading the example code
      2. Downloading the color images of this book
      3. Errata
      4. Piracy
      5. Questions
  2. Getting Started with Oracle JET
    1. Getting started with Oracle JET
      1. Oracle JET features
    2. Bootstrapping your first Oracle JET project
      1. Setting up npm and Node.js
      2. Installing Yeoman and Grunt
      3. Installing Oracle JET generator
      4. Creating a project using the command line
      5. Running a project with Grunt
      6. Managing and running the project using NetBeans IDE
    3. Summary
  3. Oracle Alta UI
    1. What is Oracle Alta UI?
    2. Oracle JET web application styles with Alta UI
      1. Applications with Alta UI
      2. Dashboard style
      3. Card page style
      4. List page style
      5. Detail page style
    3. Additional page styles and wizards
      1. Form page style
      2. Master - detail style
      3. Wizards
    4. Recommendations
    5. Summary
  4. Tool Integration
    1. What is the build pipeline?
    2. Grunt
    3. Gulp
      1. Installing Gulp
    4. RequireJS
      1. Installing RequireJS
    5. webpack
    6. Summary
  5. Knockout JS
    1. What is Knockout.js?
      1. Knockout.js features
    2. Installation and programming
    3. Observables
      1. Computed observables
      2. Observable arrays
    4. Data bindings
      1. Control-flow bindings
      2. Appearance bindings
      3. Interactive bindings
    5. External data access and animations
    6. Usage in Oracle JET applications
    7. Summary
  6. Oracle JET Components – Form Elements, Controls, and Data Collections
    1. Oracle JET components
    2. Steps involved in adding a component
    3. Form components
      1. Text input components
        1. Input text
        2. Input password
        3. Text area
        4. Input number
        5. Input date
        6. Input time
        7. Input date time
      2. Selection components
        1. Select
        2. Combo box
        3. Checkbox set
        4. Radio set
        5. Switch
    4. Form controls
    5. Data collections
    6. Summary
  7. OJ Components – Layouts, Navigation, and Visualizations
    1. Visualization components
      1. Charts
        1. Area charts
      2. Gauges
        1. Dial gauges
        2. LED gauges
        3. Rating gauges
        4. Status meter gauges
      3. Trendy visualization components
        1. Sunbursts
    2. Layout and navigation components
      1. Layout and navigation examples
        1. Accordions
        2. Modal dialogs
        3. Navigation lists
        4. Panels
        5. Tabs
    3. Summary
  8. Framework
    1. Application routing
    2. Validations and conversions
      1. Validations
        1. Component validations
        2. Application level validations
        3. Converters
    3. Responsiveness
      1. Media queries
    4. Performance
      1. JavaScript optimization techniques
      2. CSS optimization techniques
      3. Oracle JET component optimization techniques
    5. Internationalization and localization
    6. Accessibility
    7. Application theming
      1. Customized application theming
        1. Customizing the application theme using Sass
        2. Customizing the application theme using Theme Builder
    8. Summary
  9. Hybrid Mobile Application Development
    1. Oracle JET mobile tools
      1. Cordova
    2. Hybrid mobile application development
      1. Building and serving the application with Grunt
        1. Importing the FixItFast application
    3. Packaging and publishing a mobile application
      1. Packaging a mobile application
      2. Publishing a mobile application
        1. Publishing on an iOS platform
        2. Publishing on an Android platform
    4. Summary
  10. Testing and Debugging
    1. The importance of programmatic testing
      1. Test-driven development (TDD)
      2. Agile model-driven development (AMDD)
      3. Behavior-driven development (BDD)
    2. Oracle JET application testing tools
      1. QUnit
      2. Jasmine
      3. Mocha
      4. Selenium WebDriver
      5. Running JavaScript unit tests
        1. Karma
        2. JS test driver
    3. Debugging Oracle JET applications
      1. Using browser extensions
      2. Using IDE extensions
    4. Summary
  11. Security and Version Migration
    1. Common web application vulnerabilities
      1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
      2. SQL injection
      3. LDAP injection
      4. CRLF injection
      5. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
      6. Insecure cryptographic storage
      7. Buffer overflow
      8. Directory traversal
    2. Oracle JET security offerings
    3. Version migration with Oracle JET
    4. The future of the Oracle JET framework
    5. Summary