
Book Description

Install, configure, and deploy Java EE applications with Oracle WebLogic Server using the Administration Console and command line

  • A practical book with step-by-step instructions for admins in real-time company environments
  • Create, commit, undo, and monitor a change session using the Administration Console
  • Create basic automated tooling with WLST
  • Access advanced resource attributes in the Administration Console

In Detail

Oracle's WebLogic 11g Server is an application server for building and deploying enterprise Java EE applications. WebLogic's infrastructure supports the deployment of many types of distributed applications and is an ideal foundation for building applications based on a Service Oriented Architecture. This book will guide you through the important administration aspects of WebLogic server.

Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 PS2: Administration Essentials is a focused step-by-step tutorial that provides an overview of the important administrative tasks performed by WebLogic Server administrators.

This book will teach administrators the techniques for installing and configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and how to deploy Java EE applications using the Administration Console, command-line interface, and scripting tools such as WLST. It starts with a good overview of the techniques needed in the middleware world of today. Clear explanations of definitions and concepts of JEE and how Oracle WebLogic fits into this picture are also provided. The book then dives into performing routine Oracle WebLogic server administration functions, and how to deploy different types of Java EE applications to WebLogic server.

A focused step-by-step handbook for WebLogic administrators

Table of Contents

  1. Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 PS2: Administration Essentials
    1. Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 PS2: Administration Essentials
    2. Credits
    3. About the Author
    4. About the Reviewers
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    6. Preface
      1. What this book covers
      2. What you need for this book
      3. Who this book is for
      4. Conventions
      5. Reader feedback
      6. Customer support
        1. Downloading the example code
        2. Errata
        3. Piracy
        4. Questions
    7. 1. Oracle WebLogic: Your First Step into the Middleware World!
      1. The very first steps into middleware
        1. The pre-middleware era
        2. What is a middleware environment?
        3. The Java EE Application Server
      2. The case: Your company needs middleware!
        1. The Oracle Fusion Middleware Solution
        2. From OC4J to WebLogic
      3. Oracle WebLogic architecture and terminology
        1. Oracle WebLogic: A JEE Server
        2. Oracle WebLogic technology facts
          1. The WebLogic domain structure
            1. Administration Server
            2. Managed Servers
            3. Resources
      4. Oracle WebLogic a JEE server… but what is JEE?
        1. The JEE distributed system
        2. JEE Resources
          1. Java Servlets
          2. Java Server Pages (JSP)
          3. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
          4. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
          5. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
          6. Java Transaction API (JTA)
          7. Java Message Service (JMS)
          8. Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
          9. JMX
        3. Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
        4. Secondary components in the JEE architecture
          1. HTTP clients and servers
          2. Proxy servers
          3. Firewalls
      5. Key players in the middleware market
        1. IBM WebSphere
        2. TIBCO
        3. SAP
        4. Open source-like Apache Software Foundation
      6. The big day: Presenting your research!
        1. Presentation to the board
        2. Decisions to make
        3. Your presentation…
      7. Summary
    8. 2. The Beginning: Planning and Installation
      1. Choosing your hardware
      2. Operating system
        1. Other prerequisites
      3. Preparing your installation
        1. Different types of installers
        2. Choosing your installation mode
        3. GUI-based installation for WLS 10.3.3
          1. Considerations/best practices
        4. Installation done
        5. Installation in console mode
        6. Silent and scripted installation
        7. What is a silent mode installation?
      4. Silent installation: step by step
        1. Generating a silent XML file
        2. Running the silent installation
        3. Using a pre-installed Java home
        4. Exit codes
          1. Scripted installations
      5. Summary
    9. 3. Oracle WebLogic Software Installed; What's Next?
      1. The next steps
        1. The WebLogic domain
        2. Creating and configuring a domain
          1. Different modes explained
        3. The domain's directory structure
        4. Domain creation explained: Domain templates
          1. Different types of templates
          2. The pack command
        5. Other ways of domain creation
          1. Console-based domain creation
          2. Domain creation with the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)
        6. Server and domain start scripts
        7. An important configuration file: config.xml
        8. WebLogic Domain restrictions
        9. Other Domain resources
      2. Summary
    10. 4. Getting in Control: Operation Basics
      1. Getting started: Start your WebLogic domain
      2. Using the startup script (startWebLogic)
        1. Using the java weblogic.Server command
        2. Using the Windows Start menu
        3. Using WLST with and without Node Manager
        4. Starting other servers using the WebLogic Admin console
        5. Things to know before starting up for the first time
          1. Boot identity issues
          2. Using java weblogic.Server command to create a Boot Identity file
          3. Alternative to boot.properties
          4. Keeping boot.properties at user-defined location
        6. Server states and transitions
        7. An overview of Server states and transitions
        8. Stopping the WebLogic Server
        9. Ease of use: The Administration Console
          1. Components of the Administration Console
          2. The Change Center
          3. The Domain Structure
          4. The System Status
          5. Breadcrumbs
          6. Disabling and enabling the Administration Console
            1. Set the Administration Port
          7. Guarding your WebLogic Server: Protect against overload
            1. Limiting requests by throttling the thread pool
            2. Limiting HTTP sessions
            3. "Out of Memory" exceptions
            4. Stuck thread handling
          8. Overview of the available System Administrator tools
            1. Administration Console
            2. WebLogic Scripting Tool
            3. Configuration Wizard
            4. Apache Ant tasks
            5. SNMP
            6. JMX
            7. MBeans the heart of the JMX specification
            8. Deployment API
            9. Logging API
            10. WLDF
      3. Summary
    11. 5. Managed Servers and the Node Manager
      1. Managed Servers
        1. Managed Servers configuration
          1. Domain Configuration Wizard
          2. Creation through the WebLogic Administration Console
          3. Creation with WebLogic Scripting Tool
        2. Starting Managed Servers
          1. Start using the startManagedWeblogic script
          2. WLST and the Node Manager
            1. Start with the Admin Console
          3. Running modes of a Managed Server
          4. Start as a Windows service
            1. Create a script
          5. The WebLogic Server Lifecycle
      2. The Node Manager
        1. Versions of Node Manager
          1. Script-based Node Manager
            1. Configuring a script-based Node Manager
          2. Java-based Node Manager
            1. Configuring a Java-based Node Manager as an xinetd service
          3. Running a Node Manager as a Windows service
      3. Summary
    12. 6. Deploy Your Applications in Oracle WebLogic
      1. Deployment
        1. Deployment components and terminology
        2. The deployment standard: JSR-88
        3. Different types of deployment
          1. Archive type
          2. Exploded type
        4. Deployment tools for WebLogic
          1. The WebLogic Admin Console
          2. Weblogic.Deployer tool
          3. WLST (WebLogic Scripting Tool)
          4. Autodeploy
        5. The deployment plan
          1. Handling parallel application versions and retirement
      2. Summary
    13. 7. Connecting to the Outside World: JDBC and JMS
      1. WebLogic resources
      2. JDBC
        1. How does JDBC work
        2. WebLogic JDBC
        3. WebLogic JDBC drivers
        4. Connection pool
        5. Creating a Data Source with the Administration Console
        6. Some advanced settings
        7. Monitoring and testing a Data Source
      3. JMS
        1. JMS messaging models
        2. Oracle WebLogic JMS features
        3. WebLogic JMS tasks
        4. Creating and monitoring JMS servers
        5. Create JMS modules
        6. Creating a JMS System Module
        7. Creating connection factories, queues, and topics
        8. Connection factories
        9. Topics and Queues
      4. Summary
    14. 8. Making your WebLogic Mission-Critical: Clustering
      1. Definition of a cluster
        1. Benefits of clustering
        2. Components that can be clustered
          1. Basic recommended architecture
          2. Other WebLogic clustering architecture models
          3. When to use Multi-Tier Recommended Architecture?
        3. WebLogic cluster communications
          1. Unicast
          2. Multicast
        4. Configuring clusters
          1. Cluster address
          2. Load balancing
          3. Cluster creating with WLST
          4. Creating a cluster with the Configuration Wizard
            1. Syntax of the Pack command
        5. Best practices in a WebLogic cluster
          1. Hardware
          2. Administration Server
          3. IP addresses and hostnames
          4. Use the cluster address
          5. Firewall
        6. Deploying applications
          1. Deploying to a cluster
        7. HTTP session failover in a WebLogic cluster
          1. HTTP session failover
          2. HTTP in-memory replication
          3. Load balancer requirements
        8. Load balancing and clustering EJBs and RMIs
          1. Configuration
          2. Migratable targets
        9. Preventing possible cluster problems
          1. Check the multicast address
          2. Check the CLASSPATH value
      2. Summary
    15. 9. The Heart of Oracle WebLogic Server: The JVM
      1. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
        1. What is a Java Virtual Machine?
          1. The Java memory model
          2. The execution environment (JRE)
          3. JVM a bytecode interpreter
          4. JVM threading models
        2. Oracle WebLogic offers two JVMs
          1. Sun's HotSpot versus JRockit
          2. Sun JDK uses interpreter (Interpreter and JIT in previous releases)
          3. Oracle JRockit uses only JIT compiler (Just In Time)
          4. Memory spaces
          5. Memory and other JVM tunings
          6. JVM crashes
          7. Tools for performance tracking
        3. The JVM in relation to Oracle WebLogic Server
          1. JVM startup commands
          2. Configure your JVMs for WebLogic
        4. Setting the JVM HeapSize
          1. Setting the JVM through the Admin console
          2. Setting the JVM in the startManagedWeblogic script
          3. Setting the JVM in the setDomainEnv script
          4. Setting the JVM in the Java Weblogic.Server startup command
        5. Some optional JVM arguments
          1. Basic Sun JVM arguments
          2. Basic JRockit JVM arguments
        6. Common JVM issues
          1. Out of memory
          2. Memory leak
          3. JVM crash
          4. Sun JVM diagnostic tools
          5. JRockit diagnostic tools
      2. Summary
    16. 10. What if Something Goes Wrong?
      1. Diagnostic patterns
        1. Server core dump pattern
        2. Gathering core dump data for Linux
        3. Core files from a Sun's JVM JIT Compiler
        4. Generic Server Hang Pattern
        5. EJB_RMI Server Hang
        6. ServerHang application deadlock
        7. JDBC server hang pattern
        8. JVM hang pattern
        9. Debug your JVM Garbage Collect
        10. JMS problems
          1. Another action you could take is to enable JMS message logging
      2. WebLogic diagnostic tools
        1. WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF)
        2. Application logging and WebLogic logging
        3. Some JVM consoles
        4. Oracle JRockit Mission Control
        5. JConsole
        6. Additional: Oracle Enterprise Manager console
      3. Summary
    17. 11. Configuring and Analyzing Logging
      1. WebLogic Logging Services
        1. Components of Logging Services
        2. Oracle WebLogic Server logs
        3. Logging Services attributes/severities
        4. Log severity level
        5. Server subsystem messages
      2. Server and domain logs
      3. Viewing log files
        1. Viewing log files in the Admin Console
        2. Using exportDiagnosticData with WLST
        3. Viewing log files on the operating System
      4. Configure logging
        1. Configure logging using the Administration Console
        2. Configure Advanced Logging properties
        3. Integrating Application Logging
        4. Enabling Log4j Logging
        5. Some other Advanced Logging settings
      5. Configure log filters
      6. Oracle Diagnostics Logging (ODL)
      7. Summary
    18. 12. Keeping your WebLogic Secure: Security and Protection
      1. Oracle WebLogic security concepts
        1. The Oracle WebLogic Security Service architecture
      2. Oracle WebLogic security concepts
        1. A simple authentication scenario
      3. Security mechanisms used in WebLogic Server
        1. Security realms
        2. Users and groups
        3. Roles and policies
        4. Default global roles in WebLogic Server
        5. Application scope security roles
        6. Security policies
        7. Authentication Providers
        8. Credential mapping
      4. Other ways of protecting Oracle WebLogic
        1. Secure transport (for example, SSL)
        2. Single sign-on share logon between apps
        3. Prevention of/protection against attacks
          1. Man-in-the-middle attacks
          2. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
          3. Large buffer attacks
          4. Connection starvation attacks
      5. Summary
    19. 13. WLST: Makes an Administrator's Life Easier
      1. The WebLogic Scripting Tool explained
        1. The Python language
        2. The Jython module
        3. JMX
        4. MBeans
        5. The modes of WLST
          1. Offline mode
          2. Online mode
          3. Interactive mode
          4. Scripted mode
          5. Embedded mode
        6. Operational use of WLST
          1. Starting WebLogic Server instances
            1. Starting with the Node Manager
            2. Starting without the Node Manager
          2. Using CMO (Current Management Object)
        7. WLST deployment
          1. Using WLST as an ANT task
          2. Using the Console Script Recording feature
        8. Command-line editing in a UNIX environment
      2. Summary