
Book Description

The Patterns for e-business are a group of proven, reusable assets that can be used to increase the speed of developing and deploying Web applications. This IBM Redbooks publication concentrates on distributed application integration using the Process-focused Application Integration::Broker application pattern for intra-enterprise, and the Extended Enterprise::Exposed Broker application pattern for inter-enterprise.

Part 1 guides you through the process of selecting an Application and Runtime pattern. Next, the platform specific Product mappings are identified based upon the selected Runtime pattern.

Part 2 presents guidelines on applying the Patterns approach to a sample business scenario and on selecting application integration technologies.

Part 3 provides detailed design, development, and runtime guidelines for intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise integration solutions. It teaches you by example using IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 with WebServices Gateway and WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of Contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Part 1: Patterns for e-business
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction to Patterns for e-business
      1. The Patterns for e-business layered asset model
      2. How to use the Patterns for e-business
        1. Select a Business, Integration, or Composite pattern, or a Custom design
        2. Selecting Application patterns
        3. Review Runtime patterns
        4. Review Product mappings
        5. Review guidelines and related links
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 2: Fundamental concepts in Process Integration
      1. The need for a unifying technique
        1. Similarities between intra- and inter-enterprise integration
        2. Summary
      2. Process Integration concepts and notations
        1. Collaboration and Interaction
        2. Connectors and Adapters
        3. Classification of interaction between sub-systems
      3. QoS capabilities framework
        1. Operability
        2. Availability
        3. Federation
        4. Performance
        5. Security
        6. Standards compliance
        7. Transactionality
      4. Application patterns for Application Integration
      5. Application patterns for Extended Enterprise
      6. Summary
    3. Chapter 3: Application Integration pattern
      1. Using the pattern
      2. Defining the Application Integration patterns
        1. Business and IT drivers
        2. Context
        3. Solution
        4. Putting the pattern to use
        5. Application Integration considerations
        6. What's next
      3. Application patterns
      4. Process-focused application patterns
        1. Direct Connection application pattern
        2. Direct Connection: Message Connection variation
        3. Direct Connection: Call Connection variation
        4. Broker application pattern
        5. Broker: Router variation
        6. Serial Process application pattern
        7. Serial Process: Workflow variation
        8. Parallel Process application pattern
        9. Parallel Process: Workflow variation
      5. Data-focused application patterns
      6. Previous Application Integration patterns
    4. Chapter 4: Extended Enterprise pattern
      1. Using the pattern
      2. General guidelines
        1. Business and IT drivers
        2. Context
        3. Solution
        4. Putting the pattern to use
        5. What's next
      3. Application patterns
        1. Exposed Direct Connection application pattern
        2. Exposed Broker application pattern
        3. Exposed Serial Process application pattern
    5. Chapter 5: Runtime patterns and product mappings
      1. Node types
      2. Application Integration patterns
        1. Runtime pattern and product mapping for the Broker
        2. Runtime patterns and product mappings for Router
      3. Extended Enterprise
        1. Runtime patterns and product mapping for Exposed Broker
        2. Runtime pattern and product mappings for the Router variation
      4. Products used in these mappings
        1. IBM WebSphere Application Server
        2. IBM WebSphere MQ
        3. WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
  4. Part 2: Scenarios and guidelines
    1. Chapter 6: Business scenarios used in this book
      1. Customer overview
        1. Business profile
        2. Business goals
        3. Existing environment
        4. Non-functional requirements
      2. Intra-enterprise scenarios
        1. Stage I: Internal delivery date on demand
        2. Stage II: Internal Get earliest delivery date on demand
      3. Inter-enterprise scenarios
        1. Stage III: External get delivery date on demand
        2. Stage IV: External get earliest delivery date on demand
    2. Chapter 7: Technology options
      1. Selecting an integration technology
      2. XML
        1. Defining XML documents
        2. XSLT
        3. XML security
        4. Advantages of XML
        5. Disadvantages of XML
      3. Web services
        1. Static and dynamic Web services
        2. Web Services Invocation Framework
        3. Web services and the service-oriented architecture
        4. Web services security
        5. Advantages of Web services
        6. Disadvantages of Web services
        7. Comparing Web services with CORBA and RMI
      4. J2EE Connector Architecture
        1. CICS resource adapter
        2. IMS resource adapter
        3. Advantages of J2EE Connectors
        4. Disadvantages of J2EE Connectors
      5. Java Message Service (JMS)
        1. What messaging is
        2. JMS and IBM WebSphere MQ
        3. Advantages of JMS
        4. Disadvantages of JMS
      6. Message Oriented Middleware
      7. Flow languages
        1. Flow Definition Language
        2. Flow Definition Markup Language
        3. Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
      8. Other integration technologies
        1. RMI/IIOP
        2. CORBA
      9. Where to find more information
  5. Part 3: Scenarios
    1. Chapter 8: Router solutions using Web Services Gateway
      1. Business scenario
      2. IBM Web Services Gateway
      3. Applying patterns
        1. Application patterns
        2. Runtime Patterns and Product mappings
      4. Design guidelines
      5. System design overview
        1. Stage 1: Basic integration
        2. Stage 2: Enhanced integration
        3. Stage 3: Extended enterprise
      6. Development guidelines
        1. Implementation process
        2. Web service enable the target application
        3. Register the services in the UDDI Registry
        4. Create the filter
        5. Define the services and filter to Web Services Gateway
        6. Export the Web service definition
        7. Web service-enable the source application
        8. Best practices
      7. Quality of service capabilities
        1. Performance and availability
        2. Security
        3. Standards compliance
        4. Autonomic
      8. References
    2. Chapter 9: Broker solutions using WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
      1. Business scenario
      2. IBM WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
        1. Architectural overview
      3. Applying patterns
        1. Application patterns
        2. Product mappings
      4. Design guidelines
        1. Selecting a transport
        2. Using real-time applications
        3. Using Web services support
        4. Using aggregation
      5. System design overview
        1. Stage 1: Internal “Get earliest delivery date” solution
        2. Stage 2: Internal sales forecast publish/subscribe
        3. Stage 3: External “Get earliest delivery date” solution
      6. Developing message flows with Web services
        1. Development environment
        2. Development steps
        3. Step 1: Access the Web service directly
        4. Step 2: Access the Web service using through message flow
        5. Step 3: Add the broker function
      7. Developing real-time message flows
        1. Prepare the subscriber applications
        2. Prepare the publisher application
        3. Build and deploy the message flow
      8. Quality of service capabilities
        1. Availability
        2. Performance
        3. Security
        4. Transactionality
      9. For more information
  6. Part 4: Appendixes
    1. Appendix A: Additional material
      1. Locating the Web material
      2. Using the Web material
      3. How to use the Web material
  7. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  8. Index
  9. Back cover