
Book Description

Turning Insight into Action

In this collection of essays, Peter F. Drucker focuses on the steps leaders can take today to prepare themselves and their organizations for tomorrow. Covering key areas such as technology, economics, people, and the organization, Drucker shows managers how to put his advice and ideas into action.

Throughout the book, Drucker brings clear-sighted analysis to an array of subjects that remain as relevant today as they were when he first wrote about them. Using examples from a wide range of industries, this book equips executives to better understand and address the practical implications of topics such as:

  • Managing workers
  • Spotting opportunities for innovation
  • Evaluating company performance
  • Assessing global business

Both applicable and inspiring, Peter F. Drucker on Practical Leadership is essential reading for leaders preparing for tomorrow.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Publisher’s Note
  6. Preface
  7. Interview: Notes on the Post-Business Society
  8. Part I: Economics
    1. ONE: The Futures Already Around Us
    2. TWO: The Poverty of Economic Theory
    3. THREE: The Transnational Economy
    4. FOUR: From World Trade to World Investment
    5. FIVE: The Lessons of the U.S. Export Boom
    6. SIX: Low Wages: No Longer a Competitive Edge
    7. SEVEN: Europe in the 1990s: Strategies for Survival
    8. EIGHT: U.S.–Japan Trade Needs a Reality Check
    9. NINE: Japan’s Great Postwar Weapon
    10. TEN: Misinterpreting Japan and the Japanese
    11. ELEVEN: Help Latin America and Help Ourselves
    12. TWELVE: Mexico’s Ace in the Hole: The Maquiladora
  9. Part II: People
    1. THIRTEEN: The New Productivity Challenge
    2. FOURTEEN: The Mystique of the Business Leader
    3. FIFTEEN: Leadership: More Doing Than Dash
    4. SIXTEEN: People, Work, and the Future of the City
    5. SEVENTEEN: The Fall of the Blue-Collar Worker
    6. EIGHTEEN: End Work Rules and Job Descriptions
    7. NINETEEN: Making Managers of Communist Bureaucrats
    8. TWENTY: China’s Nightmare: No Jobs for the Millions
  10. Part III: Management
    1. TWENTY-ONE: Tomorrow’s Managers: The Major Trends
    2. TWENTY-TWO: How to Manage the Boss
    3. TWENTY-THREE: What Really Ails the U.S. Auto Industry
    4. TWENTY-FOUR: The New Japanese Business Strategies
    5. TWENTY-FIVE: Manage by Walking Around—Outside!
    6. TWENTY-SIX: Corporate Culture: Use It, Don’t Lose It
    7. TWENTY-SEVEN: Permanent Cost Cutting: Permanent Policy
    8. TWENTY-EIGHT: What the Nonprofits Are Teaching Business
    9. TWENTY-NINE: Nonprofit Governance: Lessons for Success
    10. THIRTY: The Nonprofits’ Outreach Revolution
  11. Part IV: The Organization
    1. THIRTY-ONE: The Governance of Corporations
    2. THIRTY-TWO: Four Marketing Lessons for the Future
    3. THIRTY-THREE: Tomorrow’s Company: Dressed for Success
    4. THIRTY-FOUR: Company Performance: Five Telltale Tests
    5. THIRTY-FIVE: R&D: The Best Is Business-Driven
    6. THIRTY-SIX: Sell the Mailroom: Unbundling in the ’90s
    7. THIRTY-SEVEN: The 10 Rules of Effective Research
    8. THIRTY-EIGHT: The Trend Toward Alliances for Progress
    9. THIRTY-NINE: A Crisis of Capitalism: Who’s in Charge?
    10. FORTY: The Emerging Theory of Manufacturing
  12. Afterword: The 1990s and Beyond
  13. Acknowledgments
  14. Index