
Book Description

Preventing Stress in Organizations: How to Develop Positive Managers offers an innovative, evidence-based approach to help managers prevent and reduce workplace stress in their staff.

  • Provides information on the critical skills managers must develop in order to prevent stress in their staff, and the key ongoing behaviours that promote a healthy work environment

  • Shows practitioners in occupational psychology, HR, Health and Safety and related professions how positive management can be integrated into an organization???s existing practices and processes

  • Serves as an essential guide for managers themselves on how to incorporate proven stress management skills into their everyday interactions with team members

  • Balances rigorous research grounding with real-world vignettes, case studies and exercises

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Chapter 1: Introduction
    1. What is Stress?
    2. What Stress is Not: Common Misperceptions
    3. Common Causes of Stress
    4. Work-Related Stress and the Line Manager
    5. Summary
    6. References
  5. Chapter 2: Why managing stress is important: The business and legal reasons
    1. The Business Case
    2. The Costs of Work-Related Stress
    3. Calculating the Cost of Stress to Your Business
    4. What Should We Be Doing to Monitor these Costs?
    5. The Legal Case
    6. Legal Cases of Work-Related Stress
    7. What Should We Be Doing to Comply with Legislation?
    8. Summary
    9. References
  6. Chapter 3: How to manage work-related stress
    1. Prevention
    2. Training and Development
    3. Support
    4. Organizational, Manager and Team, and Individual Level Interventions
    5. What Should Our Organization Be Doing?
    6. Where Does the Line Manager Fit In?
    7. Summary
    8. References
  7. Chapter 4: Developing a framework to promote positive manager behaviour
    1. Rationale: The Need for a Stress Management Approach Focusing on Positive Manager Behaviour
    2. Why We Took a Competency-Based Approach
    3. The Research Underlying the Positive Manager Behaviour Framework and Approach
    4. The Positive Manager Behaviour Framework
    5. Evidence to Support a Positive Manager Behaviour Approach
    6. Useful Resources
    7. References
  8. Chapter 5: Respectful and responsible: Managing emotions and having integrity (management competency 1)
    1. Integrity
    2. Managing Emotions
    3. Considerate Approach
    4. Summary
    5. References
  9. Chapter 6: Managing and communicating existing and future work (management competency 2)
    1. Proactive Work Management
    2. Problem Solving
    3. Participative/Empowering
    4. Summary
    5. References
  10. Chapter 7: Managing the individual within the team (management competency 3)
    1. Personally Accessible
    2. Sociable
    3. Empathetic Engagement
    4. Summary
    5. References
  11. Chapter 8: Reasoning/managing difficult situations (management competency 4)
    1. Managing Conflict
    2. Use of Organizational Resources
    3. Taking Responsibility for Resolving Issues
    4. Summary
    5. References
  12. Chapter 9: Overcoming barriers to positive manager behaviour
    1. Personal Level Barriers
    2. Individual Work or Job Level Barriers
    3. Team and Relationship Level Barriers
    4. Organizational and Wider Level Barriers
    5. References
  13. Chapter 10: Supporting managers to change their behaviour
    1. Behaviour Change Is Possible
    2. Theories of Behaviour Change
    3. Implementing Behaviour Change Interventions
    4. References
  14. Chapter 11: Is stress management just good management?
    1. Comparing Positive Manager Behaviour with General Management/Leadership Competency Frameworks
    2. Implications for Practice
    3. How to Do Your Own Mapping
    4. How to Identify Missing Positive Manager Behaviour Elements
    5. How to Integrate Missing Positive Manager Behaviour Elements
    6. Valuing People Management Skills
    7. References
  15. Chapter 12: The way forward
    1. Where are you Now?
    2. Starting Out – Understanding Positive Manager Behaviour and How It Might Be Useful
    3. Deciding How to Use Positive Manager Behaviour
    4. Gaining Buy-In
    5. Applying Positive Manager Behaviour
    6. Sustainable Impact
    7. References
  16. Appendix
  17. Index