
Book Description

Google Glass is the new wearable computer everyone's talking about. It offers a head-mounted optical display and touch interface, and it's programmable. Kick-start your Glassware development by exploring how users can interface with Glass, developing a Glass application fast by using the Mirror API to manipulate Timeline cards and menus, tracking a Glass's geolocation, creating rich interactions by responding to user inputs, and capturing or serving user images and videos. This is the book to read for a shortcut to this brave new world.

Table of Contents

  1. Programming Google Glass
  2. For the Best Reading Experience...
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Early praise for Programming Google Glass
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Preface
    1. What’s the Big Deal with Glass?
    2. Is This Book for You?
    3. What’s in This Book?
    4. Online Resources
    5. Getting Going
  7. Chapter 1: Wrapping Your Head Around Glass
    1. Getting to Know Glass
    2. Learning to Navigate
    3. Glass Hardware
    4. Glass Software
    5. Wrap-Up
  8. Chapter 2: The Google App Engine PaaS
    1. Setting Up GAE
    2. Making a Web App
    3. Deploying to the Web
    4. Fancy Templates
    5. Wrap-Up
  9. Chapter 3: Authorizing Your Glassware
    1. Activating Your Mirror API
    2. A Short Primer on OAuth 2.0
    3. Applying OAuth to Create Glassware
    4. Wrap-Up
  10. Chapter 4: Building the Timeline
    1. Mirror HTTP Requests
    2. Timeline Items
    3. Multicards: Bundles and Paginating
    4. Menus
    5. Cron Jobs
    6. Wrap-Up
  11. Chapter 5: Tracking Movement and User Responses
    1. Geolocation
    2. Using Location
    3. Subscriptions
    4. Accepting Notifications
    5. Custom Menu Items
    6. Wrap-Up
  12. Chapter 6: Making Glass Social
    1. Creating Contacts
    2. Sharing Assets with Glassware
    3. Getting and Setting Attachments
    4. Wrap-Up
  13. Chapter 7: Designing for Glass
    1. A Little UX
    2. Design Layout
    3. Look and Feel
    4. Wireframes and Mock-Ups
    5. Wrap-Up
  14. Chapter 8: Turning a Web App to Glass
    1. ChittrChattr
    2. Glassifying the Actions
    3. The Mirror Code
    4. Wrap-Up
  15. Appendix 1: HTTP and HTML Resources
    1. Timeline
    2. Timeline Attachments
    3. Locations
    4. Subscriptions
    5. Contacts
    6. Map Parameters
    7. HTML
    8. You May Be Interested In…