
Book Description

Quantifying the User Experience: Practical Statistics for User Research, Second Edition, provides practitioners and researchers with the information they need to confidently quantify, qualify, and justify their data. The book presents a practical guide on how to use statistics to solve common quantitative problems that arise in user research. It addresses questions users face every day, including, Is the current product more usable than our competition? Can we be sure at least 70% of users can complete the task on their first attempt? How long will it take users to purchase products on the website?

This book provides a foundation for statistical theories and the best practices needed to apply them. The authors draw on decades of statistical literature from human factors, industrial engineering, and psychology, as well as their own published research, providing both concrete solutions (Excel formulas and links to their own web-calculators), along with an engaging discussion on the statistical reasons why tests work and how to effectively communicate results. Throughout this new edition, users will find updates on standardized usability questionnaires, a new chapter on general linear modeling (correlation, regression, and analysis of variance), with updated examples and case studies throughout.

  • Completely updated to provide practical guidance on solving usability testing problems with statistics for any project, including those using Six Sigma practices
  • Includes new and revised information on standardized usability questionnaires
  • Includes a completely new chapter introducing correlation, regression, and analysis of variance
  • Shows practitioners which test to use, why they work, and best practices for application, along with easy-to-use Excel formulas and web-calculators for analyzing data
  • Recommends ways for researchers and practitioners to communicate results to stakeholders in plain English

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Biographies
  7. Foreword
  8. Preface to the Second Edition
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Chapter 1: Introduction and how to use this book
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. The organization of this book
    4. How to use this book
    5. Key points
    6. Chapter review questions
    7. Answers to chapter review questions
  11. Chapter 2: Quantifying user research
    1. Abstract
    2. What is user research?
    3. Data from user research
    4. Usability testing
    5. A/B testing
    6. Survey data
    7. Requirements gathering
    8. Key points
  12. Chapter 3: How precise are our estimates? Confidence intervals
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Confidence interval for a completion rate
    4. Confidence interval for rating scales and other continuous data
    5. Key points
    6. Chapter review questions
    7. Answers to chapter review questions
  13. Chapter 4: Did we meet or exceed our goal?
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. One-tailed and two-tailed tests
    4. Comparing a completion rate to a benchmark
    5. Comparing a satisfaction score to a benchmark
    6. Comparing a task time to a benchmark
    7. Key points
    8. Chapter review questions
    9. Answers to chapter review questions
  14. Chapter 5: Is there a statistical difference between designs?
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Comparing two means (rating scales and task times)
    4. Comparing completion rates, conversion rates, and A/B testing
    5. Key points
    6. Chapter review questions
    7. Answers to chapter review questions
  15. Chapter 6: What sample sizes do we need? Part 1: summative studies
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Estimating values
    4. Comparing values
    5. What can I do to control variability?
    6. Sample size estimation for binomial confidence intervals
    7. Sample size estimation for chi-squared tests (independent proportions)
    8. Sample size estimation for McNemar Exact Tests (matched proportions)
    9. Key points
    10. Chapter review questions
    11. Answers to chapter review questions
  16. Chapter 7: What sample sizes do we need? Part 2: formative studies
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Using a probabilistic model of problem discovery to estimate sample sizes for formative user research
    4. Assumptions of the binomial probability model
    5. Additional applications of the model
    6. What affects the value of p?
    7. What is a reasonable problem discovery goal?
    8. Reconciling the “Magic Number Five” with “Eight is Not Enough”
    9. More about the binomial probability formula and its small-sample adjustment
    10. Other statistical models for problem discovery
    11. Key points
    12. Chapter review questions
    13. Answers to chapter review questions
  17. Chapter 8: Standardized usability questionnaires
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Post-study questionnaires
    4. Post-task questionnaires
    5. Questionnaires for assessing perceived usability of websites
    6. Other questionnaires of interest
    7. Key points
    8. Chapter review questions
    9. Answers to chapter review questions
  18. Chapter 9: Six enduring controversies in measurement and statistics
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Is it OK to average data from multipoint scales?
    4. Do you need to test at least 30 users?
    5. Should you always conduct a two-tailed test?
    6. Can you reject the null hypothesis when p > 0.05? > 0.05?
    7. Can you combine usability metrics into single scores?
    8. What if you need to run more than one test?
    9. Key points
    10. Chapter review questions
    11. Answers to chapter review questions
  19. Chapter 10: An introduction to correlation, regression, and ANOVA
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Correlation
    4. Coefficient of determination (R2)
    5. Regression
    6. Analysis of variance
    7. Key points
    8. Chapter review questions
    9. Answers to chapter review questions
    10. Appendix: derivation of sample size formulas for regression
  20. Chapter 11: Wrapping up
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Getting more information
    4. Good luck!
    5. Key points
  21. Appendix: A crash course in fundamental statistical concepts
  22. Subject Index