
Book Description

A clear and concise guide to strategy, structure, selection with in depth technical coverage of feed formats and XML vocabularies

  • Clear explanation of feed formats and choices

  • Intro and reference for content professionals and developers

  • In depth guide to Feed XML vocabulary

In Detail

RSS and Atom are the most widely used of many content syndication formats that have developed over the last few years to address the need to distribute and receive streams of content from websites and applications. Sites syndicate content for a broad variety of reasons, from replacing email as a medium for outbound contact to updating satellite sites. Each format has evolved to meet the changing needs of its driving community. All the common formats use a specific XML vocabulary to structure a stream of content in an easily consumable format.

This book helps you understand and use all the features provided by Report Studio to generate impressive deliverables. It will take you from being a beginner to a professional report author. It bridges the gap between basic training provided by manuals or trainers and the practical techniques learned over years of practice.

This book covers all the basic and advanced features of Report Authoring. It begins by bringing readers on the same platform and introducing the fundamental features useful across any level of reporting. Then it ascends to advanced techniques and tricks to overcome Studio limitations.Develop excellent reports using dimensional data sources by following best practices that development work requires in Report Studio. You will also learn about editing the report outside the Studio by directly editing the XML specifications.

Then RSS is examined in detail. The XML vocabulary and document structure is examined and explained clearly. Each element is illustrated with carefully chosen examples. The changes through RSS 0.9x to 2.0 are covered in depth as are extensions and modules such as BitTorrent, EasyNews and others.

The book then goes on to examine the richness and complexity of RSS 1.0 and 1.1, again covering both how design decisions were made, then covering the XML structure in depth. The same in depth treatment is then given to Atom, comparing and contrasting the formats where appropriate.

This is a concise yet comprehensive guide to feeds and syndication for content professionals, web developers and marketing teams who want to understand what RSS and content syndication is, how it works, what it can for them, and how they can get it up and running. The feed formats and vocabularies are covered in depth, and the book does require some familiarity with XML, but no scripting or development expertise is necessary.

Table of Contents

  1. RSS and Atom
    1. RSS and Atom Understanding and Implementing Content Feeds and Syndication
    2. Credits
    3. About the Author
    4. Foreword
    5. Introduction
      1. What This Book Covers
      2. Conventions
      3. Reader Feedback
      4. Customer Support
        1. Errata
        2. Questions
    6. 1. What are Newsfeeds?
      1. Scenario 1: Weblogs
        1. Scenario 1: Weblogs
          1. Scenario 1: Weblogs
          2. Scenario 2: Publishing of Metadata
          3. Scenario 3: Aggregating and Archiving of Newsfeeds
          4. Scenario 4: Asynchronous Broadcasting
          5. Content and Metadata
          6. When Do We Talk about Syndication?
      2. 1.1 Applications
        1. Aggregators
          1. Aggregators
          2. Newsreader
      3. 1.2 Feed-Based Services
        1. Collaborative Filtering with RSS
          1. Collaborative Filtering with RSS
          2. Publication of Geocoded Information
          3. Feed Combinations as Website Metaphors
      4. 1.3 RSS Requirements
        1. Advantages of a Standardized Syndication Format for Users and Providers
          1. Advantages of a Standardized Syndication Format for Users and Providers
          2. Requirements of a Standard Format
          3. Functional Requirement: Finding Updated Information
          4. Functional Requirement: Presentation of Information
          5. Functional Requirement: Exchange and Processing
          6. Functional Requirement: Publishing and Editing of Information
          7. Functional Requirement: Extracting and Processing Metadata
          8. Functional Requirement: Extensibility
          9. Formal Requirement: Integration in the Architecture of the Web
      5. 1.4 Semantics: The RSS Model
        1. Independence of Topics and Original Formats
          1. Independence of Topics and Original Formats
        2. 1.4.1 Minimal Information
          1. Structure: channel and item or feed and entry
          2. Description: title—link—description
          3. Presentation of Newsfeeds in Feed Readers and Aggregators
        3. 1.4.2 Other Content and Metadata
          1. Content: Quotations and Pointers
          2. Metadata in Syndication Formats
          3. RSS as a Publication and Syndication Format
      6. 1.5 Syntax: RSS as an XML Format
        1. Standardization and Openness of XML
          1. Standardization and Openness of XML
          2. Separation of Content and Presentation in XML
          3. Semantic Distinctions
          4. Transformability
          5. Ability to be Validated
          6. Internationalization
          7. Extensibility and Namespaces
      7. 1.6 Feed Formats and other XML Formats
        1. Syndication Formats are not News Formats
          1. Syndication Formats are not News Formats
          2. Distinction of Message Formats
      8. 1.7 The Versions of RSS and Atom: Their Evolution and the Future
        1. Notes for the table:
          1. Notes for the table:
        2. 1.7.1 The Beginnings: MCF, Scripting News, and CDF
          1. Meta Content Format and Channel Definition Format
          2. UserLand’s Scripting News Format
          3. RSS 0.9
        3. 1.7.2 RSS 0.91
        4. 1.7.3 RSS 1.0
        5. 1.7.4 RSS 0.92
        6. 1.7.5 RSS 0.93
        7. 1.7.6 RSS 2.0
        8. 1.7.7 From a Syndication to a Publication Format: Atom, the New Alternative
        9. 1.7.8 Which Format for Which Purpose?
    7. 2. Really Simple Syndication: RSS 2.0 and Its Predecessors
      1. 2.1 Overview
        1. 2.1.1 RSS 2.0: Lowest Common Denominator of the Feed Formats
        2. 2.1.2 Important New Developments: Podcasting and Further Extensions
        3. 2.1.3 Design Principles
          1. Primary Syndication Format
          2. Simplicity
          3. "Literary XML"
          4. Flat Document Structure
          5. Easy Extensibility
          6. Simplicity of the Specification
          7. Backward Compatibility
          8. Frozen Specification
      2. 2.2 The RSS 2.0 Vocabulary
        1. 2.2.1 Basic Structure of an RSS 2.0 Document
          1. XML Declaration and Specification of the RSS Version: Definition of the Language
          2. The rss Element (Document Element)
          3. The Structure of an RSS 2.0 Document Through the channel and item Elements
          4. The item Element
        2. 2.2.2 Basic Information of an RSS 2.0 Document: title, link, and description
          1. The link Element
          2. link as Sub-Element of channel and of item
        3. 2.2.3 Text or HTML as the Content of title and description
          1. HTML as Content of RSS is Illegal
          2. Escaping Markup
          3. "Escaped Markup Considered Harmful" (Norman Walsh)
      3. 2.3 RSS 2.0 Elements for Rich Metadata
        1. Definition of Date Formats in RSS 2.0
          1. Definition of Date Formats in RSS 2.0
        2. 2.3.1 Dates: Time Specifications and Updating
          1. The Date Format of RSS 2.0
          2. How are Dates Created According to RFC 822?
          3. The pubDate Element
          4. The lastBuildDate Element (Sub-Element of channel)
          5. Generated Time Information
        3. 2.3.2 Specification of Persons and Authors
          1. The copyright Element
          2. The managingEditor Element
          3. Writer Specification with the author Element
        4. 2.3.3 Identification and Description of the Content
          1. The guid Element
          2. The rating Element
          3. Categorization with the category Element
          4. Source Information with the source Element
        5. 2.3.4 Technology
          1. The docs Element
          2. The generator Element
          3. The webMaster Element
        6. 2.3.5 Internationalization
          1. The language Element
        7. 2.3.6 Elements for the Support of Publication and Subscription Tools
          1. The comments Element
        8. 2.3.7 Characterization of a Feed with an Image: The image Element
          1. Support for the Functions of Aggregators: cloud, ttl, textInput, skipHours and hour, skipDay, and day
      4. 2.4 Adding Multimedia Data with enclosure
        1. BitTorrent via RSS
          1. BitTorrent via RSS
          2. Broadcatching
          3. An Alternative to enclosure
      5. 2.5 The Predecessors of RSS 2.0
        1. 2.5.1 RSS 0.91
        2. 2.5.2 RSS 0.92
        3. 2.5.3 RSS 0.93 and 0.94
        4. 2.5.4 Differences Between RSS 2.0 and the Earlier Versions
      6. 2.6 Extension Modules
        1. Open Questions Concerning Extensibility
          1. Open Questions Concerning Extensibility
          2. All Non-RSS Elements Belong in a Namespace
          3. No Namespace for the RSS Elements Themselves
          4. Risks for the Structure
          5. In Regards to Extensions, Less is More
        2. 2.6.1 The blogChannel Module
          1. The Elements of the blogChannel Module
        3. 2.6.2 The BitTorrent Module
        4. 2.6.3 The creativeCommons Module
        5. 2.6.4 The Easy News Topics Module
          1. The Elements of the Easy News Topics Module
        6. 2.6.5 The OpenSearch Module from Amazon
          1. The Elements of the OpenSearch Module
        7. 2.6.6 The RSS Media Module from Yahoo!
          1. The Elements of the RSS Media Module
        8. 2.6.7 Microsoft’s Simple List Extensions
        9. 2.6.8 The Simple Semantic Resolution Module: RSS 2.0 as RDF
      7. 2.7 Aggregation of Feeds and OPML
        1. Approach in RSS 2.0: Outline Processing Markup Language
          1. Approach in RSS 2.0: Outline Processing Markup Language
          2. Approach in RSS 1.0: mod_aggregation
          3. Approach in Atom: Inclusion of Metadata of the Original Feeds in the Entry
    8. 3. RSS for the Semantic Web: RSS 1.0 and RSS 1.1
      1. Modularization
        1. Modularization
          1. Modularization
          2. Use of the Resource Description Format
      2. 3.1 RDF Basics
        1. The Triple as an Information Model
          1. The Triple as an Information Model
          2. Identification through URIs
          3. RDF Models Information as Graphs
          4. RDF Notation in XML
          5. Mapping of RDF Graphs on XML Trees
          6. The W3C RDF Validator
          7. Preview: More Complex RDF Graphs
      3. 3.2 The Basic Structure of an RSS 1.0 Document
        1. 3.2.1. Namespaces
        2. 3.2.2 The Structure of the Document as a Consequence of the RDF Model
          1. RSS as Representation of Knowledge
          2. The Relationships Between channel, items, and item
      4. 3.3 The Core Vocabulary of RSS 1.0
        1. 3.3.1 Structure
          1. The rdf:RDF Element
          2. The rss:channel Element
          3. The rss:items Element
          4. The rdf:Seq Element
          5. The rdf:li Element
          6. The rss:image Element
          7. The rss:textinput Element
          8. The rss:item Element
        2. 3.3.2 Descriptive Elements
          1. The rss:link Element
          2. The rss:title Element
          3. The rss:description Element
      5. 3.4 Modules for Metadata
        1. Namespace-Based Modularization
          1. Namespace-Based Modularization
          2. Specification Documents
          3. RDF Compatibility of Extensions
      6. 3.5 RSS 1.0 Modules
        1. 3.5.1 Dublin Core
          1. The dc:title Element
          2. The dc:creator Element
          3. The dc:subject Element
          4. The dc:description Element
          5. The dc:publisher Element
          6. The dc:contributor Element
          7. The dc:date Element
          8. The dc:type Element
          9. The dc:format Element
          10. The dc:identifier Element
          11. The dc:source Element
          12. The dc:language Element
          13. The dc:relation Element
          14. The dc:coverage Element
          15. The dc:rights Element
        2. 3.5.2 Syndication Modules
          1. The sy:updatePeriod Element
          2. The sy:updateFrequency Element
          3. The sy:updateBase Element
        3. 3.5.3 Content Module
          1. The content:items Element
          2. The content:item Element
          3. The content:format Element
          4. The rdf:value Element
          5. The content:encoding Element
          6. The content:encoded Element
        4. 3.5.4 Suggested Modules
      7. 3.6 RSS 1.1
        1. 3.6.1 Channel as Root Element
          1. The rss:title Element
          2. The rss:description Element
          3. The rss:items Element
          4. The rss:item Element
          5. The rss:link Element
    9. 4. Atom
      1. 4.1 Overview
        1. Further Development? Or Alternative to RSS?
          1. Further Development? Or Alternative to RSS?
          2. Starting Points for the Development of Atom
          3. Standardizing Procedures and Specifications
          4. Sources of Information
          5. Differences Between Atom and the other Feed Formats
          6. Extended Functionality
      2. 4.2 The Structure of an Atom Feed
        1. 4.2.1 Overview: Atom Elements
        2. 4.2.2 The Basic Structure of an Atom Document
          1. The Atom Namespace and the xml:lang Attribute
          2. Text, Person, and Date Constructs
          3. feed and entry as Structuring Elements
        3. 4.2.3 Content as a "First-Class Citizen"
          1. Text in Atom Elements—HTML, XHTML, or Plain Text
          2. The atom:content Element—A Container for Content
          3. Embedded or Linked Content
          4. The atom:content and atom:summary Elements
          5. Text Content 1: Plain Text, HTML, and XHTML
          6. Text Content 2: Other Text Types and XML
          7. Binary Content
        4. 4.2.4 The Use of Links in Atom
          1. The Structure of an Atom Link
          2. atom:link as a Descendant of atom:feed
          3. Feed Autodiscovery in Atom
        5. 4.2.5 Other Metadata
          1. Feed Characterization with atom:subtitle, atom:icon, and atom:image
          2. atom:author and atom:contributor
          3. Identification with atom:id
          4. Copyright Specification with atom:copyright
          5. Publication Dates with atom:updated and atom:published
          6. Metadata about Sources: atom:source
          7. Classification of Content with atom:category
          8. Identification of the Creator Software with atom:generator
      3. 4.3 Extensibility
      4. 4.4 Publishing with the Atom Publishing Protocol
        1. 4.4.1 Design Principles
          1. Interaction via HTTP
          2. Members, Collections, and Workspaces
          3. The Publication Service as URI Space
        2. 4.4.2 Entry Documents and Publishing Extensions
        3. 4.4.3 Functions of the Atom APIs
          1. Finding Entries
          2. Processing Entries
          3. Processing a Group of Entries by Using the FeedURI
          4. Posting of other Data with ResourcePostURI
        4. 4.4.4 Format of Documents in the Communication Between Client and Server
        5. 4.4.5 How to Support Specific Functionality of Publishing Systems?
          1. Security Aspects
        6. 4.4.6 Communication through SOAP
        7. 4.4.7 Extensions of the Publishing Protocol
    10. A. Appendix
      1. A.1 Reference: XML Namespaces
        1. Globally Clear Identifier
          1. Globally Clear Identifier
          2. Avoiding Name Conflicts
      2. A.2 Outline Processor Markup Language
      3. A.3 Overview: RSS 2.0 Elements
        1. A.3.1 The rss Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        2. A.3.2 The channel Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        3. A.3.3 The title Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        4. A.3.4 The item Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        5. A.3.5 The link Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Versions
          8. Equivalences
        6. A.3.6 The description Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example 1
          6. Example 2
          7. Remarks
          8. Language Version
          9. Equivalences
        7. A.3.7 The language Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        8. A.3.8 The copyright Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        9. A.3.9 The managingEditor Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Examples
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        10. A.3.10 The webMaster Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        11. A.3.11 The pubDate Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        12. A.3.12 The lastBuildDate Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        13. A.3.13 The category Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        14. A.3.14 The generator Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        15. A.3.15 The docs Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        16. A.3.16 The cloud Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example 1
          6. Example 2
          7. Remarks
          8. Language Version
          9. Equivalences
        17. A.3.17 The ttl Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        18. A.3.18 The image Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Example
          5. Remarks
          6. Language Version
          7. Equivalences
        19. A.3.19 The rating Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        20. A.3.20 The textInput Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        21. A.3.21 The skipHours and hour Elements
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        22. A.3.22 The skipDays and day Elements
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestors
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        23. A.3.23 The author Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        24. A.3.24 The comments Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        25. A.3.25 The enclosure Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        26. A.3.26 The guid Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
        27. A.3.27 The source Element
          1. Meaning
          2. Ancestor
          3. Descendants/Content
          4. Attributes
          5. Example
          6. Remarks
          7. Language Version
          8. Equivalences
      4. A.4 Overview: RSS 1.0 Elements
        1. A.4.1 Preliminary Notes
        2. A.4.2 rdf:RDF
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        3. A.4.3 rdf:li
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestor
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        4. A.4.4 rdf:Seq
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestor
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        5. A.4.5 rdf:channel
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestor
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        6. A.4.6 rdf:item
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestor
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        7. A.4.7 rdf:items
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestor
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        8. A.4.8 rdf:title
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        9. A.4.9 rdf:link
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        10. A.4.10 rdf:description
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        11. A.4.11 rdf:url
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestor
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        12. A.4.12 rdf:image
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema 1
          3. Schema 2
          4. Ancestors
          5. Descendants/Content
          6. Attributes
          7. Example
          8. Remarks
          9. Equivalences
      5. A.5 RSS 1.0 Modules
        1. A.5.1 mod_admin
          1. Specification
          2. Namespace
            1. admin:errorReportsTo
            2. admin:generatorAgent
        2. A.5.2 mod_aggregation
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. ag:source
            2. ag:sourceURL
            3. ag:timestamp
        3. A.5.3 mod_annotation
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. annotate:reference
        4. A.5.4 mod_audio
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. audio:songname
            2. audio:artist
            3. audio:album
            4. audio:year
            5. audio:comment
            6. audio:genre
            7. audio:recording_time
            8. audio:bitrate
            9. audio:track
            10. audio:genre_id
            11. audio:price
        5. A.5.5 mod_cc
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. cc:license
            2. cc:License
            3. cc:permits
            4. cc:requires
            5. cc:prohibits
        6. A.5.6 mod_changedpage
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. cp:server
        7. A.5.7 mod_company
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. company:name
            2. company:symbol
            3. company:market
            4. company:category
        8. A.5.8 mod_context
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
        9. A.5.9 mod_dcterms
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. dcterms:alternative
            2. dcterms:abstract
            3. dcterms:tableOfContents
            4. dcterms:created
            5. dcterms:valid
            6. dcterms:available
            7. dcterms:issued
            8. dcterms:modified
            9. dcterms:dateAccepted
            10. dcterms:dateCopyrighted
            11. dcterms:dateSubmitted
            12. dcterms:extent
            13. dcterms:medium
            14. dcterms:isVersionof
            15. dcterms:hasVersion
            16. dcterms:isReplacedBy
            17. dcterms:replaces
            18. dcterms:isRequiredBy
            19. dcterms:requires
            20. dcterms:isPartof
            21. dcterms:hasPart
            22. dcterms:isReferencedBy
            23. dcterms:references
            24. dcterms:isFormatOf
            25. dcterms:hasFormat
            26. dcterms:conformsTo
            27. dcterms:spatial
            28. dcterms:temporal
            29. dcterms:audience
            30. dcterms:mediator
        10. A.5.10 mod_email
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. email:from
            2. email:to
            3. email:subject
            4. email:date
            5. email:message-id
            6. email:sender
            7. email:reply-to
            8. email:in-reply-to
            9. email:references
            10. email:content-type
            11. email:content-disposition
            12. email:mime-version
            13. email:user-agent
        11. A.5.11 mod_event
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. ev:startdate
            2. ev:enddate
            3. ev:location
            4. ev:organizer
            5. ev:type
        12. A.5.12 mod_link
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. l:link
        13. A.5.13 mod_prism
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. prism:byteCount
            2. prism:category
            3. prism:complianceProfile
            4. prism:copyright
            5. prism:corporateEntity
            6. prism:coverDate
            7. prism:coverDisplayDate
            8. prism:creationDate
            9. prism:distributor
            10. prism:edition
            11. prism:elssn
            12. prism:embargoDate
            13. prism:endingPage
            14. prism:event
            15. prism:expirationDate
            16. prism:hasAlternative
            17. prism:hasCorrection
            18. prism:hasFormat
            19. prism:hasPart
            20. prism:hasPreviousVersion
            21. prism:hasTranslation
            22. prism:industry
            23. prism:isCorrectionOf
            24. prism:isFormatOf
            25. prism:isPartOf
            26. prism:isReferencedBy
            27. prism:isRequiredBy
            28. prism:issn
            29. prism:issueIdentifier
            30. prism:issueName
            31. prism:isTranslationOf
            32. prism:isVersionOf
            33. prism:location
            34. prism:modificationDate
            35. prism:number
            36. prism:objectTitle
            37. prism:organization
            38. prism:person
            39. prism:publicationDate
            40. prism:publicationName
            41. prism:references
            42. prism:requires
            43. prism:rightsAgent
            44. prism:section
            45. prism:startingPage
            46. prism:subsection1
            47. prism:subsection2
            48. prism:teaser
            49. prism:volume
            50. prism:wordCount
        14. A.5.14 mod_richequiv
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. reqv:title
            2. reqv:description
        15. A.5.15 mod_rss091
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. rss091:language
            2. rss091:rating
            3. rss091:managingEditor
            4. rss091:webMaster
            5. rss091:pubDate
            6. rss091:lastBuildDate
            7. rss091:copyright
            8. rss091:skipHours
            9. rss091:hour
            10. rss091:skipDays
            11. rss091:day
            12. rss091:width
            13. rss091:height
            14. rss091:description
        16. A.5.16 mod_search
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. search:relevance
            2. search:scope
        17. A.5.17 mod_servicestatus
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. ss:aboutStats
            2. ss:responding
            3. ss:lastChecked
            4. ss:lastSeen
            5. ss:availability
            6. ss:averageResponseTime
            7. ss:statusMessage
        18. A.5.18 mod_slash
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. slash:section
            2. slash:department
            3. slash:comments
            4. slash:hit_parade
        19. A.5.19 mod_streaming
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. str:type
            2. str:associatedApplication
            3. str:associatedApplication.version
            4. str:associatedApplication.downloadUri
            5. str:codec
            6. str:codec.name
            7. str:codec.version
            8. str:codec.url
            9. str:codec.downloadURI
            10. str:codec.sampleRate
            11. str:codec.stereo
            12. str:codec.ResolutionX
            13. str:codec.ResolutionY
            14. str:duration
            15. str:live
            16. str:live.scheduledStartTime
            17. str:live.scheduledEndTime
            18. str:live.location
            19. str:live.contactURI
        20. A.5.20 mod_subscription
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. sub:channel
            2. sub:vendor
            3. sub:site
        21. A.5.21 mod_taxonomy
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. taxo:topic
            2. taxo:topics
        22. A.5.22 mod_threading
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. thr:children
        23. A.5.23 mod_wiki
          1. Purpose
          2. Specification
          3. Namespace
            1. wiki:interwiki
            2. wiki:host
            3. wiki:version
            4. wiki:status
            5. wiki:importance
            6. wiki:diff
            7. wiki:history
      6. A.6 Overview: RSS 1.1 Elements
        1. A.6.1 rss:Channel
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        2. A.6.2 rss:title
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        3. A.6.3 rss:link
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        4. A.6.4 rss:description
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        5. A.6.5 rss:image
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
            1. Attribute
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        6. A.6.6 rss:url
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        7. A.6.7 rss:items
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        8. A.6.8 rss:item
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        9. A.6.9 Any
      7. A.7 Overview: Atom Elements
        1. A.7.1 Atom Standard Attributes
        2. A.7.2 Atom Text Construct
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
        3. A.7.3 Atom Person Construct
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
        4. A.7.4 Atom Date Construct
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
        5. A.7.5 atom:author
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        6. A.7.6 atom:category
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        7. A.7.7 atom:content
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        8. A.7.8 atom:contributor
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        9. A.7.9 atom:rights
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        10. A.7.10 atom:email
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        11. A.7.11 atom:entry
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        12. A.7.12 atom:feed
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        13. A.7.13 atom:generator
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        14. A.7.14 atom:icon
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        15. A.7.15 atom:id
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        16. A.7.16 atom:logo
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        17. A.7.17 atom:link
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        18. A.7.18 atom:name
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        19. A.7.19 atom:published
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        20. A.7.20 atom:subtitle
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        21. A.7.21 atom:source
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        22. A.7.22 atom:summary
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        23. A.7.23 atom:title
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        24. A.7.24 atom:uri
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
        25. A.7.25 atom:updated
          1. Meaning
          2. Schema
          3. Ancestors
          4. Descendants/Content
          5. Attributes
          6. Example
          7. Remarks
          8. Equivalences
      8. A.8 Bibliography