
Book Description

The Internet of Things represents an enormous design challenge, as our expectations for physical-world objects are quite different than for digital-only devices. This lesson introduces how to approach UX for IoT, considerations for device interoperability, and opportunities and challenges for leveraging the data produced by those devices.

Why is it important?

IoT requires special design considerations, since the user experience is cross-platform and takes place across diverse physical contexts, with different devices. It’s no longer enough to think about screen-based interfaces; we have to consider the entire system of networked devices and data flows.

What you’ll learn—and how you can apply it

You'll learn how to reconsider the user experience (UX) in the context of IoT. Explore factors in device interoperability, and how they affect systems design and the end user. You'll learn about opportunities and challenges around the data produced by connected devices and their interactions.

This lesson is for you because…

  • You're a designer starting to work with networked devices
  • You're a product designer or engineer interested in improving the user experience of your products


  • Familiarity with basic principles of user experience design

Materials or downloads needed in advance

  • None

Table of Contents

  1. Reconsidering the user experience in the age of connected devices
    1. How Is UX for IoT Different?
      1. Functionality Can Be Distributed Across Multiple Devices with Different Capabilities
      2. The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service
      3. We Don’t Expect Internet-Like Glitches from the Real World
      4. IoT is Largely Asynchronous
      5. Code Can Run in Many More Places
      6. Devices are Distributed in the Real World
      7. Remote Control and Automation are Programming-Like Activities
      8. Complex Services Can Have Many Users, Multiple UIs, Many Devices, Many Rules and Applications
      9. Many Differing Technical Standards Make Interoperability Hard
      10. IoT is All About Data
    2. How Can Devices Interoperate?
      1. Interoperability at Different Levels of System Architecture
      2. Functioning Together Versus True Interoperability
    3. Data in IoT
      1. Flow of Data in Connected Products
      2. Data Science
      3. Types of IoT Data
      4. Augmenting Your Data with Third-Party Data