
Book Description

Red Hat Linux 7 Unleashed shows you how to install, configure, and manage version 7, the latest version of Red Hat operating system. Version 7 boasts the latest stable Linux kernel, a new and improved installation program, updated libraries and a host of other improvements, including the new Xfree86 4.x. Learn how the operating system works from the inside out.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Lead Authors
  3. About the Contributing Authors
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Tell Us What You Think!
  6. Introduction
  7. Red Hat Linux—Installation and User Services
    1. Introduction to Red Hat Linux
      1. Advantages of Linux
      2. The Magic of Red Hat Linux
      3. Red Hat Linux Compared to Other Linux Distributions
      4. What's New in Red Hat and the Linux Kernel?
      5. Copyright and Warranty
      6. Where to Get Red Hat Linux
      7. System Requirements
      8. Summary
    2. Installation of Your Red Hat System
      1. Preparing for Your Linux Installation
      2. Choosing an Installation Method
      3. GUI Versus Text-Based Installation
      4. Partitioning
      5. Creating Boot Disks
      6. Starting a Network Install
      7. Addressing PCMCIA and External Issues
      8. Step-by-Step Installation
      9. Post-Installation and Configuration
      10. Logging In and Shutting Down
      11. Summary
    3. LILO and Other Boot Managers
      1. Choosing and Installing a Boot Manager
      2. Installing and Configuring LILO
      3. How to Uninstall LILO
      4. Troubleshooting LILO
      5. Using LOADLIN.EXE to Boot Linux
      6. Installing and Using BootMagic
      7. Summary
    4. Configuring the X Window System, Version 11
      1. What Is X11?
      2. XFree86 or Another X11?
      3. New Features of XFree86 4.0.1
      4. Choosing a Configuration Tool
      5. Examining the XF86Config File
      6. Starting X11 with the startx Command
      7. Using xdm
      8. Troubleshooting XFree86
      9. Summary
    5. Window Managers
      1. What Is a Window Manager?
      2. The GNOME X Environment
      3. Features of the sawfish Window Manager
      4. Features of the Enlightenment Window Manager
      5. Features of the K Desktop Environment
      6. Configuring KDE with the KDE Control Center
      7. The fvwm2 Window Manager
      8. The twm Window Manager
      9. Summary
    6. Connecting to the Internet
      1. Setting Up the Dummy Interface
      2. Setting Up PPP
      3. Setting Up a DSL PPPOE Connection
      4. Setting Up SLIP
      5. Setting Up a Dial-In PPP Server
      6. Summary
    7. IRC, ICQ, and Chat Clients
      1. The Talk Client and Server
      2. IRC—Internet Relay Chat
      3. Instant Messaging
      4. Summary
    8. Using Multimedia and Graphics Clients
      1. Linux Graphic Utilities
      2. Common Graphics Formats
      3. Basic Graphic Editing Clients
      4. Using the GIMP
      5. Displaying and Printing Graphics
      6. Configuring Sound
      7. Playing Audio CDs
      8. Playing .mp3s
      9. Playing Video
      10. Using a Web Cam
      11. Summary
  8. Configuring Services
    1. System Startup and Shutdown
      1. The Boot Process
      2. The Initialization Process and Startup Scripts
      3. linuxconf and Managing Your Services
      4. Shutting Down the Linux System
      5. When the System Crashes
      6. Summary
    2. SMTP and Protocols
      1. A Brief History of Internet Email Standards
      2. SMTP and sendmail
      3. POP
      4. IMAP
      5. Mail Retrieval
      6. Summary
    3. FTP
      1. Getting and Installing the FTP Server
      2. How the FTP Server Works
      3. Configuring Your FTP Server
      4. FTP Administrative Tools
      5. Using FTP Clients
      6. Summary
    4. Apache Server
      1. Server Installation
      2. Runtime Server Configuration Settings
      3. Authentication and Access Control
      4. Apache Modules
      5. Virtual Hosting
      6. Logging
      7. Dynamic Content
      8. Starting and Stopping the Server
      9. Configuration File Listings
      10. Summary
    5. Internet News
      1. Linux and Newsgroups
      2. INN Hardware and Software Requirements
      3. An Introduction to INN
      4. Introduction to Leafnode+
      5. Introduction to trn
      6. Summary
    6. Domain Name Service and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
      1. A Brief History of the Internet
      2. A Word About This Chapter's Examples
      3. Important DNS Facts and Concepts
      4. DNS Server Configuration Files
      5. Configuring resolv.conf with linuxconf
      6. A Trivial Caching DNS
      7. Configuring DNS Server Master Zones
      8. Delegating Authority
      9. Adding a Slave DNS Server
      10. Troubleshooting DNS
      11. DNS Resources
      12. Automatically Configuring Clients with DHCP
      13. Summary
    7. NIS: Network Information Service
      1. Understanding NIS
      2. Installing the Software
      3. Configuring a Master NIS Server
      4. Configuring a NIS Client
      5. Configuring a NIS Secondary Server
      6. Using NISisms in Your /etc/passwd File
      7. Using Netgroups
      8. Some Troubleshooting Tips
      9. Summary
    8. NFS: Network Filesystem
      1. Installing NFS
      2. Starting and Stopping the NFS Daemons
      3. Configuring NFS Servers and Clients
      4. Exporting Filesystems with linuxconf
      5. Complete Sample Configuration Files
      6. Summary
    9. Samba
      1. Installing Samba
      2. Getting a Simple Samba Setup Running
      3. Configuring Samba
      4. Configuring a Samba File Server with linuxconf
      5. Sharing Files and Print Services
      6. Optimizing Samba Performance
      7. Testing Your Configuration
      8. Running the Samba Server
      9. Accessing Shares
      10. Common smb.conf Options
      11. Samba Resources
      12. Using Samba as a Logon Server
      13. Samba Troubleshooting Tips
      14. Samba Security
      15. Using SWAT for Web-Based Samba Configuration
      16. Using Samba as a Linux Migration Tool
      17. Summary
  9. System Administration and Management
    1. Linux Filesystems, Disks, and Other Devices
      1. Basic Concepts of Devices
      2. Filesystems
      3. The mount Command
      4. Mounting with the User Mount Tool
      5. Setting Up Filesystems
      6. Creating New Filesystems
      7. Creating and Editing Filesystems Graphically with fsconf and linuxconf
      8. Repairing Filesystems
      9. Various Kinds of Hardware
      10. Character Devices
      11. Summary
    2. Printing with Linux
      1. Printer Devices
      2. What Printer Should I Use with Linux?
      3. How Do I Print?
      4. printtool—The Red Hat Linux Print System Manager
      5. Linux Printing Commands
      6. Other Helpful Printer Programs and Filters
      7. Infrared Printer Support
      8. Other Helpful Programs
      9. Troubleshooting and More Information
      10. Summary
    3. TCP/IP Network Management
      1. TCP/IP Basics
      2. Configuring the Network
      3. Network Daemons
      4. TCP/IP Troubleshooting Tools
      5. Network Security Tools
      6. Summary
    4. Linux System Administration
      1. Working as root
      2. Performing System Maintenance
      3. Managing Software with RPM
      4. Using Gnome-RPM
      5. Managing Users and Groups with linuxconf
      6. Managing Users and Groups from the Command Line
      7. Setting Disk Quotas with linuxconf
      8. Creating Special Accounts with linuxconf
      9. Analyzing Performance
      10. Understanding Your Security Responsibilities
      11. Getting Help
      12. Summary
    5. Backup and Restore
      1. Successful Backup Considerations
      2. Qualities of a Good Backup
      3. Selecting a Backup Medium
      4. Selecting a Backup Tool
      5. Backup Strategies and Operations
      6. Restoring Files
      7. What Is in the Archive?
      8. Summary
    6. System Security
      1. Thinking About Security—An Audit
      2. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!
      3. File and Directory Permissions
      4. Passwords—A Second Look
      5. Related WWW Sites
      6. Summary
  10. Red Hat Development and Productivity
    1. Linux C/C++ Programming Tools
      1. Background on the C Language
      2. Elements of the C++ Language
      3. Project Management Tools
      4. GNU C/C++ Compiler Command-Line Switches
      5. New Features of the GNU egcs Compiler System
      6. Additional Resources
      7. Summary
    2. Shell Scripting
      1. Creating and Executing a Shell Program
      2. Variables
      3. Positional Parameters
      4. Built-In Variables
      5. Special Characters
      6. Comparison of Expressions
      7. Iteration Statements
      8. Conditional Statements
      9. Miscellaneous Statements
      10. Functions
      11. Summary
    3. Automating Tasks
      1. First Example—Automating Data Entry
      2. Tips for Improving Automation Technique
      3. Shell Scripts
      4. Scheduling Tasks with cron and at Jobs
      5. Other Mechanisms: Expect, Perl, and More
      6. Concluding Challenge for an Automater—Explaining Value
      7. Summary
    4. Configuring and Building Kernels
      1. Introduction to the Linux Kernel
      2. Understanding the Kernel
      3. Understanding the Kernel Sources Structure
      4. Obtaining the Kernel Sources
      5. Configuring the Linux Kernel
      6. Building and Installing the Kernel
      7. Recovering from Faulty Kernels
      8. Summary
    5. Emulators, Tools, and Window Clients
      1. Emulators
      2. The mtools Package
      3. Windowing Network Clients
      4. Summary
  11. Appendixes
    1. The Linux Documentation Project
      1. Overview of The Linux Documentation Project
      2. Current Projects and Getting Involved
      3. LDP Websites
      4. Documentation Conventions
      6. Boilerplate License
      7. Publishing LDP Documents
    2. Top Linux Commands and Utilities
      1. General Guidelines
      2. The List
      3. Summary
    3. The GNU General Public License
      1. The GNU General Public License
      3. How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
    4. Red Hat Linux RPM Package Listings
      1. Group and Package Listing
  12. Index