
Book Description

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET Core in 24 Hours, will help you build professional-quality, cloud-based, web-connected solutions with ASP.NET Core. This book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach guides you from the basics to advanced techniques, using practical examples to help you make the most of Microsoft’s radically revamped ASP.NET Core framework. ASP.NET Program Manager Jeffrey T. Fritz guides you from jumpstarting development with templates to implementing cutting-edge security and containerization. Every lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success.

Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common ASP.NET Core tasks and techniques

Practical, hands-on examples show you how to apply what you learn

Notes and Tips point out shortcuts, solutions, and problems to avoid

Learn how to…

  • Set up your work environment on Windows or non-Windows operating systems
  • Develop solutions more quickly by starting with project templates
  • Configure ASP.NET Core, services, and applications
  • Access data with Entity Framework Core
  • Build modern architectures, controllers, and views with the new version of MVC
  • Scaffold user interfaces and incorporate reusable UI components
  • Read and write data using web API end-points
  • Manage client-side packages with npm and bower
  • Integrate Angular with ASP.NET Core
  • Authenticate users, and protect your website with ASP.NET Core Authorization
  • Deploy ASP.NET Core solutions into production
  • Work with Docker containers in the ASP.NET Core environment

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents at a Glance
  5. Table of Contents
  6. About the Author
  7. Dedication
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. We Want to Hear from You!
  10. Reader Services
  11. Introduction
  12. HOUR 1: Introducing ASP.NET Core
    1. What Is ASP.NET?
    2. Why Should You Program in ASP.NET?
    3. Significant Changes in ASP.NET Core
    4. Assumptions and Definitions in This Book
    5. Introducing the Sample Project
    6. Summary
    7. Q&A
    8. Workshop
    9. Exercise
  13. HOUR 2: Setting Up Your Work Environment for ASP.NET Core
    1. Four Versions of Visual Studio: Where Do I Start?
    2. Installing Development Tools on Non-Windows Operating Systems
    3. Introducing the dotnet Command-Line Tool
    4. Summary
    5. Q&A
    6. Workshop
    7. Exercise
  14. HOUR 3: Exploring the New Project Templates
    1. Getting Started with Visual Studio 2017
    2. The wwwroot Folder
    3. Getting Started with Visual Studio Code
    4. Summary
    5. Q&A
    6. Workshop
    7. Exercise
  15. HOUR 4: Defining ASP.NET Core Configuration
    1. Introducing Our Sample Application
    2. Getting Started with Server-Side Configuration
    3. Fundamentals of .NET Application Structure
    4. Managing and Referencing NuGet Packages
    5. Summary
    6. Q&A
    7. Workshop
    8. Exercise
  16. HOUR 5: Configuring the Service with the Startup Class
    1. Introducing the Startup Class
    2. Summary
    3. Q&A
    4. Workshop
    5. Exercise
  17. HOUR 6: Configuring Your Application
    1. Writing Configuration Files
    2. Summary
    3. Q&A
    4. Workshop
    5. Exercise
  18. HOUR 7: Accessing Your Data with Entity Framework Core
    1. Getting Started with Data
    2. Summary
    3. Q&A
    4. Workshop
    5. Exercise
  19. HOUR 8: Introducing the MVC Architecture
    1. Defining the MVC Architecture
    2. Summary
    3. Q&A
    4. Workshop
    5. Exercise
  20. HOUR 9: Building Your First Controller
    1. Reviewing the MVC Folder Structure
    2. Summary
    3. Q&A
    4. Workshop
    5. Exercise
  21. HOUR 10: Beginning MVC: Writing Your First View
    1. Introducing Razor Templates
    2. Summary
    3. Q&A
    4. Workshop
    5. Exercise
  22. HOUR 11: Scaffolding User Interfaces
    1. Introducing Scaffolding in Visual Studio 2017
    2. Investigating the Templates
    3. Summary
    4. Q&A
    5. Workshop
    6. Exercise
  23. HOUR 12: Writing Data from a Controller
    1. Enhancing Scaffolded Code
    2. Validating Data in Controller Methods
    3. Investigating Controller Interaction Strategies
    4. Preventing Unwanted Cross-site Posting
    5. Speeding Up Data Access with Asynchronous Techniques
    6. Summary
    7. Q&A
    8. Workshop
    9. Exercise
  24. HOUR 13: Writing Web API Methods
    1. In the Old Days of ASP.NET[…]
    2. Creating a New Trip with Web API
    3. Updating a Trip with Web API
    4. Deleting a Trip with Web API
    5. Negotiating and Formatting Content
    6. Trimming the Fat: An API-Only Application
    7. Summary
    8. Q&A
    9. Workshop
    10. Exercise
  25. HOUR 14: Introducing Reusable User Interface Components
    1. Introducing Tag Helpers
    2. Tag Helpers That Ship with ASP.NET Core
    3. Building Other Reusable Components
    4. Writing Your Own Tag Helper
    5. Writing a Constructor
    6. Counting the Number of Trips
    7. Formatting Your Trips
    8. Using Your New Tag Helper
    9. Summary
    10. Q&A
    11. Workshop
    12. Exercise
  26. HOUR 15: npm and bower: Client-Side Package Managers
    1. What Are npm and bower?
    2. Getting Started with npm
    3. Getting Started with bower
    4. Automating npm and bower
    5. Installing Newer Versions of npm and bower
    6. Summary
    7. Q&A
    8. Workshop
    9. Exercise
  27. HOUR 16: Introducing Angular
    1. Getting Started with Angular
    2. Exploring the Default Template Angular Website
    3. Delivering Content to the Browser
    4. Adding Some Real Code
    5. Summary
    6. Q&A
    7. Workshop
    8. Exercise
  28. HOUR 17: Connecting Angular to ASP.NET Core
    1. Connecting the Pieces
    2. Connecting to a Running ASP.NET Core Service
    3. Combining the Projects: Merging Angular and ASP.NET Core
    4. Summary
    5. Q&A
    6. Workshop
    7. Exercise
  29. HOUR 18: Routing Angular Requests Around ASP.NET Core
    1. What Is Routing?
    2. Generating URLs from ASP.NET Core
    3. Routing in Angular
    4. Merging Projects: The Final Steps
    5. Debugging and Building Your App
    6. Summary
    7. Q&A
    8. Workshop
    9. Exercise
  30. HOUR 19: Running Angular on the Server
    1. Introducing Angular Universal
    2. Migrating Your Application to SpaServices
    3. Summary
    4. Q&A
    5. Workshop
    6. Exercise
  31. HOUR 20: Authenticating Your Users
    1. Starting a New Application
    2. Configuring Authentication
    3. Adding the Registration Feature
    4. Adding the Login and Logout Features
    5. Summary
    6. Q&A
    7. Workshop
    8. Exercise
  32. HOUR 21: Granting Access to Users
    1. Defining Roles, Claims, and Policies
    2. Adding Claims to Your Users
    3. Adding a Sample Administrator User
    4. Configuring Authorization
    5. Defining Security Policies
    6. Enforcing Authorization Policies in Content
    7. Creating More Complex Policies
    8. Summary
    9. Q&A
    10. Workshop
    11. Exercise
  33. HOUR 22: Deploying to Production
    1. What Is This “Production” You Speak Of?
    2. Hosting ASP.NET Core Behind Another Server
    3. Preparing Production Web Space
    4. Deploying Your Application to a Windows Server
    5. Shared and Self-Contained Deployments
    6. Deploying Your Application to a Linux Server
    7. Summary
    8. Q&A
    9. Workshop
    10. Exercise
  34. HOUR 23: Working with Docker Containers
    1. What Is a Container?
    2. Why Use Containers?
    3. Installing Docker
    4. Packaging Your Application
    5. Deploying to Azure
    6. Summary
    7. Q&A
    8. Workshop
    9. Exercise
  35. HOUR 24: Looking to the Future and .NET Standard
    1. What Is .NET Standard?
    2. Building and Using a .NET Standard Library
    3. Future Updates for ASP.NET Core
    4. Staying Connected with the ASP.NET Core Community
    5. Summary
    6. Q&A
    7. Workshop
    8. Exercise
  36. Index