
Book Description

A leader's greatest challenge can be knowing when it's time to step aside. A great deal has been written for corporate boards on the issue of succession planning. But most executives have few resources to help guide them through the process. How do you start preparing yourself--and your successor--for your inevitable leadership transition?

In this concise book, leading executive coach and bestselling author Marshall Goldsmith offers candid advice on succession from the outgoing executive's perspective. From choosing and grooming a successor while sidestepping political minefields, to finally handing over responsibility, Goldsmith walks you through each step in the succession process.

Done right, your successor can enter to applause while you gracefully bow out and start the next chapter of your life.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright
  4. Note to the Reader
  5. Preface: Memo to the CEO
  6. PART I: Preparing Yourself
    1. 1: Slowing Down
    2. 2: Letting Go and Moving On
  7. PART II: Choosing Your Successor
    1. 3: Choosing Who to Develop as Your Successor
    2. 4: Evaluating Internal Coaching Candidates
  8. PART III: Coaching Your Successor
    1. 5: Beginning the Coaching Process
    2. 6: Becoming a CEO Coach-Facilitator
  9. PART IV: Passing the Baton
    1. 7: Making a Great Exit
  10. About the Author