
Book Description

Connect to the world around you and realize the enormous potential in talking to strangers

Everyday, random encounters really can change lives, when you make them happen the right way and leverage the connection at the other end. Talk to Strangers explains how to stand out and tap the potential of others by taking notice of who is standing alongside you on the bank line, the latte pickup point, or the ticket counter at the airport. David Topus' life-changing message is that we should "always connect," which means going beyond online relationships and engaging in the random, real-life interactions that have unlimited potential to supercharge businesses, accelerate careers, and enrich your life.

  • Why there is opportunity through the people you meet wherever you go

  • The four key beliefs of successful random connectors

  • Techniques for creating comfort and trust quickly with complete strangers

  • How to optimize and monetize your newly-established contacts

When you connect to those in your everyday world, you'll discover the life-expanding potential of random encounters and unlimited opportunities.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Guide to Charts, Tables, and Lists
  7. Introduction
  8. Section I: Creating Your Future Through the People You Haven’t Even Met . . . Yet
    1. Chapter 1: The Untapped Potential in Your Everyday Encounters
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    2. Chapter 2: New Faces in New Places
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    3. Chapter 3: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    4. Chapter 4: Schmooze or Lose
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    5. Chapter 5: The Limits of Online Connections
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    6. Chapter 6: When Traditional Networking Is Not Working
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    7. Chapter 7: Face It: Nothing Beats the Chemistry of In-Person Communication
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    8. Chapter 8: Anonymity—A Random Connector’s Greatest Advantage
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    9. Chapter 9: We’re All Connected
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    10. Chapter 10: The Four Beliefs of Successful Random Connectors
      1. 1. The World Is a Friendly Place
      2. 2. Everyone Can Be Met
      3. 3. Almost Everyone You Meet Can Enhance Your Life in Some Way
      4. 4. You Can Enhance the Life of Everyone You Meet
      5. Chapter at a Glance
  9. Section II: Turning Random Encounters Into Mutually Beneficial Relationships
    1. Chapter 11: Find Clues to Initiate Conversation
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    2. Chapter 12: Avoid Judging People From a Distance
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    3. Chapter 13: Don’t be Overeager
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    4. Chapter 14: Seize the Moment
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    5. Chapter 15: Get on Their Wavelength
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    6. Chapter 16: The Importance of Authenticity and Curiosity
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    7. Chapter 17: Focus on Your New Connection
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    8. Chapter 18: Discover the Buried Treasure
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    9. Chapter 19: Leave No Stone Unturned
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    10. Chapter 20: Be Clear on Your Own Value Proposition
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    11. Chapter 21: Position Yourself as an Expert
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    12. Chapter 22: If Nothing There, Catch and (Respectfully) Release
      1. Chapter at a Glance
  10. Section III: Leveraging the Connection
    1. Chapter 23: Map the Road to Opportunity
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    2. Chapter 24: Build Your Momentum and Credibility With a Follow-up
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    3. Chapter 25: From Unplanned Meeting to Monetized Connection: A Case Study
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    4. Chapter 26: Create a Basis for Continued Contact
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    5. Chapter 27: Add Velocity to the Relationship
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    6. Chapter 28: Success—Desired Leverage Achieved!
      1. Chapter at a Glance
    7. Chapter 29: Be Google-ready
      1. Chapter at a Glance
  11. Section IV: Gender-Neutral Random Connecting
  12. Section V: Mastery Insights and the Talk to Strangers Mastery Program
  13. Conclusion
  14. Index