
Book Description

This is an opportunity for an executive to understand the complex Teradata technology at a common-sense level. It will give executives great insight into the strengths and weaknesses of Teradata. It will give expert advice about how to lead those who are working under them when it comes to their Teradata system. This book will help them understand what they need to know, and what’s most important to make strategic decisions.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. The Tera-Tom Genius Series
  3. Tera-Tom- Author of over 50 Books
  4. The Best Query Tool Works on all Systems
  5. Trademarks and Copyrights
  6. About Tom Coffing
  7. About Leslie Nolander
  8. Contents
  9. Chapter 1 – Teradata for Executives
    1. Who is the Most Important Person in a Data Warehouse?
    2. The Basics of a Single Computer
    3. What is Parallel Processing?
    4. Each AMP is Responsible for a Portion of the Data
    5. Each AMP holds a Portion of Every Table
    6. The Teradata Architecture
    7. Understand the Extremes of Teradata
    8. Teradata has TASM – A Sophisticated Traffic System
    9. There are Four Major Types of Users
  10. Chapter 2 – How Teradata Utilizes Parallel Processing
    1. Teradata Stores Data in Tables
    2. Each AMP is Assigned Specific Rows
    3. Each AMP Organizes the Rows inside a Data Block
    4. AMPs Always Transfer Their Data Blocks to Memory
    5. As Tables Get Bigger the AMP uses Multiple Data Blocks
    6. AMPs Process A Table One Block at a Time
    7. The Slowest Processing is a Full Table Scan
    8. Teradata Systems Can Grow Forever
    9. Teradata has Five Designs to Prevent the Full Table Scan
  11. Chapter 3 – How Teradata is Designed
    1. Teradata is Designed Around the Primary Index
    2. Why the Primary Index Important to Teradata? Distribution
    3. Why Else the Primary Index Important to Teradata? Retrieval
    4. Use the Primary Index and Only One Block is Transferred
    5. Why Else the Primary Index Important to Teradata? Sorting
    6. AMPs Know Which Block Holds the Requested Data
    7. As An Executive Know That Teradata Delivers in One Second
    8. Teradata Has a Different Design for Tables Called Partitioning
    9. An All AMPs Retrieve By Way of a Single Partition
    10. Partitioning Uses All AMPs, but a Portion of the Data Moves
    11. What does a Columnar Table look like?
    12. Teradata Has a Different Design for Tables Called Columnar
    13. A Columnar Table is Like Separating Columns in Excel
    14. A Columnar Table is Best for Queries with Few Columns
    15. A Comparison of Data for Normal Vs. Columnar
    16. Which Move From Disk to Memory Would You Choose?
    17. Teradata has Two More Tricks to Move Less Blocks
    18. Teradata Tracks the Most Used Data and Keeps it In-Memory
    19. Teradata Has Secondary Indexes
  12. Chapter 4 – Good Executive Advice
    1. To Understand the Future Learn From the Past
    2. Let the Business Users Decide on How Long to Keep Data
    3. If You Want to Guarantee Success Involve the Business Users
    4. Invest in IT and the Leadership will Pay Big Dividends
    5. Support Large Queries, but Monitor them Closely
    6. Experiment and Improve Loading Data Strategies
    7. Compress Your Data with Multi-Value Compression
    8. Separate your Production System From Your Test System
    9. Have A Multi-Vendor Data Warehouse
    10. Give your Enterprise the Tools they Need
    11. Model the Business with ERwin
    12. Educate the Business on the Business by Sharing the Model
    13. Load Your Models and have the SQL Built Automatically
    14. Allow the Users to See the Physical Indexes in Their Views
  13. Chapter 5 – Conclusion: The Five Brilliant Pieces of Teradata
    1. Five Brilliant Pieces of Teradata (1 of 5) is MPP
    2. Five Brilliant Pieces (2 of 5) are Tactical Queries
    3. Five Brilliant Pieces (3 of 5) Is a Traffic System
    4. Five Brilliant Pieces (4 of 5) Is Viewpoint
    5. Five Brilliant Pieces (5 of 5) Are Data Processing Options