
Book Description

Many people think leadership is a higher calling that exclusively resides in managers who practice or follow big compelling leadership philosophies. But what's most important for leadership is principled consistency, because small things done well build trust and respect within a team.

Using stories from his time at Apple, Pinterest and Slack, Michael Lopp—VP of Engineering at Slack—presents a series of leadership practices that help you build leadership skills. You’ll learn how to create teams that are highly productive, highly respected, and highly trusted.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
    1. How to Use This Book
    2. How to Contact Us
  2. Introduction
  3. 1. Meeting Blur
    1. Too Much
    2. On the Topic of Operational Excellence
  4. 2. The Situation
    1. Capital S Situations
    2. Capital D Decisions
  5. 3. New Manager Death Spiral
    1. First, They Tell You
    2. Then, They Tell Each Other
    3. Management is Not a Promotion
  6. 4. Act Last, Read the Room, and Taste the Soup
    1. Act Last
    2. Read the Room
    3. Taste the Soup
  7. 5. How to Recruit
    1. The Recruiting Rules for Engineering
    2. A Recruiting Primer
    3. Discover, Understand, and Delight
    4. 50% of Your Time
  8. 6. Gossip, Rumors, and Lies
    1. An Unacceptable Amount of Crap
    2. A Well-Intentioned Hatred of Meetings
    3. A Three Point Agenda
    4. Meetings are a Symptom, Not the Cure
  9. Index