
Book Description

Imagine how much you would learn if you could converse with 64 of the brightest minds in marketing. Now imagine if those conversations were focused on all the essential elements that go into being a top-notch chief marketing officer and organized into seven logical, intuitive categories. Now you can stop imagining, and start reading The CMO’s Periodic Table, an essential resource for the modern marketer.

Over the last five years, thanks in large part to his friends at The CMO Club, author Drew Neisser has interviewed over 100 marketing leaders at prominent companies such as American Express, Audi, Belkin, Black Duck Software, Converse, College Humor, D&B, Dow, and many more. These interviews, 64 of which are highlighted in this book, reflect the fundamental diversity of challenges and subsequent solution sets deployed by each.

Though these interviews don’t yield a magic formula, they offer something a bit more profound and definitely more fundamental—a compendium of elements that every marketer has or will need to examine in the very near future. Organized into a CMO-worthy periodic table modeled on the classic organization of the chemical elements, the chapters progress from basic challenges like research and strategy, to internal issues like culture change and managing up, to advanced, highly volatile subjects like risk-taking and changing agencies.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Praise for The CMO’s Periodic Table
  4. Dedication Page
  5. Contents
  6. Foreword
  7. Better Interviews, Better Learning
  8. Introduction
  9. What is a Renegade marketer?
  10. I. Basic Elements
    1. Setting Expectations
    2. Planning
    3. Research
    4. Strategy
    5. Branding
    6. Rebranding
    7. Measure
    8. Metrics
    9. Consistency
    10. New Products
  11. II. Internal Elements
    1. Building Trust
    2. Organizing
    3. Reorganizing
    4. Global Agendas
    5. Retooling
    6. Leading Change
    7. Cohesion
    8. Consultative Selling
    9. Culture
    10. Empowerment
  12. III. Transitional Trends
    1. Marketing Automation
    2. B2B Content Marketing
    3. B2C Content Marketing
    4. User-Generated Content
    5. Influencer Marketing
    6. Grassroots Marketing
    7. Storytelling
    8. Social Media Success
  13. IV. Volatile Factors
    1. Agency as Partner
    2. Changing Agencies
    3. Retail Partners
    4. Risk-Taking
    5. Befriending Data
    6. Media Mixing
    7. Tiny Budgets
    8. Crisis Management
  14. V. Silicon Rally
    1. CRM
    2. Mobilizing Digital
    3. Integrating Mobile
    4. Email Efficacy
    5. Real-Time Marketing
    6. Online Optimization
    7. Web Experience
    8. Going Viral
  15. VI. Noble Pursuits
    1. Marketing as Service
    2. Social Customer Service
    3. Pure Creativity
    4. Customer Centricity
    5. Building Community
    6. Going Green
    7. Foundations
    8. Sustainable Design
    9. Living the Brand
    10. Social Purpose
  16. VII. Inert Fundamentals
    1. Showing Courage
    2. Personal Branding
    3. Listening
    4. Learning
    5. Evolving
    6. Empathizing
    7. Networking
    8. Power Networking
    9. Sharing Passion
    10. Always Innovating
  17. Afterword
  18. Acknowledgments
  19. Index
  20. About the Author
  21. Get the Elemental Companion Free!