
Book Description

Filled with abundant exercises, The Complete Editor provides readers with many resources actively learn about copyediting, headline writing, decision-making, relationships with writers, graphic presentations, photo editing and layout and design. It also contains a separate chapter on legal principles that an editor needs to understand. This efficient and well-written text gives readers basic information about the essential topics at hand.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Preface
  6. Chapter 1 The Job of the Editor
    1. The Job of the Editor
    2. Tools of an Editor
    3. The Making of News
    4. Beginning the Editing Process
    5. Modern Challenges
    6. Exercises
  7. Chapter 2 Tools of the Editor
    1. Grammar
    2. Punctuation
    3. Spelling
    4. Dealing with Words
    5. Common Writing Errors
    6. Keepers of the Language
    7. Exercises
  8. Chapter 3 Style and the Stylebook
    1. Wire Service Stylebooks
    2. Journalistic Conventions
    3. Language Sensitivity
    4. Attention to Detail
    5. Exercises
  9. Chapter 4 Accuracy, Clarity, and Brevity
    1. Accuracy
    2. What to Check
    3. References
    4. Clarity
    5. Brevity
    6. Types of Writing
    7. Four Characteristics of Media Writing
    8. Exercises
  10. Chapter 5 The Complete Editor
    1. The Editor–Writer Relationship
    2. Responsibilities of the Editor
    3. Honesty and Fairness
    4. Skepticism
    5. Acting Ethically
    6. The Five Commandments
    7. Exercises
  11. Chapter 6 Headlines and Summaries
    1. The Job of the Headline
    2. Types of Headlines
    3. Principles of Headline Writing
    4. Guidelines
    5. Summaries
    6. Conclusion
    7. Exercises
  12. Chapter 7 Pictures
    1. The Photo Editor
    2. Selection
    3. Cropping
    4. Digital Photography
    5. Pictures on the Web
    6. Ethics and Taste
    7. Cutlines
    8. Exercises
  13. Chapter 8 Infographics
    1. The Graphics Revolution
    2. Defining Graphics Journalism 181
    3. Type-Based Graphics
    4. Chart-Based Graphics
    5. Illustration-Based Graphics
    6. Developing Infographics
    7. Conclusion
    8. Exercises
  14. Chapter 9 Design and Layout
    1. Visual Logic
    2. Tools of Design
    3. Newspaper Design
    4. Types of Newspaper Design
    5. Principles of Layout
    6. Twelve Rules
    7. News Judgment
    8. Magazine Design
    9. Web Design
    10. Conclusion
    11. Exercises
  15. Chapter 10 The Editor and the Law
    1. The Legal System
    2. The First Amendment
    3. Libel
    4. Defenses against Libel
    5. Constitutional Defenses
    6. Privacy
    7. Defenses against Invasion of Privacy Charges
    8. News Gathering
    9. Constant Vigilance
  16. Appendix A Copy Editing Symbols
  17. Appendix B Diagnostic Test
  18. Appendix C Creating Charts in Excel
  19. Index