
Book Description

Don't be camera shy!

The focus is on the basics.

Presented in concise, intuitive style, this guide has everything amateur photographers need to know to produce great images—whether shooting in digital or film. Best of all, each chapter includes FAQs and full-color visual examples to turn good shots into great shots. Professional photographer Mark Jenkinson shares tips and tricks for:

* Understanding how the features and controls affect Photographs

* Making the best use of manual, aperture priority, and shutter priority settings

* Shooting moving objects

* Shooting in bright light or nighttime settings

* Adjusting depth of field

* Improving composition and lighting

* Choosing the best format for storing digital images

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication
  4. About the Author
  5. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 1 - Getting Started: Basic Camera Equipment and Essentials
  6. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 2 - Exploring Photographic Optics
  7. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 3 - Understanding Photographic Exposure
  8. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 4 - Formats: Digital Sensors and Traditional Film
  9. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 5 - Photography Rules and Conventions
  10. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 6 - Light Is Color, and Color Is Light
  11. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 7 - Photographing People
  12. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 8 - Shooting Events
  13. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 9 - Travel and Landscape Photography
  14. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 10 - Shooting Still Lifes: The Secret Life of Things
  15. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 11 - Digital Imaging, Archiving, and Printing
  16. In This Chapter
    1. Chapter 12 - Be On Your Way Now
  17. Index