
Book Description

What do you really want to do? Finding the perfect career isn't easy, but it's certainly attainable.

This guide offers readers the chance to trade in their unsatisfying jobs for fulfilling careers. This book helps them by providing a process of self-assessment that includes questions on personality, talents, values, interests, and goals; advice on how to make a smooth transition from one career to another; and an action plan to take the steps toward landing the perfect career.

-According to The Conference Group, only 48.9% of working Americans are satisfied with their jobs, the lowest level of job satisfaction since pollsters first began surveying the topic in 1995

-Career self-discovery books are among the best-performing in the career category

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Dedication
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Foreword
  5. Introduction
  6. Part 1 - What Do You Really Want to Do with Your Life?
    1. Chapter 1 - Discovering Your True Purpose
    2. Chapter 2 - What Is Your Calling?
    3. Chapter 3 - Setting Up for Success
  7. Part 2 - Assess Yourself: Uncovering the Real You
    1. Chapter 4 - Dig a Little Deeper
    2. Chapter 5 - Your Dream Career
    3. Chapter 6 - Your Values
    4. Chapter 7 - Your Temperament and Personality
    5. Chapter 8 - Your Motivation
    6. Chapter 9 - Your Interests
    7. Chapter 10 - Your Skills
    8. Chapter 11 - Your Lifestyle
    9. Chapter 12 - Summing It All Up
  8. Part 3 - Discovering Your Perfect Career Fit
    1. Chapter 13 - Job Market Trends
    2. Chapter 14 - Your Preferred Work Environment
    3. Chapter 15 - Jobs for My Temperament
    4. Chapter 16 - Jobs for My Interests
    5. Chapter 17 - Jobs That Fit My Skills
    6. Chapter 18 - Education and Training Resources
  9. Part 4 - Learn More About Your Dream Career
    1. Chapter 19 - Resources on the Internet
    2. Chapter 20 - Interviewing Job Holders
    3. Chapter 21 - Coaches and Mentors
    4. Chapter 22 - Diversity and Multicultural Resources
    5. Chapter 23 - Do You Really Need a J-O-B?
    6. Chapter 24 - Multiple Business Streams
    7. Chapter 25 - Try Out a Job
    8. Chapter 26 - Make a Plan of Action
  10. Appendix A - Career Profile Map
  11. Appendix B - Glossary
  12. Index