
Book Description

Bail yourself out with employment opportunities.

In these turbulent times when private corporations are in trouble, the employer that seems to be offering the most stable employment opportunities is the public sector. With The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Getting Government Jobs, readers will learn how to navigate the government application process to find stable employment opportunities available from county municipalities as well as state and federal agencies.

*Includes advice on drafting resumes suited to the specific requirements of the hiring agency

*How to complete the appropriate application most effectively

*Methods of marketing an applicant's skills in the government sector

*Search tools for government job websites

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Dedication
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Introduction
  5. Part 1 - Government Jobs: Why, What, and Who
    1. Chapter 1 - Is Government Work Right for You?
      1. What Do We Mean by Government Jobs?
      2. The Upside of Government Jobs
      3. The Downside of Government Jobs
      4. How Are Jobs Filled in Government?
      5. Who Can Work in Government: Determining Your Eligibility
    2. Chapter 2 - Choose Your Own Adventure
      1. Why So Many Jobs in Government?
      2. Who’s Hiring?
      3. Top Five Hiring Areas
      4. Other Jobs in Government
    3. Chapter 3 - Overseas Jobs
      1. What’s Available?
      2. How Are Overseas Jobs Filled?
      3. Are You Eligible?
      4. What’s Different About Working Overseas?
      5. Agency-Specific Opportunities
      6. Foreign Service Exam
    4. Chapter 4 - Pay and Benefits
      1. Your Salary
      2. Health Care Benefits
      3. Work/Life Balance Benefits
      4. Retirement Savings
      5. Additional Benefits
  6. Part 2 - Navigating the System
    1. Chapter 5 - Where to Find Government Jobs
      1. USAJOBS.gov
      2. Cracking the Job-Posting Code
      3. Other Places to Find Government Jobs
    2. Chapter 6 - Networking for Government Jobs
      1. Crafting Your Networking Strategy
      2. Do Your Homework
      3. Create Your Network
      4. Set Up Meetings
      5. Plan Your Questions
      6. Set Up Informational Interviews
      7. Use Social Networking Sites
      8. Follow Up
    3. Chapter 7 - Understanding the Hiring Process
      1. How Is Hiring Done in Government?
      2. How Long Does It Take?
      3. Are You Eligible for a Special Hiring Consideration?
      4. Monitoring Your Application
    4. Chapter 8 - Background Check and Security Clearance
      1. Setting Your Expectations
      2. Levels of Clearance
      3. National Security Positions
      4. Public Trust Positions
      5. High-Level Security Clearance
      6. What Is Involved in Getting a Security Clearance?
      7. How Long Does It Take?
      8. Submitting Your Information Online
      9. What You Need to Know About Security Clearance
      10. The Investigations
      11. Checklist: Getting Your Security Clearance
    5. Chapter 9 - Creating Your Government Resumé
      1. Forget What You Know About Resumé Writing
      2. Creating Your Federal Resumé
      3. Insider Tips for Writing a Winning Federal Resumé
      4. What’s Your Go vernment GS-Level Equivalent?
      5. Put Your Best Foot Forward
      6. Applying Offline
    6. Chapter 10 - Completing Your Application Package
      1. The ABCs of KSAs
      2. Sample KSAs
      3. Answering Application Questionnaires
      4. Sample Questionnaire
    7. Chapter 11 - The Interviewing Process
      1. Types of Government Interviews
      2. Awaiting the Call for Your Interview
      3. Prepping for Your Interview
      4. During Your Interview
      5. Post-Interview Etiquette
  7. Part 3 - Government Jobs at All Levels
    1. Chapter 12 - Student Opportunities in Government
      1. Getting Your Foot in the Door
      2. Where to Find Student Internships
      3. When to Apply for Internships
      4. How to Stand Out in the Application Process
      5. Student Educational Employment Program
      6. Other Examples of Student Opportunities
      7. Internships for Students with Disabilities
      8. Other Avenues to Government Internships
      9. Post-Internship Program
      10. Apprenticeships
    2. Chapter 13 - Entry-Level Jobs: Getting In
      1. Defining Entry-Level
      2. Who Wants to Hire You?
      3. Entry-Level Programs
      4. Public vs. Private Sector
      5. Not Just for Recent Grads
    3. Chapter 14 - Mid-Career Moves and Encore Careers in Government
      1. Getting Started
      2. Deciding on Your Next Career Move
      3. How to Translate Your Resumé
      4. The Senior Executive Service (SES)
      5. Encore Careers
      6. Marketing Your Experience
      7. Where Government Needs Your Experience
      8. Breaking New Ground
      9. Workplace Flexibilities
      10. Managing Your Expectations
  8. Part 4 - Other Ways to Work in Government
    1. Chapter 15 - Working on Capitol Hill
      1. What Is the Legislative Branch?
      2. What Kind of Jobs Are Available on the Hill?
      3. Where Can You Find Capitol Hill Jobs?
      4. Internships
      5. Things to Consider When Applying for Hill Jobs
    2. Chapter 16 - Judicial Jobs
      1. What Is the Judicial Branch?
      2. What Types of Jobs Are Available?
      3. Where Can You Find and Apply for Judicial Jobs?
      4. The Supreme Court Fellows Program
      5. Judicial Internship Program
    3. Chapter 17 - Other Routes to Government Service
      1. Government Contracting
      2. Grantees
      3. Political Appointments
      4. Temporary and Term Appointments
    4. Chapter 18 - State Government Jobs
      1. Occupational Areas for State Government
      2. Where to Find State Government Jobs
      3. How to Apply for State Government Jobs
      4. How Is State Government Different from Federal Government?
      5. The Benefits of Working in State Government
      6. Top Five Pieces of Advice from State HR Managers
  9. Appendix A - Federal Agency List
    1. Administration for Children and Families (HHS) (ACF)
    2. Administration on Aging (HHS) (AOA)
    3. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HHS) (AHRQ)
    4. Agency for International Development (USAID)
    5. Agricultural Research Service (USDA) (ARS)
    6. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (USDT) (TTB)
    7. Ames Research Center (NASA) (ARC)
    8. Antitrust Division (DOJ)
    9. Bonneville Power Administration (DOE) (BPA)
    10. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)
    11. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (DOJ) (ATF)
    12. Bureau of the Census (DOC) (Census)
    13. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (DHS) (USCIS)
    14. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (DHS) (CBP)
    15. Bureau of Engraving and Printing (USDT) (BEP)
    16. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS) (ICE)
    17. Bureau of Indian Affairs (DOI) (BIA)
    18. Bureau of Labor Statistics (DOL) (BLS)
    19. Bureau of Land Management (DOI) (BLM)
    20. Bureau of Prisons/Federal Prison System (DOJ) (BOP)
    21. Bureau of the Public Debt (USDT) (BPD)
    22. Bureau of Reclamation (DOI) (USBR)
    23. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS) (CDC)
    24. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (HHS) (CMS)
    25. Civil Division (DOJ)
    26. Civil Rights Division (DOJ)
    27. Combined Research, Education, Economic Services (USDA)
    28. Commander, Navy Installations (DON) (CNI)
    29. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
    30. Congressional Budget Office
    31. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
    32. Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)
    33. Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA)
    34. Criminal Division (DOJ)
    35. Defense Commissary Agency (DOD) (DECA)
    36. Defense Contract Audit Agency (DOD) (DCAA)
    37. Defense Contract Management Agency (DOD) (DCMA)
    38. Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DOD) (DFAS)
    39. Defense Information Systems Agency (DOD) (DISA)
    40. Defense Logistics Agency (DOD) (DLA)
    41. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
    42. Department of the Air Force (USAF)
    43. Department of the Army (DA)
    44. Department of Commerce (DOC)
    45. Department of Defense (DOD)
    46. Department of Defense Education Activity (DOD) (DoDEA)
    47. Department of Education (ED)
    48. Department of Energy (DOE)
    49. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
    50. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
    51. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
    52. Department of the Interior (DOI)
    53. Department of Justice (DOJ)
    54. Department of Labor (DOL)
    55. Department of the Navy (DON)
    56. Department of State (DOS)
    57. Department of Transportation (DOT)
    58. Department of the Treasury (USDT)
    59. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
    60. Departmental Administration (USDA) (DA)
    61. Drug Enforcement Administration (DOJ) (DEA)
    62. Dryden Flight Research Center (NASA)
    63. Employee Benefits Security Administration (DOL) (PWBA)
    64. Employment and Training Administration (DOL) (ETA)
    65. Employment Standards Administration (DOL) (ESA)
    66. Environment and Natural Resources Division (DOJ) (ENRD)
    67. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    68. EPA Region 1—Boston
    69. EPA Region 2—New York
    70. EPA Region 3—Philadelphia
    71. EPA Region 4—Atlanta
    72. EPA Region 5—Chicago
    73. EPA Region 6—Dallas
    74. EPA Region 7—Kansas City
    75. EPA Region 8—Denver
    76. EPA Region 9—San Francisco
    77. EPA Region 10—Seattle
    78. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
    79. Executive Office for Immigration Review (DOJ) (EOIR)
    80. Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys (DOJ) (EOUSA)
    81. Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im)
    82. Farm Credit Administration (FCA)
    83. Farm Service Agency (USDA) (FSA)
    84. Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
    85. Federal Aviation Administration (DOT) (FAA)
    86. Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ) (FBI)
    87. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
    88. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    89. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
    90. Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS) (FEMA)
    91. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
    92. Federal Highway Administration (DOT) (FHWA)
    93. Federal Housing Finance Board (FHFB)
    94. Federal Investigative Service (OPM) (FISD)
    95. Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA)
    96. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (DHS) (FLETC)
    97. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
    98. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services (FMCS)
    99. Federal Student Aid (ED) (FSA)
    100. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
    101. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (USDT) (FinCen)
    102. Financial Management Service (USDT) (FMS)
    103. Food and Drug Administration (HHS) (FDA)
    104. Food and Nutrition Service (USDA) (FNS)
    105. Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA) (FSIS)
    106. Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA) (FAS)
    107. Forest Service (USDA) (FS)
    108. General Services Administration (GSA)
    109. George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA) (MSFC)
    110. Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA) (GSFC)
    111. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
    112. Headquarters Air Intelligence Agency (Air Force) (AIA)
    113. Health Resources and Services Administration (HHS) (HRSA)
    114. Human Capital Leadership and Merit System Accountability (OPM) (ESC)
    115. Human Resources Products and Services (OPM) (HRPS)
    116. Indian Health Service (HHS) (HIS)
    117. Internal Revenue Service (USDT) (IRS)
    118. International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC)
    119. International Trade Administration (DOC) (ITA)
    120. John C. Stennis Space Center (NASA) (SSC)
    121. John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field (NASA) (GRC)
    122. John F. Kennedy Space Center (NASA) (KSC)
    123. Justice Management Division (DOJ)
    124. Langley Research Center (NASA) (LARC)
    125. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (NASA) (JSC)
    126. Management Services (OPM) (MSD)
    127. Marine Corps (DON) (USMC)
    128. Marketing and Regulatory Programs (USDA)
    129. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
    130. Military Sealift Command (DON) (MSC)
    131. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
    132. Mineral Management Service (DOI) (MMS)
    133. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    134. National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA) (NASS)
    135. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
    136. National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
    137. National Drug Intelligence Center (DOJ) (NDIC)
    138. National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
    139. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
    140. National Institute of Standards and Technology (DOC) (NIST)
    141. National Institutes of Health (HHS) (NIH)
    142. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
    143. National Nuclear Security Administration Field Sites (DOE) (NNSA)
    144. National Nuclear Security Administration Headquarters Offices (DOE) (NNSA)
    145. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC) (NOAA)
    146. National Park Service (DOI) (NPS)
    147. National Regulatory Commission (NRC)
    148. National Science Foundation (NSF)
    149. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
    150. Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA) (NRCS)
    151. Naval Air Systems Command (DON) (NAVAIR)
    152. Naval Education and Training Command (DON) (NETC)
    153. Naval Facilities Engineering Command (DON) (NAVFAC)
    154. Naval Medical Command (DON) (NAVMEDCOM)
    155. Naval Sea Systems Command (DON) (NAVSEA)
    156. Naval Supply Systems Command (DON) (NAVSUP)
    157. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (DOL) (OSHA)
    158. Office for Civil Rights (ED) (OCR)
    159. Office of Administration and Resources Management (EPA) (OARM)
    160. Office of Air and Radiation (EPA) (OAR)
    161. Office of Enforcement Compliance Assurance (EPA) (OECA)
    162. Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
    163. Office of Justice Programs (DOJ) (OJP)
    164. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
    165. Office of Naval Research (DON) (ONR)
    166. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
    167. Office of Postsecondary Education (ED) (OPE)
    168. Office for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (EPA) (OPPTS)
    169. Office of Research and Development (EPA) (ORD)
    170. Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)
    171. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (EPA) (OSWER)
    172. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (ED) (OSERS)
    173. Office of Special Trustee (DOI) (OST)
    174. Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement (DOI) (OSMRE)
    175. Office of Thrift Supervision (USDT) (OTS)
    176. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
    177. Office of Water (EPA) (OW)
    178. Overseas Private Investment Corporation
    179. Patent and Trademark Office (DOC) (PTO)
    180. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
    181. Power Marketing Administrations—Southeastern, Southwestern, and Western Areas (DOE)
    182. Public Buildings Service (GSA) (PBS)
    183. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)
    184. Risk Management Agency (USDA) (RMA)
    185. Rural Housing Service (USDA) (RHS)
    186. Secret Service (DHS)
    187. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
    188. Selective Service System (SSS)
    189. Small Business Administration (SBA)
    190. Social Security Administration (SSA)
    191. Space Command (Air Force) (AFSPC)
    192. Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (DON) (SPAWAR)
    193. Strategic Human Resources Policy (OPM) (SHRP)
    194. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (HHS) (SAMHSA)
    195. Surface Transportation Board
    196. Tax Division (DOJ)
    197. Transportation Security Administration (DHS) (TSA)
    198. United States Army Accessions Command (DA) (USAAC)
    199. United States Army Acquisition Support Center (DA) (ASC)
    200. United States Army Contracting Agency (DA) (ACA)
    201. United States Army Corps of Engineers (DA) (USACE)
    202. United States Army Forces Command (DA) (FORSCOM)
    203. United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (DA) (INSCOM)
    204. United States Army Materiel Command (DA) (AMC)
    205. United States Army Medical Command (DA) (MEDCOM)
    206. United States Army Netcom/9th Army Signal Command (DA) (NETCOM)
    207. United States Army Reserve Command (DA) (USARC)
    208. United States Army Test and Evaluation Command (DA) (ATEC)
    209. United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (DA) (TRADOC)
    210. United States Coast Guard (DHS) (USCG)
    211. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI) (FWS)
    212. United States Geological Survey (DOI) (USGS)
    213. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    214. United States International Trade Commission (USITC)
    215. United States Marshals Service (DOJ) (USMS)
    216. United States Mint (USDT) (USM)
    217. United States Trustees Program (DOJ) (USTP)
    218. Veterans Benefits Administration (VA) (VBA)
    219. Veterans Health Administration (VA) (VHA)
    220. Washington Headquarters Services (DOD) (WHS)
  10. Appendix B - Glossary
  11. Appendix C - Resources
    1. Publications
    2. Websites
  12. Appendix D - Application Checklist
  13. Appendix E - State Government Websites for Jobseekers
  14. Index