
Book Description

The updated guide to differences - and similarities - of faiths around the world.

In this revised and updated edition of the popular guide to the many faiths followed around the world, modern and ancient religions are extensively covered as well as New Thought religions. This edition also now features a chapter on Sikhism, more coverage of religious extremism in the 21st century, a new chapter on the afterlife, and additional online resources making it the most up-to-date volume available.

? Outdoes the competition with more chapters on current and ancient religions

? Appeals to students, theologists, and those generally interesting in religions around the world.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Introduction
  4. Part 1 - Opening Up to Other Traditions
    1. Chapter 1 - Why Learn About Other Faiths?
    2. Chapter 2 - Lots of Different Names, Some Familiar Ideas
    3. Chapter 3 - Speaking Softly and Dropping the Stick
  5. Part 2 - Judaism
    1. Chapter 4 - The Roots of Judaism
    2. Chapter 5 - Modern Jewish Experience
    3. Chapter 6 - Jewish Ritual and Celebration
    4. Chapter 7 - Breaking Down Barriers to Judaism
  6. Part 3 - Christianity
    1. Chapter 8 - Christian Beginnings
    2. Chapter 9 - The Many Christian Denominations
    3. Chapter 10 - Christian Celebration
    4. Chapter 11 - Breaking Down Barriers to Christianity
  7. Part 4 - Islam
    1. Chapter 12 - The Early History of Islam
    2. Chapter 13 - After Muhammad
    3. Chapter 14 - Ramadan and Other Observances
    4. Chapter 15 - Breaking Down Barriers to Islam
  8. Part 5 - Hinduism
    1. Chapter 16 - That Old Time Religion
    2. Chapter 17 - God’s Many Faces
    3. Chapter 18 - Respect for Life and Personal Growth
    4. Chapter 19 - Breaking Down Barriers to Hinduism
  9. Part 6 - Buddhism
    1. Chapter 20 - Buddhist Origins and Doctrine
    2. Chapter 21 - Buddhism After Buddha
    3. Chapter 22 - Zen and Other Buddhist Schools Popular in the West
    4. Chapter 23 - Breaking Down Barriers to Buddhism
  10. Part 7 - Other Influential Traditions
    1. Chapter 24 - Confucianism: Human Relations 101
    2. Chapter 25 - Taoism: The Effortless Path
    3. Chapter 26 - Shinto: Harmony and Clarity
    4. Chapter 27 - Sikhism: Pursuing the Path of God
  11. Part 8 - Old Paths, New Paths
    1. Chapter 28 - Ancient Creeds
    2. Chapter 29 - Nonscriptural Nature Religions
    3. Chapter 30 - Mystic Voices
    4. Chapter 31 - New Religious Movements
  12. Part 9 - A Matter of Life and Death
    1. Chapter 32 - The Afterlife
    2. Chapter 33 - Other Big Questions
    3. Chapter 34 - Religious Extremism in the Twenty-First Century
    4. Chapter 35 - All Down in Black and White
  13. Appendix A - Fellow Travelers
  14. Appendix B - Scriptures to Keep You Company
  15. Appendix C - Timelines of Major World Religions
  16. Appendix D - The Names of God
  17. Appendix E
  18. Index