
Book Description

The Complete Idiots Guide® to World War II, Second Edition, will feature updated and expanded coverage of the fateful D-Day invasion, a critical timeline of major WW II events, and a WW II timeline highlighting the crucial and most important events of the war. It will include details about major battles on land, in the air, and on the sea-starting with Hitler's rise to power and his goal of European conquest; to Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor; to the decisive battles such as D-Day and the Battle of the Midway, which turned they tides of the war toward the Allies.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Dedication
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Foreword
  5. Introduction
  6. Part 1 - Dark Clouds Form Over Europe
    1. Chapter 1 - The War That Didn’t End All Wars
    2. Chapter 2 - The Little Artist Seeks a Bigger Canvas
    3. Chapter 3 - The Bell Tolls for War
    4. Chapter 4 - Peace in Whose Time?
  7. Part 2 - Blitzkrieg
    1. Chapter 5 - Goose-Stepping Across Europe
    2. Chapter 6 - The Not So Phony War
    3. Chapter 7 - Puttin’ on the Brits
    4. Chapter 8 - America Inches Closer to the Spreading War
    5. Chapter 9 - Adolf Turns on Joe
  8. Part 3 - The Yanks Are Coming!
    1. Chapter 10 - The Day of Infamy Arrives
    2. Chapter 11 - War in the Pacific
    3. Chapter 12 - We’re Coming for You, Adolf
    4. Chapter 13 - America at War
  9. Part 4 - Allies Kick Axis
    1. Chapter 14 - The Axis Goes in Reverse
    2. Chapter 15 - Taking the War to Hitler
    3. Chapter 16 - The Eastern Front Falls Back
    4. Chapter 17 - Pacific Island-Hopping
  10. Part 5 - Let Freedom Ring
    1. Chapter 18 - Invasion!
    2. Chapter 19 - For You the War Is Over
    3. Chapter 20 - Hitler Cheats Death
    4. Chapter 21 - Victory in Europe
    5. Chapter 22 - The Red Sun Sets
  11. Part 6 - The Smoke Clears, and the Reckoning Begins
    1. Chapter 23 - Night and Fog
    2. Chapter 24 - Liberators, Rescuers, and Avengers
    3. Chapter 25 - Freedom’s Heavy Price
  12. Appendix A - Roll Call
  13. Appendix B - Victims of the Holocaust
  14. Appendix C - Recommended Reading
  15. Appendix D - Marching in Time: A Chronology of World War II
  16. Index