
Book Description

Diversity can be the cause of many problems at work and most people fail to recognise them. It is not just verbal expressions that cause confusion and distress. Beyond every gesture lies a world of meaning and interpretation. We do not all communicate in the same way. This, alongside strict policies around political correctness and inclusion, creates confusion, fear and a type of paralysis which can seriously undermine performance. 'The Diversity Dashboard' is a quick reference guide that aims to help managers to bridge the cultural gaps in their organisations. Swallow and Milnes use the analogy of a pilot's cockpit to describe the various functions, instruments and levers that managers can employ to close the cultural gaps that prevent their organisations from succeeding fully. Navigation, compass reading, understanding the cultural cockpit, addressing turbulence, ensuring the organization has a flight management system and passport control all play their part in this lively and entertaining book. 'The Diversity Dashboard' delivers a serious message in an accessible way that shows how far different world views can inhibit performance.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. How to get the most out of this book
  8. 1. The cultural cockpit
  9. 2. Your flight plan
  10. 3. The Diversity Dashboard
  11. 4. Initiative: individual or group
  12. 5. Management: equality or hierarchy
  13. 6. Leadership: got or given
  14. 7. Communication: direct or indirect
  15. 8. Trade: deal or relationship
  16. 9. Decisions: head or heart
  17. 10. Planning: goal-focused, work–life balance or ad hoc
  18. 11. Productivity: effective, efficient or empathetic
  19. 12. Rules: rigid or flexible
  20. 13. Time: deadline or sometime
  21. 14. Style: formal or informal
  22. 15. Risk: do or don’t
  23. 16. Trust: open or closed
  24. 17. Gender: inclusive or differentiated
  25. 18. Resilience: face or no face
  26. 19. Quick competence checks
  27. 20. Cross-cultural competence
  28. Endnote: coming in to land
  29. Bibliography and useful links
  30. Index
  31. Reader resources