
Book Description

Discover how healthy buildings, culture, and people lead to high profits

Organizations and employees now spend an average of $18,000 per year per employee for health costs, a 61% increase in 10 years. Every indicator projects these costs will double before 2030. This is an unsustainable path. These costs are the tip to an even bigger iceberg, the hidden costs of time out of the office, distraction, disengagement, and turnover. The Healthy Workplace Nudge explains the findings of research on 100 large organizations that have tackled the problems of employee health costs and disengagement in five fresh ways:

  1. Well-being leads to health and high performance
  2. Wake up to the fact that 95% of traditional wellness programs fail to improve health or lower costs
  3. Behavioral economics has become a new powerful tool to nudge healthy behavior
  4. Healthy buildings are now cost effective and produce your strongest ROI to improving health
  5. Leaders who develop healthy cultures achieve sustainable high performance and employee wellbeing

In addition to proving highly effective, these approaches represent a fraction of the cost sunk into traditional wellness and engagement programs. The book explains how to create a workplace that is good for people, releases them to what they do best and enjoy most, and produces great and profitable work.

•    Find actionable strategies and tactics you can put into use today

•    Retain happy, productive talent

•    Cut unnecessary spending and boost your bottom line

•    Benefit from real-world research and proven practice

If you’re a leader who cares about the health and happiness of your employees, a human resource professional, or a professional who develops, designs, builds, or outfits workplace environments to improve employee health and wellbeing, this is one book you’ll want to have on hand.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Praise for The Healthy Workplace Nudge
  3. Foreword
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. About the Authors
  6. Introduction: The Elephant Whisperer
    1. The Things We See and the Things We Miss
    2. Promises, Promises
    3. The View from the Ridge
    4. Part I, Slow-Moving Storm: A History of Warnings and Apathy
    5. Part II, Is There Shelter from the Storm? A Search for Wellness
    6. Part III, Magical Nudges: The Road to Health and Well-Being
    7. Part IV, Haven in a Heartless World: The Need for Safe Places
  7. Part I: Slow-Moving Storm: A History of Warnings and Apathy
    1. Chapter 1: A Slow-Moving Storm: The Existential Threat to Business and the Economy
      1. Storm Details: The Mother of Wake-Up Calls
      2. Our Personal Python
      3. Just Five Things
    2. Chapter 2: The Rainbow in the Storm: Medical Science Meets Building Science
      1. The Birth of Well Buildings
      2. The Workplace Enters the Wellness Conversation
      3. Humanizing the Workplace
      4. Exposing the Wellness Industrial Complex
      5. The Real War: Leadership Engagement
      6. Fight to Win
    3. Chapter 3: Storm Damage: The Cost of Forgetting
      1. A Nation in Pain
      2. Why Business Leaders Should Care
      3. What Do You See?
    4. Chapter 4: Stress: Portrait of a Killer
      1. Stressed-Out Baboons
      2. Primates in the Workplace
      3. Please Help Me!
      4. Your Body Under Chronic Stress
      5. Well-Being Before Wellness
      6. Well-Being Requires a Mind Shift—Not a New Program
      7. When Well-Being Becomes the New Norm
      8. Getting the Horse Back in Front of the Cart
  8. Part II: Is There Shelter from the Storm? A Search for Wellness
    1. Chapter 5: In Search of Wholeness
      1. What Are Wellness and Well-Being?
      2. Fuzzy Wellness
      3. High Touch
      4. What Does It Mean to Be Human at Work?
      5. So, What Is the Point?
    2. Chapter 6: Why Happiness Before Health
      1. The Pursuit of Happiness
      2. An Engaged Mind Is a Happy Mind
      3. What Makes Us Happy at Work?
      4. PERMA—Five Keys to Human Flourishing
      5. Hope and Engagement
      6. Out on the Frontlines
      7. Social Emotional Literacy
    3. Chapter 7: Where‗s the Data? Inconvenient Truths
      1. The Wellness Industrial Complex
      2. The Great Train Wreck
      3. Two Nagging Questions
      4. Wellness Claims Ignore Biology
      5. Change or Die
      6. The Hidden Cost of Wellness Programs
      7. So Why Is Everybody Doing Wellness?
      8. Nail in the Coffin
      9. How Do We Ever Get to Reality?
    4. Chapter 8: The Mystery of Hospitality: Experiencing the Human Touch
      1. Death of a Project; Birth of a Story
      2. What This Means for Leaders
      3. When a Workplace Cares
      4. Does Anyone Here Care?
      5. It's About Being Human
      6. Can the Workplace Be Restorative?
      7. The Power of Hospitality
      8. The Big Takeaway: It's About Leadership
  9. Part III: Magical Nudges: The Road to Health and Well-Being
    1. Chapter 9: Nudge Thinking: How Small Things Lead to Big Results
      1. Nudge and Wellness
      2. The Homer Simpson Effect
      3. Predictably Irrational
      4. Sirens in the Workplace
      5. The Power of Framing
      6. Freedom of Choice and the Battle for M&M's
      7. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
      8. The Domino Effect
      9. The Nudge of Norms
    2. Chapter 10: The Healthy Building Nudge: The Invisible Power of the Workplace
      1. Begin with a Healthy Building—A Slam Dunk!
      2. How Can a Building Make a Difference?
      3. “Let's Design a Better Planet!”
      4. Your Workplace Is a Proxy for Your Health and Well-Being
      5. Let There Be Light!
      6. New York Times Building—The Magical Effect of Light
      7. The Bridge to a Happy and Healthy Workplace
    3. Chapter 11: The Financial Nudge: The Return on Humans (ROH)
      1. Is It Personal?
      2. Are We Smart or Healthy?
      3. The Power of a Meme
      4. So, What Are We Missing?
      5. Flipping the Argument
      6. The Strongest ROI: A Healthy Building
    4. Chapter 12: Becoming Your Best Self: Rest, Engagement, Boundaries, and Deep Work
      1. The Corporate Athlete
      2. Walking the Talk
      3. My Great Aha
      4. Kristin Holmes-Winn
      5. Become a Champion Sleeper
      6. Mindset and Character
      7. The Puzzle of Engagement: Fit and Equipped
      8. Parallels Between Sleep and Work
      9. Deep-Present Work
  10. Part IV: Haven in a Heartless World: The Need for Safe Places
    1. Chapter 13: How They Did It: Creating Ecosystems of Care
      1. The Cleveland Clinic: Clarity, Focus, and Simplicity
      2. Barry-Wehmiller: “We Just Need to Care”
      3. Tom Emerick: The Human Touch
      4. Ron Goetzel: 10 Principles
      5. J&J: Persistence, Data, and Continual Improvement
      6. The Effective Leader
    2. Chapter 14: Courageous Leaders and a Culture of Care
      1. The Trouble with Culture
      2. Hello, Shadow Culture
      3. Performance Cultures and the Art of Recovery
      4. Transformation in Tempe: The GoDaddy Story You Don't Know
      5. Next Jump: Happiness and Success for the Long Term
      6. Dancing with Your Elephant
    3. Chapter 15: The MeTEOR Story: Extreme Ownership
      1. To Own Change
      2. “We Are a Numbers Culture”
      3. Boat Behaviors
      4. What Did We See, What Did We Learn?
      5. Pressing into Well-Being
      6. Extreme Ownership: “What Gets Done”
    4. Chapter 16: Starting a Movement: How Second-Chair Leadership Can Change a Company
      1. How to Start a Movement Without Permission
      2. Why First Chair Leaders Need Second Chairs
      3. Emily's Journey: A Call to Action
      4. Start Easy—Get the Lay of the Land
      5. No Turning Back—A Collection of the Curious
      6. “Who Owns Employee Health or Happiness?”
      7. The Grand Challenge
      8. The Ladder of Engagement
      9. Silver Lining
      10. The Network Effect
      11. Future Travelers
      12. Kyle Majchrowski and Seek Change
    5. Chapter 17: Haven in a Heartless World: The Promise of a Good Workplace
      1. From Complicated to Intuitive
      2. The Collapse of the Cost Barrier
      3. Seven Golden Nuggets
      4. The Power of a Psychologically Safe Workplace
      5. The Story of a Good Workplace: The Promise of the Future
  11. Appendix A: The Well MindShift Core Team
  12. Appendix B: Well MindShift Participants
  13. Appendix C: Personal Story Template
  14. Index
  15. End User License Agreement