
Book Description

Here's the net takeaway: Businesses want insights from data they can translate into meaningful actions and real results. Software vendors are beginning to deliver a new generation of advanced analytics packages that address business issues directly. In this O'Reilly report, Mike Barlow reveals how this new user-friendly software is helping businesses go beyond data analysis and straight to decision-making—without requiring data science expertise or truckloads of cash.

How has advanced analytics progressed from lab project to commercial product so quickly? Through interviews with data analysts, you'll understand the role that machine learning plays in specialized analytics packages, and how this software alone can make decisions based on what's likely to happen next. When you have these capabilities, you’ve reached "the last mile of analytics."

Table of Contents

  1. Leaping from the Lab to the Office
    1. The Future Is So Yesterday
    2. Above and Beyond BI
    3. Moving into the Mainstream
    4. Transcending Data
  2. Copyright