
Book Description

We’re told marketing is hard. That it requires months of analysis, weeks of brainstorming, and years of consistent implementation. To succeed in marketing, you need the fortitude of General Patton, the genius of Don Draper, and the cash reserves of Warren Buffet. WRONG. One week. That’s all it takes for most small and medium-sized businesses to dramatically improve their marketing. And let’s face it, most business owners do very little marketing, and what they do is not particularly effective. Business owners often don’t know how to best market their company, or are too busy working to make time to promote it. What they don’t realize is that effective marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Mark Satterfield’s The One-Week Marketing Plan lays out a step-by-step system entrepreneurs can put in place in just five business days. This “set it and forget it” strategy works all day, every day to bring in new business. Tailored to each company’s niche market, this innovative plan can generate a consistent stream of customers for an out-of-pocket expense of as little as $300. Satterfield, founder and CEO of Gentle Rain Marketing, Inc., has more than two decades of experience helping clients in more than 75 niche industries grow their businesses without cold calling or hard selling. Now, in The One-Week Marketing Plan, his strategies and wisdom are accessible and realistic for entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals, and business owners looking to move in a new direction. One week. That’s all it takes. So let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction: Why You Need the One Week Marketing Plan
  7. Part One: The Basic Plan
    1. One: DAY ONE: Choose Your Niche Market
    2. Two: DAY TWO: Create Your Free Offer
    3. Three: DAY THREE: Create a Website for Your Free Offer
    4. Four: DAY FOUR: Develop a Series of Drip-Marketing Messages
    5. Five: DAY FIVE: Get Traffic to Your Website
  8. Part Two: Strategic Marketing Boosts
    1. Introduction to Part Two
    2. Six: SOCIAL MEDIA: Strategic Marketing Boosts 1 and 2
    3. Seven: START A BLOG: Strategic Marketing Boost 3
    4. Eight: VIDEO MARKETING: Strategic Marketing Boosts 4, 5, and 6
    5. Nine: PUBLICITY: Strategic Marketing Boosts 7 and 8
    6. Ten: DIRECT MAIL: Strategic Marketing Boosts 9 and 10
    7. Eleven: JOINT VENTURES: Strategic Marketing Boosts 11 and 12
    8. Twelve: THE NEXT STEP
  9. Appendix A: Outsourcing
  10. Appendix B: A Short Primer on Search Engine Optimization
  11. Appendix C: The Reluctant Marketer’s Toolkit
  12. Acknowledgments
  13. About the Author