
Book Description

Six Sigma is a data-driven management system with near-perfect-performance objectives that has been employed to acclaim at leading corporations like General Electric. Its name is derived from the eye-catching statistical target of operating with no more than 3.4 defects per one million chances, but Peter Pande, Robert Neuman, and Roland Cavanagh--associates in a firm providing Six Sigma implementation, training, and management services--contend its principles can be applied in businesses of all types to routinely reduce costs, improve productivity, increase market share, and achieve other positive results. The Six Sigma Way is their comprehensive self-help guide to adapting and using the system under various conditions. Its first two parts cover fundamentals and provide specific suggestions for aligning the process with individual needs and goals. (These include sections on balancing potential costs and benefits, clarifying objectives, and defining time frames.) The final part, which accounts for more than half the book, focuses on implementation through a detailed yet flexible five-step "road map" tied to a company's core processes, key customers, current performance, "high-potential improvement opportunities," and future practices. While the procedure is quite complex, diligent managers should be able to bring at least basic components to their organization with the tools and techniques provided. --Howard Rothman

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. The Six Sigma Way
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Preface
  6. A Guide to the Six Sigma Way
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Part 1 An Executive Overview of Six Sigma
    1. Chapter 1 A Powerful Strategy for Sustained Success
    2. Chapter 2 Key Concepts of the Six Sigma System
    3. Chapter 3 Why Is Six Sigma Succeeding Where Total Quality Failed?
    4. Chapter 4 Applying Six Sigma to Service and Manufacturing
    5. Chapter 5 The Six Sigma Roadmap
  9. Part 2 Gearing Up and Adapting Six Sigma to Your Organization
    1. Chapter 6 Is Six Sigma Right for Us Now?
    2. Chapter 7 How and Where Should We Start Our Efforts?
    3. Chapter 8 The Politics of Six Sigma: Preparing Leaders to Launch and Guide the Effort
    4. Chapter 9 Preparing Black Belts and Other Key Roles
    5. Chapter 10 Training the Organization for Six Sigma
    6. Chapter 11 The Key to Successful Improvement: Selecting the Right Six Sigma Projects
  10. Part 3 Implementing Six Sigma: The Roadmap and Tools
    1. Chapter 12 Identifying Core Processes and Key Customers (Roadmap Step
    2. Chapter 13: Defining Customer Requirements (Roadmap Step 2)
    3. Chapter 14: Measuring Current Performance (Roadmap Step 3)
    4. Chapter 15: Six Sigma Process Improvement (Roadmap Step 4A)
    5. Chapter 16: Six Sigma Process Design/Redesign (Roadmap Step 4B)
    6. Chapter 17: Expanding & Integrating the Six Integrating the Six Sigma System
    7. Chapter 18: Advanced Six Sigma Tools: An Overview
  11. Conclusion: Twelve Keys to Success
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary
  14. References
  15. Endnotes
  16. Index
  17. About the Authors