
Book Description

In every company, a select few produce more, sell more, and deliver better results. These stellar performers consistently outshine their peers—and achieve more than most would believe possible. If only these people could be cloned! The Star Factor delivers the next best thing: a unique system for unlocking their wisdom, transforming that knowledge into actionable steps, and helping other employees internalize these new attitudes and behaviors, bringing much-needed change to the whole organization. The book’s proven Affirmative Leadership methodology has produced astonishing results for companies in a range of industries: The world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer doubled its accuracy rate for inventory management forecasting; and a top fast food chain dramatically reduced its employee turnover. Supported by recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, including research on motivation, learning, and achievement, The Star Factor presents a sustainable, people-centered system to build a culture of greatness that starts with the stars and spreads to every corner and every level of the organization.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Introduction
  6. 1 - Follow your Stars to a Bright Future
  7. 2 - Reach for your Stars
  8. 3 - Discover and Describe: The Detective
  9. 4 - Transform for Brilliance
  10. 5 - Motivate the Rest to be like the Best
  11. 6 - Own your Own Learning
  12. 7 - Learning to Lead
  13. 8 - Distribute Globally, Act Locally
  14. 9 - Experience a Real-World Executive Program
  15. 10 - Unleash the Suppressed Energy of Frontline Managers
  16. 11 - Drive Cultural Change with Individual Contributor Grassroots Leadership
  17. 12 - Living in a Culture of Greatness
  18. Acknowledgments
  19. Index
  20. About the Author
  21. Free Sample Chapter from Talent Leadership