
Book Description

In the Second Edition of the successful book, The Truth About Getting the Best From People, Martha Finney shares over 60 proven principles for achieving employee engagement one-hundred percent of the time.  This new edition features more than 15 new truths including: managing virtual teams, building persuasive skills, tuning into your own unconscious biases, managing multiple generations, and identifying and cultivating individual high performers.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Praise for the First Edition
  4. Dedication Page
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. Part I. The Truth About Employee Engagement
    1. Truth 1. You don’t need the carrot or the stick
    2. Truth 2. You have direct influence over your employees’ passion quotient
    3. Truth 3. You get the best by giving the best
    4. Truth 4. It’s not money that motivates
    5. Truth 5. Employee engagement isn’t for sissies
    6. Truth 6. Real engagement gains happen after survey scores come in
  8. Part II. The Truth About Yourself
    1. Truth 7. Your behaviors are your brand
    2. Truth 8. You can’t give what you don’t have
    3. Truth 9. “Best” doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone
    4. Truth 10. Think you’re a great leader? Think again
    5. Truth 11. You could be your own worst employee
    6. Truth 12. Visionary or beat cop? Your choice
    7. Truth 13. Your health may be compromising your leadership effectiveness
    8. Truth 14. You don’t have to be perfect
    9. Truth 15. Your career can recover from an engagement hit
  9. Part III. The Truth About Engaged Cultures
    1. Truth 16. Employee happiness is serious business
    2. Truth 17. Great leaders make their people cry
    3. Truth 18. Better questions lead to better answers
    4. Truth 19. Individual passion builds a passion-fueled customer service culture
    5. Truth 20. Authentic is better than clever
    6. Truth 21. Retention begins with hello
    7. Truth 22. The bad will do you good
    8. Truth 23. Your biggest complainer may be your best supporter
    9. Truth 24. You can sell an unpopular decision
    10. Truth 25. Flex is best
    11. Truth 26. Nobody cares if you don’t mean to be mean
    12. Truth 27. Controlling your temper is a labor-saving device
    13. Truth 28. There is no “but” in “I’m sorry”
  10. Part IV. The Truth About Motivation
    1. Truth 29. Engagement happens one person at a time
    2. Truth 30. If you’re a manager, you’re a career coach
    3. Truth 31. The candidates you’re seeking may not be the ones you need
    4. Truth 32. Ask for cheese—you might get the moon
    5. Truth 33. You lead better when you get off your pedestal
    6. Truth 34. Trust is your strongest persuasion tool
    7. Truth 35. If they aren’t buying it, they aren’t doing it
    8. Truth 36. Overselling an opportunity can cost you precious talent
    9. Truth 37. Focusing on what’s right can help solve what’s wrong
    10. Truth 38. High performers are motivated by a piece of the action
    11. Truth 39. All the generations want the same things
  11. Part V. The Truth About Performance
    1. Truth 40. Compassion promotes performance
    2. Truth 41. A hot star can brighten your whole team
    3. Truth 42. B players are your A team
    4. Truth 43. High performers have enough coffee mugs
    5. Truth 44. Discipline deepens engagement
    6. Truth 45. You don’t have to inherit the problem employees
    7. Truth 46. Performance appraisals are really about you
    8. Truth 47. New hires can inspire current employees
    9. Truth 48. Terminations are an engagement tool
  12. Part VI. The Truth About Creativity
    1. Truth 49. Innovation begins with y-e-s
    2. Truth 50. Everyone can be creative
    3. Truth 51. You stand between inspiration and implementation
    4. Truth 52. Failures promote progress
    5. Truth 53. People don’t quit their bosses, they quit their colleagues
    6. Truth 54. Extreme pressure kills inspired performance
    7. Truth 55. Creativity is a balancing act
  13. Part VII. The Truth About Communication
    1. Truth 56. Open questions ignite inspiring answers
    2. Truth 57. Serving your employees means managing your boss
    3. Truth 58. Bad news is good news
    4. Truth 59. Trivial conversations are essential
    5. Truth 60. The way you listen speaks volumes
    6. Truth 61. Crap happens
    7. Truth 62. Engaged employees need to know more
  14. Part VIII. The Truth About Teams
    1. Truth 63. Absence makes the employee happier
    2. Truth 64. Your team has untapped talent
    3. Truth 65. People need to fight their own battles
    4. Truth 66. Games don’t build teams
    5. Truth 67. Answers build teams
    6. Truth 68. Your team can lead you to greatness
    7. Truth 69. You’re still the boss
  15. References
    1. Truth 16
    2. Truth 32
    3. Truth 37
    4. Truth 42
    5. Truth 50
    6. Truth 51
    7. Truth 54
    8. Truth 55
    9. Truth 57
    10. Truth 68
  16. About the Author
  17. FT Press