
Book Description

In a world where computing power, ubiquity and connectivity create powerful new ways to facilitate learning, this book examines how librarians and information professionals can utilize emerging technologies to expand service and resource delivery. With contributions from leading professionals, including lecturers, librarians and e-learning technologists, this bookl explores strategic approaches for effectively implementing, living with, and managing revolutionary technological change in libraries.

  • Explores the impact of the social and technological aspects of Web 2.0 on libraries and library services
  • Draws on empirical research
  • Experienced practitioners

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. List of figures
  6. Preface
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Contributors’ biographies
  9. Part 1: Place
    1. Chapter 1: The changing teaching and learning environment
      1. The cultural and social context
      2. The learner
      3. The teacher and teaching interventions
      4. Tools and technologies
      5. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 2: Transforming the library – e-books and e-buildings
      1. Introduction
      2. The book will eat itself – e-books 2.0
      3. What e-books could be – the online or networked book
      4. The e-book library – not reading but searching
      5. Every searcher a book, every book its e-book reader platform
      6. Devices and gadgetry
      7. E-publish or perish
      8. Google Books – the infinite library
      9. The future observed
      10. If there were no such thing as libraries would we build them today?
      11. The connected building
  10. Part 2: People
    1. Chapter 3: Online social networking, the e-learning holy grail?
      1. Introduction
      2. Background to the study
      3. Pilot study
      4. Main study
      5. Conclusion
    2. Chapter 4: E-learning models: a Web 2.0 approach to staff development in higher education
      1. Best practice models
      2. Creating a community
      3. Harness collective intelligence
      4. Egalitarian participation
      5. Social networking
      6. Discussion
      7. Conclusion
  11. Part 3: Technology
    1. Chapter 5: A deployment strategy for maximising the impact of institutional use of Web 2.0
      1. Introduction
      2. Examples of uses of Web 2.0 services
      3. Maximising the impact of Web 2.0 within an organisation
      4. Two tribes
      5. Case studies
      6. A risk assessment toolkit
      7. A risks and opportunities framework
    2. Chapter 6: Emerging technologies for learning
      1. Introduction
      2. Web 2.0 and social software
      3. Web 3.0?
      4. Social software on mobile devices
      5. Mobile learning
      6. Connectivity
      7. The mobile internet
      8. Changing society, changing learners
      9. Conclusion
  12. Part 4: Conclusion
    1. Chapter 7: Meeting the challenge
      1. Introduction
      2. Change and connectivity
      3. The power of the user
      4. Trust and do it yourself
      5. Synthesis
      6. The smart web
      7. Skills full circle
      8. Concluding remarks
  13. Index