
Book Description

Discover what’s behind the latest Web database technologies and how to create flexible Web databases that can serve your needs today and scale for the future with the step-by-step lessons and complete code samples in this easy-to-grasp tutorial.

Table of Contents

  1. Web Database Development Step by Step .Net Edition
  2. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Introduction
    1. How This Book Is Organized
    2. Microsoft Press Support
  5. 1. Introducing Web Database Pages
    1. 1. Getting Started with Web Databases
      1. Selecting Server-Side Tools
      2. Upgrading from ASP to ASP.NET
      3. Preparing Your Environment
      4. Creating a Simple Web Database Display
        1. Create a new ASP.NET file
        2. Add code to read the database and write corresponding HTML
        3. Copy the Web page and the database onto the Web server
        4. Run the page and view the results
      5. What’s Next?
      6. Summary
  6. 2. Key Concepts
    1. 2. Organizing Your Web Environment
      1. Setting Up a Development Environment on Your Own Computer
      2. Installing a Microsoft Web Server
        1. Install Internet Information Services
      3. Installing Other Services
      4. Installing the .NET Framework
      5. Configuring Your Web Server
        1. Creating Executable Folders
          1. Create an executable directory
        2. Creating a Web Server Application
          1. Create an IIS application
        3. Configuring ASP.NET Applications
          1. Create a simple web.config file
        4. Configuring Additional Web Server Settings
          1. Assign an interpreter to a filename extension
          2. Assign MIME types
      6. Managing Security for Web Pages in Windows 2000 and Windows XP
      7. Finding a Suitable Web Presence Provider
      8. Summary
    2. 3. Introducing ASP.NET
      1. Understanding the ASP.NET Life Cycle
      2. Coding ASP.NET Elements
      3. Defining Code Declaration Blocks
      4. Defining Code Render Blocks
      5. Understanding the Page Object
        1. Using Page Object Events
        2. Using Page Object Methods
        3. Using Page Object Properties
        4. Using the Cookies collection
        5. Using the Request Object
        6. Using the Response Object
        7. Using the Server Object
      6. Inserting Server-Side Comments
      7. Using Server-Side Includes
      8. Coding Common ASP.NET Directives
        1. Coding the @ Page Directive
        2. Coding @ Import Directives
      9. Coding Advanced ASP.NET Directives
        1. Coding the @ OutputCache Directive
        2. Coding the @ Control Directive
        3. Coding the @ Implements Directive
        4. Coding the @ Register Directive
        5. Coding the @ Assembly Directive
        6. Coding the @ Reference Directive
          1. Demonstrate ASP.NET page events
      10. Summary
    3. 4. Introducing Web Forms
      1. Reviewing Form Fundamentals
      2. Improving the Forms Model with ASP.NET
      3. Creating Web Forms
      4. Coding HTML Server Controls
        1. Working with HTML Server Control Attributes
        2. Retrieving HTML Server Control Form Field Values
          1. Create a Web page that uses HTML server controls
      5. Coding Web Server Controls
      6. Responding to Web Form Events
        1. Create a Web page using Web server controls
        2. Code event handlers that respond to Web form events
      7. Preserving Form Data Between Submissions
        1. Keep a count of a Web form’s postbacks
      8. Coding Validation Server Controls
        1. Validate the year in a TextBox control
      9. Using Web Forms Effectively
        1. Performance
        2. Event Arguments
        3. Delayed Change Events
        4. Event Bubbling
        5. Responding to Both Client and Server Events in HTML Server Controls
      10. Summary
    4. 5. Introducing Visual Basic .NET
      1. Coding Visual Basic .NET Statements
      2. Using Visual Basic Data Types
      3. Using Literals and Constants
      4. Using Operators
        1. Using Arithmetic Operators
        2. Using Assignment Operators
        3. Using Comparison Operators
        4. Concatenating Strings
        5. Using Logical Operators
        6. Using Miscellaneous Operators
      5. Manipulating Dates
      6. Manipulating Strings
      7. Working with Arrays
      8. Using Collections
      9. Accessing Objects
      10. Coding Logic Statements
      11. Writing Loops
      12. Defining Subroutines, Functions, and Classes
      13. Handling Errors
        1. Create a simple but bomb-proof calculator
      14. Summary
    5. 6. Understanding Database Concepts and Terms
      1. The Nature of Relational Databases
        1. Designing a Database
        2. Informal Database Design
          1. Identify the major entities in the application
          2. Create a table for each major entity
          3. Choose a key for each major entity
          4. Add entity attributes to each major entity table
          5. Create additional tables for repeating attributes
          6. Make sure each field is truly an attribute of the primary key
          7. Review the relationships among the tables
        3. Formal Database Design
      2. Implementing a Database Design in Access 2002
        1. Create a blank database
        2. Create a new table
        3. Add data to the new table
        4. Document relationships among tables
        5. Create a query
        6. Create a parameter query
      3. SQL Concepts and Syntax
        1. Understanding the SELECT Statement
        2. Understanding the FROM Clause
        3. Understanding the WHERE Clause
        4. Understanding the GROUP BY Clause
        5. Understanding the HAVING Clause
        6. Understanding the ORDER BY Clause
        7. Understanding the DELETE Statement
        8. Understanding the INSERT Statement
        9. Understanding the UPDATE Statement
          1. Let Access create your SQL statements
      4. Summary
    6. 7. Accessing Databases with ADO.NET
      1. Introducing ADO.NET
      2. Opening and Closing ADO.NET Connections
      3. Using the Command Objects
        1. Design a page that adds records to the members table
        2. Write code that adds records to the members table
      4. Using Data Readers
      5. Using Stored Procedures
      6. Using the DataAdapter, DataSet, and DataTable Objects
        1. Use a DataAdapter to insert four AutoNumbered records
        2. Get the AutoNumber values Access assigns to new table rows
      7. Using DataView and DataRelation Objects
      8. Managing Transactions
      9. Summary
  7. 3. Developing Applications
    1. 8. Accessing the File System and Graphics
      1. Introducing .NET File Processing Objects
      2. Building a Zero-Maintenance Picture Gallery
        1. Understanding the Picture Gallery Frameset
        2. Creating Thumbnail Pictures
          1. Create an ASP.NET page that delivers thumbnail pictures
        3. Building the Thumbnail Page
          1. Generate a list of folders
          2. Code a Repeater that displays the list of folders
          3. Create a subroutine that handles folder selections
          4. Generate the list of thumbnails
          5. Sort the list of thumbnail pictures
          6. Display the list of thumbnail pictures
      3. Summary
    2. 9. Creating Custom Components
      1. Using Assemblies
      2. Creating User Controls
      3. Creating a Page Banner User Control
        1. Create a page that displays a user control
        2. Create a user control that displays a page banner
      4. Creating a Cascading List User Control
        1. Create the drop-down list controls
        2. Load the drop-down lists with data
        3. Create properties for reading the drop-down list values
      5. Testing the User Controls
        1. Test the selcat user control
      6. Summary
    3. 10. Running Database Queries
      1. Creating Customized DataGrids
      2. Creating an Interactive Query that Uses a DataGrid
        1. Create a Web page for the query
        2. Code an event handler that runs a database query
        3. Create a DataGrid that uses custom formatting
        4. Code an onSortCommand event handler
        5. Save and test the page
      3. Creating Simple Query Pages
        1. Create a simple query that displays detailed information
      4. Summary
    4. 11. Identifying Sessions and Visitors
      1. Using the Session and Application Objects
        1. Configure the global.asax file to deliver Session variables
        2. Use Session variables in multiple Web pages
        3. Create a home page that displays the visitor’s computer name
      2. Identifying Visitors
        1. Activate forms-based authentication
        2. Create a logon page that supports forms-based authentication
        3. Code an event handler to process the login request
      3. Summary
    5. 12. Updating Databases
      1. Sending E-Mail from a Web Page
      2. Registering a New Visitor
        1. Create a new application
        2. Create a visitor self-registration page
        3. Add the ability to send e-mail
        4. Add validation controls to the registration page
      3. Confirming Self-Registrations
        1. Create a page that confirms self-registrations
      4. Posting a New Ad
        1. Design a page that posts a new ad
        2. Write code that posts a new ad
      5. Summary
    6. 13. Handling File Uploads and Pictures
      1. Processing Uploaded Files
      2. Developing a Picture Upload Page
        1. Create a new application
        2. Create a picture upload page
        3. Check security and display existing ad information
        4. Verify and save an uploaded ad picture
        5. Add a link from the Post a New Ad page to the Upload Picture page
      3. Linking to the Upload Picture Page
      4. Summary
    7. 14. Creating and Consuming Web Services
      1. Understanding Web Services
        1. Calling Local Classes
        2. Calling Classes from Source Code Assemblies
        3. Calling Classes from Compiled Assemblies
        4. Calling Classes as Web Services
          1. Create a coinflip Web service
          2. Create a client for the coinflip Web service
      2. Implementing a Contoso Classified Web Service
        1. Create a Contoso Classified Web service
        2. Create a proxy class for the Contoso Classified Web service
        3. Create a client for the Contoso Classified Web service
      3. Locating Web Services
      4. Summary
  8. 4. Tuning and Debugging
    1. 15. Tuning and Debugging Applications
      1. Monitoring ASP.NET Application Performance
      2. Achieving Performance Objectives
        1. Tuning Your Program Code
          1. Avoid retrieving the same data more than once
          2. Use Response.Write for string concatenation
          3. Port call-intensive COM components to managed code
          4. Avoid redimensioning arrays
          5. Don’t rely on exceptions in your code
          6. Use early binding
        2. Tuning ASP.NET Usage
          1. Be sure to disable debug and trace modes
          2. Preload the Application object with useful data
          3. Use Page.IsPostback to avoid unnecessary processing
          4. Use server controls appropriately
          5. Save the ViewState only when necessary
          6. Disable the session state when you aren’t using it
          7. Choose your session state provider carefully
          8. Cache data and page output whenever possible
          9. Avoid unnecessary round trips to the server
        3. Tuning Database Usage
          1. Design your database for efficiency
          2. Optimize your queries
          3. Use SQL Server for data access
          4. Use the DataReader classes for a fast forward-only data cursor
          5. Use stored procedures and stored queries
          6. Avoid storing binary data in the database
          7. Create useful indexes
      3. General Debugging Tips
        1. Verify the ASP.NET environment
        2. Test early and test often
        3. Write trace messages
        4. Write event log messages
      4. Debugging with Microsoft CLR Debugger
        1. Debug an ASP.NET page interactively
      5. Summary
  9. Author Biography
    1. Contacting the Author
  10. Index
  11. About the Author
  12. Copyright