
Book Description

Are you ready to discover your WHAT—that is, the 1 amazing thing you were born to do? Would you like to powerfully impact both those who share this lifetime with you and those of lifetimes to come?

In What Is Your WHAT? author Steve Olsher reveals his proven process that has helped thousands answer YES to these life-changing questions and cultivate a life of purpose, conviction, and contribution by identifying and creating a plan of action for bringing the 1 thing they were born to do to fruition. It is a timely, step-by-step guide that will guide you towards making both a fortune and a difference sharing your unique gift with the world.

  • Features inspiring stories of trial, tribulation, and triumph, as well as examples of 17 public figures, such as Guy Kawasaki, Chris Brogan, and Jack Canfield who have made the critical shift from pursuing commodity-driven opportunities to honoring their singular blueprint

  • Author Steve Olsher is a 25+ year entrepreneur, creator/founder of The Reinvention Workshop, and award-winning author of Internet Prophets: The World's Leading Experts Reveal How to Profit Online

Steve's singular approach to realizing permanent, positive change blends proprietary methods with ancient wisdom and revolutionary lessons from modern thought leaders. Leverage this proven system to discover your WHAT and realize ultimate achievement in business and life.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Praise Page
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Introduction
    1. The Wisdom of Curly
    2. Your Two Choices
    3. A Little About Me
    4. Please Take the Shortcut
    5. How This Book Is Organized
    6. What You Will Achieve
  8. Part I: Establish the Foundation
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Four Stages of Learning
      1. Creating Your Foundation
      2. The Four Stages of Learning
    2. Chapter 2: The Vortex of Vulnerability
      1. Step One
      2. Step Two
      3. Step Three
      4. Review of Step One
      5. Get to the Root of the Problem
      6. Review of Step Two
      7. Your Life, Your Choice
      8. Review of Step Three
      9. Reconnecting the Disconnects
      10. “Bonus” Step Four
      11. The Vortex of Vulnerability: Aligning the Pieces
      12. On to Greener Pastures
    3. Chapter 3: The Vortex of Invincibility
      1. Step One
      2. Step Two
      3. Step Three
      4. Review of Step One
      5. Review of Step Two
      6. Circle of Four
      7. Review of Step Three
      8. “Bonus” Step Four
      9. The Vortex of Invincibility: Assembling the Puzzle
      10. The Completion of Stage One
    4. Chapter 4: The Next Stages of Learning
      1. Bringing to Light the Choices You Make
      2. Stage Three: Conscious Competence
      3. I Think, Therefore I Think
      4. Stage Four: Unconscious Competence
      5. Life in The Zone
      6. Living in a State of Unconscious Competence
      7. The Four Stages of Learning: Summary
    5. Chapter 5: The Pinnacle
      1. Design Your Ideal Life
      2. The Downward Slide
      3. Maslow Meets The Pinnacle
      4. Level One
      5. Level Two
      6. Level Three
      7. Level Four
      8. Level Five
      9. Word Is Bond
      10. Establish the Foundation—In Closing
  9. Part II: Realize Permanent, Positive Change
    1. Chapter 6: The Seven Life-Altering Principles (The S.L.A.P.)
      1. Realize Permanent, Positive Change
      2. Entering Uncharted Territory
    2. Chapter 7: Life-Altering Principle #1: YaNo
      1. Living with YaNo
      2. An Example of a YaNo Moment
      3. The You of Today Affects the You of Tomorrow
    3. Chapter 8: Life-Altering Principle #2: Reclaim the Canyon
      1. The Power of the Pause
      2. Communication as Manipulation
      3. Take the Initiative
    4. Chapter 9: Life-Altering Principle #3: The Sufficiency Theory
      1. The Utopian Myth
      2. The Sufficiency Paradigm Shift
      3. Feel Content by Imagining You've Achieved Your Goals
      4. Do Things Aligned with Who You Want to Become
      5. Reach Your Goals
      6. An Example of the Sufficiency Paradigm Shift
    5. Chapter 10: Life-Altering Principle #4: Retrain Your Brain
      1. Life as a Blank Slate
      2. Free Yourself of Generalizations
      3. Compression = Depression
      4. The Gift of Your Pre-Sent Future
      5. The Voice of Conjecture
      6. Your Very Own Crystal Ball
    6. Chapter 11: Life-Altering Principle #5: The Altar of Jack's Cathedral
      1. Clearly Identify Your Vision and Make It Known
      2. The Vitality Curve
      3. Make a Plan to Address Your Bottom 10 Percent
      4. Examine What You've Listed Under Your Vital 70 Percent
      5. Consider Your Top 20 Percent
      6. Six Sigma
      7. Boundaryless Behavior
      8. More Wisdom from Jack Welch
    7. Chapter 12: Life-Altering Principle #6: The Not-So-Golden Rule
      1. Motive Does Matter
      2. Let Love Rule
    8. Chapter 13: Life-Altering Principle #7: The Slow Death of Not Being the Star
      1. Take Inventory of Your Current Distractions
      2. The Two Ways to Use Your Time
      3. Creation from Scratch
      4. Defining What It Means to Be the Star
      5. Get a Bigger Plate
      6. Don't Feed the Trolls
      7. How Do I Begin the Process of Being the Star?
      8. Realize Permanent, Positive Change—In Closing
  10. Part III: Become Who You Were Born to Be
    1. Chapter 14: What Is Your WHAT?—An Introduction
      1. The WHAT Conundrum
      2. The Four Types of People
      3. Dealing with Fear
      4. Chasing Versus Creating the Opportunity
      5. Your WHAT Is Waiting
    2. Chapter 15: Identifying Your WHAT: Step One
      1. Step One: Things You Love to Do
      2. Step Two: Things You Hate to Do
      3. Step Three: The Seven Seeds of Your Soul
    3. Chapter 16: Identifying Your WHAT: Steps Two and Three
      1. Identify Your Vehicle—Step Two
      2. What Is Your WHAT?—Step Three
      3. Choosing Your Audience
      4. What Is Your WHAT?—The Final Step
    4. Chapter 17: You've Found Your WHAT. . .Now What?!
      1. Find Those Who Are Waiting for You
      2. Creating a Postcard for Your Business
      3. Nail Your Niche
      4. Café Du Monde's Beignets
      5. Allstar Electrical Services
      6. Sean Rich of Tortuga Trading
      7. The Game Plan
      8. Identify Your Ultimate Objective
      9. Identify the Steps That Lead to Your Ultimate Objective
      10. Begin
      11. The Transition
      12. A Final Thought About Your WHAT
    5. Chapter 18: Forge Your Path, Create Your Legacy
      1. The Beginning of Your Journey
      2. A Final Word
      3. The End of Our Journey Together
      4. In Closing
  11. About the Author