
Book Description

Techniques for better planning, organizing, directing, staffing and controlling.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. About This Course
  6. How to Take This Course
  7. 1 What Is a Manager
    1. The Approach in This Course
      1. Competitive Strategy as a Unifying Concept
    2. Defining Management
      1. The Functions of a Manager
      2. Measuring Management
    3. The Nature of Managerial Work
      1. Management Levels
      2. Managerial Skills
      3. Managerial Responsibility—Functional Versus General
      4. Managerial Roles
    4. Implications for Managers
      1. Interrelation of the Functions
    5. The Plan of This Course
    6. Review Questions
  8. 2 The Development of Contemporary Management
    1. The Classical Approach to Management
      1. Scientific Management
      2. Fayol’s Principles of Management
    2. Behavioral Science and Management
    3. The Quantitative and Systems Approaches to Management
    4. Contingency Theory
    5. The Practitioner-oriented Approach to Management
    6. The Total Quality Management Approach
      1. Customer-driven Quality
      2. Strong Quality Leadership
      3. Continuous Improvement
      4. Action Based on Facts, Data, and Analysis
      5. Employee Participation
    7. Implications for Managers
    8. Review Questions
    9. 3 Managerial Planning
    10. The Purpose of Planning
    11. The Strategic Planning Process
      1. Setting Goals
      2. Developing Strategy
      3. Competitive Advantage
      4. Forecasting
    12. Operational Planning
    13. Planning for Control: The Evaluation Stage
    14. Operating Plans
      1. Functional Plans
      2. Supervisory-level Plans
      3. Budgets
      4. Schedules
    15. Linking Strategy and Operations
      1. Programs
      2. Network Planning Tools
      3. Materials Requirements Planning (MRP II)
      4. Goal Setting
      5. Management by Objectives
    16. Implications for Managers
    17. Review Questions
  9. 4 Structuring the Organization
    1. Formal Organization
      1. Task Specialization
      2. Departmentalization
      3. Coordination
    2. Informal Organization
      1. Formation
    3. Implications for Managers
      1. What Organization Structure Is Best?
    4. Review Questions
  10. 5 Organizing Human Resources
    1. The Significance of Human Resource Management
    2. Staffing
      1. The Staffing Plan
    3. The Human Resource Cycle
      1. Job Analysis
      2. Job Description
      3. Recruitment
      4. Selection
      5. Training and Development of New Hires
      6. Performance Appraisal
      7. Career Assessment
    4. Effective Human Resource Management
    5. Implications for Managers
      1. Health and Safety
      2. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
    6. Review Questions
  11. 6 Understanding Motivation
    1. What Is Motivation?
    2. Theories of Motivation
      1. Maslow’s Needs Theory
      2. McClelland’s Version of Need Theory
      3. Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory
      4. Expectancy Theory
      5. Equity Theory
      6. Organizational Behavior Modification
    3. Motivation in the Workplace
      1. The Hawthorne Studies
      2. Theory X and Theory Y
      3. Theory Z
    4. Implications for Managers
      1. Implications of Herzberg’s Theory
      2. Implications of Expectancy Theory
      3. Implications of Equity Theory
      4. Implications of Organizational Behavior Modification
      5. Summary
    5. Review Questions
  12. 7 Understanding Leadership
    1. The Nature of Leadership in Organizations
      1. Trait Approaches
      2. Behavioral Approaches
      3. Situational/Contingency Approaches
      4. Transformational Approaches
      5. Leadership and Culture
    2. General Characteristics of Leadership
    3. Leadership and Management
    4. Delegation
    5. Implications for Managers
      1. Summary
    6. Review Questions
  13. 8 The Managerial Control Process
    1. Establishing Standards
      1. Quantitative Standards
      2. Qualitative Standards
    2. Measuring Actual Results
    3. Taking Appropriate Action: The Essence of Control
    4. Management Control Systems
      1. Budgets
      2. Programs
      3. Schedules
    5. Manufacturing/Operations Control Techniques
      1. Inventory Control: Raw Material; Work-in-process
      2. Quality Control
      3. Inspection-oriented Control
      4. Process-oriented Control
    6. Management by Exception
    7. Behavioral Issues in Control
    8. Implications for Management
    9. Review Questions
  14. 9 Understanding Total Quality Management
    1. Background of Total Quality Management
    2. Major Contributors to Total Quality Management (TQM)
      1. Philip Crosby
      2. Joseph Juran
      3. W. Edwards Deming
    3. Stages of Quality Development
      1. Inspection
      2. Quality Control
      3. Quality Assurance
      4. Total Quality Management
    4. Defining Quality
      1. Design Focus: Conformance
      2. Customer Focus: Beholder Perspective
      3. Comprehensive Focus: Product/Service Characteristics
    5. Quality Measurement
      1. Production
      2. Economics of Quality
      3. Customer
      4. Market/Customer-based
      5. Inspection-oriented Control
      6. Process-oriented Control
      7. Continuous Incremental Improvement
      8. Achievement Recognition
    6. Implications for Managers
    7. Review Questions
  15. 10 Managing in Tomorrow’s Environment
    1. The Manager’s Job
    2. Management Issues: Today and Tomorrow
      1. Managing in Accelerated Global Competition
      2. Managing Technology
      3. Managing Cultural Diversity
      4. Managing Empowerment
      5. Managing Ethics and Social Responsibility
      6. Managing the Environment
    3. Implications for Managers
    4. Review Questions
  16. Bibliography
  17. The First Examination
  18. The Practice Case
  19. The Practice Case Solution
  20. The Examination Case
  21. Selected Readings
  22. Index